Recent content by demidyad

  1. demidyad

    What am I missing with building canals?

    Could somebody please explain why I can't build the Panama Canal here?
  2. demidyad

    Jon Shafer's At The Gates has been released
  3. demidyad

    At The Gates getting Steam release on Jan 23

    Its original release date was in 2014.
  4. demidyad

    At The Gates getting Steam release on Jan 23
  5. demidyad

    [R&F] Modding Loyalty

    any update on this? did the patch make it easier?
  6. demidyad

    Huge map with 15+ civs

    I always play on the largest map size, fully packed (20 civs and 24 city states) and have no trouble at all winning on Emperor - haven't tried a higher difficulty yet. I've played this way (overcrowded maps) since Civ 4 and wouldn't have it any other way... the early-mid game feels boring and...
  7. demidyad

    [R&F] Modding Loyalty

    Hopefully the next patch will make this a bit easier as they are adding the possibility for religion to affect loyalty.
  8. demidyad

    Detailed Worlds

    Hi Seven05, just wanted to thank you for this map script as I played my last game on Mixed Continents and had a lot of fun, its remarkable how much the enjoyment of civ is derived from the underlying map. It reminded me a lot of playing on PerfectWorld in Civ4. I hadn't realised just how blobby...
  9. demidyad

    Civ6 Gender Biased?

    The 'wargame vs. builder dove' debate is as old as the Civ series itself, it has nothing to do with gender. The End.
  10. demidyad

    Next patch anticipation thread

    They can quite easily play an older build, with the Aussie scenario added.
  11. demidyad

    in CIV 6 AI Turn speed performance very slow

    Which has the bigger effect on turn times - map size, or number of AIs? As in, which would have longer turn times - 10 civs on a standard map or 6 civs on a huge map? (Just an example)
  12. demidyad

    Next patch anticipation thread

    So don't pay it :) Take up checkers or knitting instead maybe. Meanwhile, I am happy to pay a day's wages for several years' worth of several dozen developers' time.
  13. demidyad

    Compendium of Fake Tech and Wonder Quotes

    It also seems to run totally counter to something Lao Tzu would actually say. His philosophy would be something more like, "Whether or not you think you decided to change direction, you will end up where you were heading all along". ... Okay, that was a pretty embarrassing attempt by me to come...
  14. demidyad

    Compendium of Fake Tech and Wonder Quotes

    Honestly feel a kind of second-hand embarrassment for Sean Bean with some of the quotes. He must have been gritting his teeth through some of them. I think it's all but proven that they really did just get some intern to google "cartography quotes" "mining quotes" "mount kilimanjaro quotes" the...
  15. demidyad

    the game lacks story and dynamism

    If they hate a civ (have negative modifiers) they are more likely to attack that civ... so for example, the vikings are more likely to attack civs with weak navies. Or as Ragnar in Civ 4 would say.... have they got a lot of unprotected coastal cities, or what? :D It makes sense when you think of...
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