Recent content by Bimblecrumbs

  1. B

    When are mounted units most usefull

    Sure ranged mounted units are a given. Not only those though. Mounted units aren't great until you hit Cavalry, but are always ok for taking cities and general harassment. Once you tech Military Science, however, it all changes, and they're very worth building. When I war in the...
  2. B

    Another Question re Barbarians

    They can spawn on any land tile in the fog of war/undiscovered territory, so land that's not being observed by a Civ/CS at any given time. One limitation is that there's a minimum distance between barb camps, but I don't know what it is.
  3. B

    Favorite Unique Unit?

    I'll be a bit controversial and go for a Lancer replacement, the Winged Hussar. The extra strength + shock I give it over 32 combat strength on open terrain, which is close to Cavalry strength and available earlier in the tech tree. It also has +1 movement, so 5 total, and a +33% vs other...
  4. B

    Has anyone tried herding barbarians to AI's

    I can imagine you leading one barb to an AI, but not large groups because you'd likely use your unit. Not your technique, but the same outcome as it gets other civs attacked by barbs: later on in the game when caravans can be built in 1-2 turns, send them through a barb camp near an enemy city...
  5. B

    I have to go early military to deal with barbs?

    Firstly, once you are able to deal with them effectively, barbs are useful for xping units, camp gold, CS quests, limiting AI expansion and the odd free worker. Barbs are beneficial, appreciate them :) The most important thing to do is to explore tiles in the fog of war near your cities...
  6. B

    Micromanaging citizens- worth it?

    In my opinion a player of any level should be locking in the good tiles to make sure a city is working them. The governor is an eejit who can't be trusted, especially for specialists like science ones which are so very important and so under-prioritised by AIs. A step up from that is to set...
  7. B

    I'm confuse with strategic resources

    Yes you need 2 more iron, so 4 total, to build 4 legions. Hopefully you can see more sources of iron nearby. You're welcome :)
  8. B

    I'm confuse with strategic resources

    If I've understood your question correctly, you have 2 iron total in your empire. Not much for Rome unfortunately. Once you improve a tile in Civ V, you do indeed have that resource for the rest of the game. However in your case, the 2 iron your empire is producing is locked into the 2...
  9. B

    The Deity Challenge Line-up #25 - Venice's Fool

    @adcarrymaokai: I'll try to provide a little insight from my game. First screenshot T47. At this point I was building as many archers as possible before the NC. I had 6 before building it, a couple of which had 30xp from barbs. I also started the road to red Zulu at about this point and...
  10. B

    best social policies for domination victory?

    I don't agree that Honour is terrible. The way I see it, it's often worse than Tradition/Liberty, but can be advantageous in the correct circumstances. Unfortunately they're quite specific: - The game must be on Deity difficulty to get enough xp/gold from kills to make it worthwhile. - The...
  11. B

    best social policies for domination victory?

    Continuing where I left off... I like honour for crossbow rushes; when well-promoted and when upgraded they become extremely effective killers. Logistics/range xbows can even deal with rifles if shooting onto the right terrain and with adequate blocker units. The earlier the better for such...
  12. B

    best social policies for domination victory?

    It's impossible to say exactly what the best policies would be 100% of the time, as terrain/AIs/Civs/difficulty etc. vary considerably. That said, I go by the following general rules for a pure Domination victory on deity: Most importantly: - Will I have the happiness? - Will I experience a...
  13. B

    Loosing all battles?

    "Broken UU" means a particular Civ's Unique Unit which is so strong that it's overpowered and unbalanced, making the game significantly easier.
  14. B

    Loosing all battles?

    Don't you mean "Liberty" for fast expand? In my opinion, Japan's UA isn't all that good, and the damage change isn't so significant anyway. If your melee units are damaged, you probably don't want to attack with them, and if you're warring efficiently, most of your ranged units should remain...
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