Recent content by Creepy Old Man

  1. C

    Early-game scouting

    Although I know that following coasts is an inefficient way to explore, I just can't stop myself from doing it.
  2. C

    What do I do when I have nothing to do?

    Since you're tech lead, you should have no trouble getting Neuschwanstein when it comes. That makes castles in a wide civ very powerful. Enough that if you've got "nothing better to do", you should definitely be filling in castles in preparation. Also, you don't necessarily need to take out...
  3. C

    avoiding harsh peace terms

    I find this doesn't work. Suppose the AI wants 50 :c5gold:/turn from me for peace. I reduce my GPT to zero or negative, and reenter negotiations. The AI tells me peace is not possible at this time. (Or the AI demands a city).
  4. C

    AI to Annex/Puppet

    Hmm ... I only annex when I am unhappy. Annex, then rush-buy courthouse, colliseum, and theatre - that's a gain of around ten happiness for a typical puppet. I've even been in situations where by annexing a city, my time-to-next-policy decreased. If you take the piety tree, then excess...
  5. C

    gold from hex impossible to use

    Your work boat costs maintenance. When you spend the boat to work the fish, you no longer maintain it, so your GPT goes up.
  6. C

    What would you like to see changed in civ 5?

    I don't need normal clock, but what I need is a timer that tells me how much longer I can keep playing before my girlfriend becomes really upset.
  7. C

    Persian Golden Age Immortal Rush

    I often sell GPT for cash - I frequently use this technique to gain my first worker. You can also sell GPT for cash imediately prior to declaring war on the trading partner, but this is cheeting and I try to avoid it. If you use the GPT for a large enough army, then you might not actually care...
  8. C

    Destroying neighboring CS quests are spammy and useless

    Notice that when you conquer any civ that you've owned before, you don't get the option to burn / annex / puppet / liberate the city. It automatically takes on whatever status it had when you previously owned it. So you can't ever liberate a city-state that you've previously owned.
  9. C

    Suggestion: AI Navy Utilization

    One thing at a time - I'd like to see land halfway competent.
  10. C

    When to build trading posts

    No, no, no. You buy a couple maritime city-states. Then you don't build any farms at all, anywhere.
  11. C

    War weariness

    Some people also look to war weariness as a way to limit pointless wars. Is the game less enjoyable because Catherine has been at war with you for the last 3000 years, sending the occasional random unit, while completely ignoring all your overtures for peace? Sure, this can be explained as...
  12. C

    War weariness

    I do agree that extended peace should allow international trade, which would discourage long wars without making them impractical. There seems to be a strong opinion that additional war-weariness induced happiness penalties would be unpopular. What if war weariness affected some other factor...
  13. C

    I hope they make ships more important.

    It's probably too late to make this switch in CiV, but I think navies should use a mission mechanic similar to the current implementation of aircraft. Ships would be based in a city, and could have missions like explore - reveal some terrain patrol - combat any enemy ship that attempts a...
  14. C

    Negative 15,000 gold

    Askia is sitting at negative 15,382 gold right now. Seven turns ago, he gave me 9,134 in a peace deal, and he's got +78 gold per turn. How does a civ go so negative in such a short time? Is there a bug?
  15. C

    Is it plausible for all civs to have 1 more UU/UB?

    As he said. It's easy to grab a history book and find a name for a new unit. But making it distinct from the existing units, while still balanced, is the challenge. After all, look at how many units there already are that are just variants on warriors.
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