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Recent content by BrentRitchie

  1. B

    About Civ 4 XML Tutorial Part 4

    Ok, This tutorial will tell how to modify the graphics for your new Civ. Right now it loks like it will be done this weekend, probably this saturday. It's taking a while because I have to experiment with the gimp. Graphics Design is not my major and I am rather poor at it. So please bear with me.
  2. B

    XML Tutorial Part 3

    That was long. Any way I am working on part 4 and hopefully it will be done sometime this week. Part 3 Is far from done completely. I will add things as I try to keep testing the AI. But AI testing is long. It involves playing this game forever and taking detailed notes each and every turn...
  3. B

    XML Tutorial Part 3

    <!-- See above this section is identical to the last --> <ContactDelays> <ContactDelay> <ContactType>CONTACT_RELIGION_PRESSURE</ContactType> <iContactDelay>0</iContactDelay> </ContactDelay> <ContactDelay> <ContactType>CONTACT_CIVIC_PRESSURE</ContactType>...
  4. B

    XML Tutorial Part 3

    Ok, In the last two tutorials we defined a new civilization, and then gave it context through the text info's. Now it's time to take the dive and play with the AI of the governing Leader. I picked John A Macdonald for this because he was canada's first prime minister, and he did the impossible...
  5. B

    Civ 4 XML Tutorial Part 2

    Part three will be up tomorrow.
  6. B

    Civ 4 XML Tutorial Part 2

    Civ 4 XML Tutorial Part 1 Just FYI, I was supposed to have part 3 of my series done for saturday but I'm going home for the weekend. My mom is cooking homemede lasagna, MMMmmmmmm. So I will hove it done early next week instead. Sorry for any inconvience.
  7. B

    Civ 4 XML Tutorial Part 1

    Bumping so it can be moved to the appropriate section.
  8. B


    I second the wiki idea. A centeral repository to wotk from would be so much easier to help figure out what each tag does. That way we don't spend time on tryiing to figure out tags that have already been confirmed. Also new modders will be able to make sense of the mass amount of files fairly...
  9. B


    The Python files are in the \Assets\Python directory most are plain text you can use Notepad on these. others with an extension of .pyc are complied and I believe can be disassemled using the python development toolkit. but if you see the extension .py then you are in the clear. Anyone know...
  10. B

    Canada mod - "work thread"

    What no Brian Mulroney or Bob Rae? No seriously though I have to vote for Sir. John A. Macdonald and Pierre Trudeau. Also I vote for the Canadian Corps. as a UU. I have an idea though, I think a War of 1812 mod would be great. It could start when the british are warned of the massing...
  11. B

    What is the CustomAssets folder for?

    So what your saying is that I have to copy the files I want to modify in there entirety from the original folder? All I want to do is add one civ? I don't see the point of loading every other civ twice? There has to be another way to just add one civ.
  12. B

    modding leaderhead info's

    <ContactDelay> I played with this and if it set to 0 they will contact you each and every turn, As long as you have something of intrest to them. This includes changing your religion or civics.
  13. B

    Mod Only Reads Files the First Time

    I have noticed this to. Civ 4 Hides a cache somewhere, I haven't looked for it et but it has caused me great pains the last few hours. I think it's hidden in your documents folder. If only there was a way to delete it after the game exits.
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