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Recent content by friskymike

  1. friskymike

    Mixed Feeling about the 9/11 Incident after Iraq War

    Including torture? Incarceration without trial? Espionage without oversight? You know what sort of society you are describing right? Are you THAT scared? Doesn't sound like the constitutional democracy that faced down the British Empire, Japanese Empire and thousands of Soviet Nukes to me...
  2. friskymike

    Why do people wish to censor/remove the 9/11 docudrama?

    Bet this little snippet doesn't get a mention on the conservative-supported docudrama "Path to 9/11" (courtesy of Billmon)
  3. friskymike

    Post the nerdiest/geekiest/dorkiest things you have ever done!

    I took my super-electric wok on a plane to visit a girl for a weekend so I could use it to cook stir-fry's and curry's for her... I'd count that as dorky rather than nerdy... and it worked btw :D
  4. friskymike

    Danger Mouse and Banksy Burn Paris

    ...I do. When I was in Manchester I used to walk past a stencil of his showing a policeman-revolutionary to and from work everyday, was very cool, wish I had a photo now...
  5. friskymike

    US Oil Reserves Could Grow by 50%

    Perhaps you should find out? ...nah actually don't bother, just keep believing what you want to believe, there is no cliff ahead and the brakes work fine, honestly you'll be happier that way :sad:
  6. friskymike

    Danger Mouse and Banksy Burn Paris

    I would have thought so, or else http://www.whitehouse.org/ would have have been shut down long ago... Respect to the VRWC, admitting error takes guts in forums!
  7. friskymike

    US Oil Reserves Could Grow by 50%

    Get off the crack.
  8. friskymike

    Drug prohibition is useless

    Hello JH... I'm back... for a while. I can say though that I fully agree with you for a change! :D
  9. friskymike

    US Oil Reserves Could Grow by 50%

    More... quote from http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fi-oil6sep06,1,3018428.story?coll=la-headlines-world&ctrack=1&cset=true
  10. friskymike

    What should i look for when talking to a girl to see if she likes me?

    I always look for wet panties, its a sure sign.
  11. friskymike

    US Oil Reserves Could Grow by 50%

    Oil companies *always* inflate the possible size of new discoveries, to help their share price, but in reality its probably a P10 figue ie. the actual chance of that discovery being that size is actually 10% or less. Similar thing happened in Mexico a few months ago, inflated reserve size after...
  12. friskymike

    Danger Mouse and Banksy Burn Paris

    He didn't steal anything - watch the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KvpU3q--oQ He bought one CD, scanned the cover and then proceeded to manufacture 500 new modified CDs which he smuggled into the stores. Putting stuff onto a store shelf is a lot easier than stealing stuff! The man is a...
  13. friskymike

    FM01 Team Barbarian OCC (Prince)

    Hi guys, just checking in. Last day at work for 2 1/2 weeks :cool: Am pestering my new work that I'll need a high spec laptop :mischief:
  14. friskymike

    FM01 Team Barbarian OCC (Prince)

    Ahhh crap. I am leaving my current job and civ enabled laptop, moving house and then traveling Europe for a couple of weeks before starting my new job. Hopefully my new laptop will be civ capable, I'll let you know... but I have to take a break for 3 weeks at least (till end June basically)...
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