• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Recent content by Ded Moroz

  1. D

    Science as Religion

    A good idea. the only addition to it - i think not only civ, that researched a new advance (rome in above example) should get culture bonus, but also a civ that got a foreign advance (france) should lose culture points. That system could make cultural competition more important aspect of the...
  2. D

    Expansion Pack!

    Has a list of nation in civIV been announced already? I heard so far only about magical number 18 but not about fixed names list. May be I missed something.....
  3. D

    Moods in a sieged city

    hope you are right, aussie. but as you say it would work only IF happiness is connected to health. i'm not speaking about damage. damage from population drop is obvious. i'm only keep being suprized that city gets damage and celebrates it. so in my opinion it would be right that a fact of...
  4. D

    How can the turks doesnt exist in the game??

    Never knew Lenin was a Turk :lol:
  5. D

    How can the turks doesnt exist in the game??

    Would disagree. The current situation on the Middle East was created in the time of the Crusades. Whatever it looks now from the surface point of view, the deeper reasons there still lay within the three-sides religious confrontation in the region. And the Middle East problem is that main knot...
  6. D

    Moods in a sieged city

    One little thing that looks quite bizarre. When you siege an enemy's city and start to bombard it so that the population decreases, the moods in that city begin to alter so that on the next turn you find out that your foes are celebrating a 'i love the president' day. Very silly of them. I...
  7. D

    Of Mongols and Slavs

    I don't mind if there would be civs called "latins" or "South American indians" or "Native Africans" or "Arabs" or "Normans". I guess few people imagine just only Russians when they play Russian civ. Instead they use city names such as Minsk, Kiev, Riga, Tbilisi and consider that natural because...
  8. D

    Of Mongols and Slavs

    As far as I know Bohemians were a Germanic tribe, who merged with Slavic tribe of Moravians into Bohemian kingdom and later assimilated into them. Mutual assismilation of tribes was a normal process and what matters is the final result - whom they became - and not whom they originally were.
  9. D

    Two Civ based Units

    Good idea, I like it
  10. D

    Of Mongols and Slavs

    If we lack european civ's in the game - then yes, let's include some more: Vikings, Dutch and may be after them Poland. But right now the situation is opposite. It obviosly looks like Europe is overrepresented in 18 civs list. So Slavs seem to me good idea as a single civ representing all...
  11. D

    Italian P26/40/75 WWII Tank 08-08-05

    Amazing flying turret! Thank you
  12. D

    Of Mongols and Slavs

    Slavs settled on the current russian european territory at least in VIIth century AD and ruled this territory. What do you call 'late' then. In IXth century they called for viking konung Rurik to come and be their knyaz in order to settle collisions between different tribes. Rurik is considered...
  13. D

    Of Mongols and Slavs

    There is still much unclear about ancient Mongols. Who they were? What we know about them is full of contradictions. Some sources say that ethnically and linguistically they were mongoloids and originally lived in close ties with Chinese. But that does not explain why their chieftains long...
  14. D

    Choices of Civ leaders

    Gorbachev for Russia? No!!! How can a leader who invoked the empire to fall apart be called a great leader (regardless of any political or ideological judgements)? Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great. I personally would prefer to see there Ryurik or Svyatoslav, but they sure loose from...
  15. D

    Ressources shoudl be Era-specific

    I think this is just opposite to what happens in real life. When resourses become more common, they do not become obsolete. Who can imagine bulding tank or battleship without iron? I suggest instead resourses should gradually become more and more available. How it can be done? If, say, a civ...
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