Recent content by demoniz

  1. D

    Help with my Game!

    Hi all, I was looking for some advice and help with my game (Lizzy, Epic speed, Large map). I have attached a save to a point where I was going to select my ideology. I play immortal (rarely finish games), large map on epic speed. I usually do ok tech wise (compared to AI), and...
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    Laptop Spec

    Hi guys, I am from UK so can't wait to buy + play the game tomorrow!! I have just got a new laptop so was hoping some tech savvy people on here would be able to advise me how well the game will run on it! I have seen some really gorgeous graphics so wondering how it will run on my machine...
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    Attacko's Babylonian Maneuver

    Hi Troy, Another well reasoned article - is it optimal to try and integrate Attacko's numerous and superior tactics in one game? i.e. using the catastrophy therom in conjuction with the "spy flood" & "buddhist typhoon" as Babylonia when launching waves of cover promoted bowmen onto border...
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    Attacko's Strategy Guide

    i have never considered the subconcious of game designers in my tactics but am now worrying that i am overlooking exploitable parts of the game that could improve my play. Troytheface, have you any Attacko reference to colour schemes, buliding types, wonders or religions that should be noted...
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    Attacko's Strategy Guide

    Fantastic write up Troy, please pass my thanks onto Attacko, he has heped me up my game no end. The strategies and tactics you describe so eloquently are obviously the product of a higher level of thinking, and as such, it is no surprise that some of the less intellectually gifted on this...
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    Looking for advice

    Hi all, Please find attached a save of a recent Immortal game - please can i have views & advice as i am trying to get better but it is a bi hit & miss. Reading some U-Sun, ABigCivFan, Snaaty etc. has inspired me!! Thanks in advance guys
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    Research at the expense of production?

    Hi everyone, I play BTS avidly, and (with a bit of luck!) can beat Emperor and sometimes even Immortal. However, unless I rush early with Prats or Immortal etc. I rarely crush the games, and even when I develop a huge empire, cannot keep up with techs or military as some AI's. I am looking...
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    Hot key Mods

    Hi guys, Im sorry if I come across clueless but I've got a problem with my BTS. When I go to the civic screen, I cannot change civics, there is no option for "revolution" and only a cancel button at the bottom. Is there some way I can create a "hot key" so that I can change civics that way...
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    BTS - Problem with Civics

    Hi everyone, first time poster- long tim civ addict!! I have recently bough BTS from amazon and there is a problem with the civics screen. When I click on the "ring" in the top right hand side to give me the options of what I can change to, I've only got the cancel button, so I can only...
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