Recent content by eris

  1. eris

    Monitor for Civilization

    I think the game looks fine with the present UI and my 2560x1440 screen. The frame rate is irrelevant on an IPS screen for this game. It really only matters for faster shooter type games. The same is true for Gsync/Freesync. The graphics in Civ are not the kind that create the issues that...
  2. eris

    Civ 6 Multicore performance

    If rendering is already the bottleneck, then the indication is that the AI is finished with its deliberations and waiting around for the graphics to catch up. To me, this implies that there is no "give the AI more time and it will get smarter" effect to take advantage of. The algorithms and...
  3. eris

    Scarcity. Love.

    Love is truly a scarcity. I looked all over the map and couldn't find it anywhere! I think the developers are sending us some hidden depressing message. I have just gotten the game and am still learning. The scarcity of resources is indeed very different and has the potential to greatly affect...
  4. eris

    The 2 gig wall from 32 bit games & Civ 6

    64 bit addressing is what you need for unreasonably large datasets, like an insane level map in GalCiv III. I don't think Civ VI looks like that amount of spaces and units and information. So, it is much more likely to want multi-thread for parallel processing of core functions and AI players...
  5. eris

    Galleys to Galleasses?

    I am realizing how true this is in my current game where I did over-build said pikes. :)
  6. eris

    I want your opinion on something

    Is putting troops on your border an offensive tactic? It depends on who you are dealing with. If it is me, then yes, that is an offensive move and I intend to do something with those troops sooner or later, probably sooner. If it is someone next to my build up, then, no, it is a defensive...
  7. eris

    How essential is the Parthenon to tourism victory?

    All the math I have seen has indicated it is not worth it for early game hammers against one Great Work and one Great Work slot. You won't like it that someone else has that two Tourism per turn against you, but it won't cost you the game by itself. As just mentioned, Cathedrals can hold a lot...
  8. eris

    moving art from razed city

    That didn't work for me for some reason. However, I noticed that if I raze a city and it takes more than 1 turn to burn it to the ground, then the city is there in the standard tourism display. I moved the art work out and it worked just fine. A special division of soldiers looting art before...
  9. eris

    Is there any reason not to burn Great Writers if not going for culture victory?

    It depends on the amount of culture those early GWs will generate if you bulb them. I like to compare that to the culture cost of the next policy. If you are lucky enough or skilled enough to get the GW late in a Golden Age, then by my understanding of the mechanics, you get a lot more culture...
  10. eris

    AI is definitely programmed to build wonders 1 or 2 turns before the player.

    Actually, Firaxis doesn't program the game to connive against the human player. They program it to connive against certain individual human players. In fact, it's just you. If you want to be unjustifiably paranoid, be unjustifiably paranoid.
  11. eris

    Cultural victory advice

    You have to be careful about using military to support a CV. Taking out cities late in the game does not erase the accumulated culture. If your problem is that you are having troubles making your tourism beat their culture, military conquest won't help that much. However, I do find it helpful...
  12. eris

    Circle around item in production and current research

    If I understand your description, I have gotten that when chopping forests for hammers. The production rate prediction doesn't know about the hammers that are coming.
  13. eris

    I want to loot Great works before liberating a city!

    Very nice. I will remember that one. Thanks!
  14. eris

    January 2015 Playstyle Survey

    Entered my data and then looked at the other results. Interesting. Thanks.
  15. eris

    Great Musicians and their tour management

    You're right. ;) Therefore, I run it all game long and never look. After the end game dialogue I use "one more turn" and open up InfoAddict. I do love the pretty graphs.
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