Recent content by Fishheads

  1. F

    The DARK Side.

    <obi wan> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </obi wan> *ignights lightsaber* *charges cornmaster* out of my way paper clip ! *cuts the paperclip in half with lightsaber and keeps charging at corn*
  2. F


    water cooling 0wns you :_D
  3. F

    I wanna chat with you, serious

    sure.. humm i gotta reinstall it
  4. F

    new imac

    the new imac looks preatty sweet i have to say but is it me.. or does it look like a turtle pen? hehehehe here's the apple crew putting one together
  5. F

    Buying CD

    why don't you want to take out your existing cd rom? what else is in your computer?
  6. F

    portable MP3

    1 meg ussualy means 1 minute
  7. F

    portable MP3

    if they hold a lot of memory.. there great
  8. F


    what kinda computer and client or server software is installed?
  9. F

    A couple questions about Linux

    uhhh .. yeah.. it's had one for quiet some time
  10. F

    My Computer

    oh i have nothing aginst linux.. i love stable systems.. only like very few programs are writen for it :_( actually i've sorta delt with unix... free unix routers... if you want to make a router and have a old 386 kicking around you can make a really good router.... your right though...
  11. F

    My Computer

    argh that linux rumor is still going around ! i haven't even touched linux! i like my windows like i like my woman!! Square ! :_D
  12. F

    Hard drive question - please help

    where are you running scandisk? in windows or in the dos blue screen scandisk thingy
  13. F

    Programme X is not a valid win32 programme

    what's on the cd?
  14. F

    Port 1214 restricttion

    has nothing to do with stealing music .. but more killing the campuses bandwith with everyone downloading p0rn off kazaa :_P
  15. F

    Port 1214 restricttion

    not really.. however... programs like icq, yahoo, msn, mirc, and such have ranges of ports they can use... i dunno if the same applys to Morpheus and Kazaa and i'm to lazy to check.. you can't pick a different port to go though cuzz only the server operates on those cirten ports.. as for...
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