Recent content by gareththegeek

  1. G

    Beating Deity: A Peaceful Cultural Victory

    I disagree. From my experience if you are playing a peaceful game then as the game progresses usually the AIs tend to all declare friendship with each other and systematically victimise one player at a time. It find if you can get on the bandwagon and denounce whoever they have chosen to...
  2. G

    Beating Deity: A Peaceful Cultural Victory

    Me too, usually I like to play games with a lot of random settings and just make do whether I like my start or not - the fun is in adapting to change and adversity rather than playing the perfect game. When I am testing out a new strategy though I like to use save/reloads to make sure that I...
  3. G

    ICS - How To

    I'm not an expert but I'd say something like warrior/scout > worker > settler > settler > settler to start (rex, rex, rex) (Could always steal a worker from a CS if your conscience allows; in which case more warriors perhaps) Maybe open Liberty for settler production bonus. Research...
  4. G

    Beating Deity: A Peaceful Cultural Victory

    I had a go with this strategy yesterday, I found it difficult to pull of SH unless I got a fairly production heavy (plainsy) spot. I also find I need a fair amount of luck to make the start work. My best attempt I managed to get to turn 100 but I accidentally received Steel from a RA so I...
  5. G

    How to Play as China?

    Although if a Chinese GG is nearby it'll make them 20% stronger than if a normal general was nearby 10+20%=12 ;)
  6. G

    National College First Question

    So perhaps its better to do this which will make the capital grow more slowly but build faster and instead use the money you have raised to ally with a maritime. Then the extra food and tradition will allow the capital to grow quickly AND be productive so that you can get NC out quick and start...
  7. G

    National College First Question

    Taking some of the advice posted here I managed to rush buy the library and get the NC faster. I've learned a lot from this thread about ways to optimise things in those first critical turns, thanks! :goodjob: I found that in my particular game, rush buying the library (even though I had to...
  8. G

    National College First Question

    @Deussu: Good tip about selling open borders, forgot about that, thanks. @swordspider: It wasn't really my intention in this post to discuss the merits/drawbacks of this strategy vs others. However I played a game both the NC way and the REX way and found that by turn 100 I had a weaker...
  9. G

    National College First Question

    I tried out building the National College before settlers for the first time yesterday and some questions arise :) I have read that you can get the NC by turn 40-55 but I find it is not possible to get it that quickly; more like turn 65. I have also read that people rush buy the Library...
  10. G

    Beating Deity: A Peaceful Cultural Victory

    Excellent thread, thanks for posting! Some interesting ideas there, I'll definitely be trying this out the next time I get around to playing :) My last cultural attempt I lost on Immortal to an Arab diplomatic victory :mad:
  11. G

    Great Starting Position

    Its hard to say from the initial starting position since you can't tell if there are maritime cses nearby. If you can get the maritime food bonus then hills are more powerful for example. Can't go wrong with plenty of plains river tiles though :D
  12. G

    Civ Ideas & Suggestions Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread

    I find this floccinaucinihilipilification confusing, who is it that decides an idea is not worth its own thread and how is its worth assessed?
  13. G

    No Coal?

    I have only had coal once out of about ten games I've played, usually all the coal is concentrated on the opposite side of the world to me :mad: coal does seem to be rare but I have never seen a game with NO coal :eek: I have NEVER had a source of aluminium but then the game's over by the...
  14. G

    Optimal Farming

    Its not; I actually had a game where I got fertilizer first so my farms were less effective if they were near a river :lol: crazy
  15. G

    Linux and Civ V

    Well, I think we are talking at cross purposes. I am not trying to claim that Windows is better than Linux, far from it. But you would have to agree that Linux is not there ATM (whether or not it will be in the future). When I last set up my Xubuntu install it took me a few weeks to get...
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