Recent content by Gregorios

  1. G

    Spitballing Ideas for a Hypothetical 4X Game of My Own Design

    As a player of multiple 4X/HGS (historical grand strategy games), I often find myself brainstorming/daydreaming about the features and/or mechanics I'd put into a game if I were in charge of developing one. I call it "Rise to Power." Some of it involves mixing and matching aspects of multiple...
  2. G

    My Take on "Immersive Empire Names"

    Ah! Now I feel a bit short-sighted! You'd think someone with my background would've thought of that! I have a PhD in linguistics, a BA in Spanish (a gendered language) with a minor in software engineering, and at least a working knowledge of several other foreign languages, all of which have...
  3. G

    My Take on "Immersive Empire Names"

    I left a rather lengthy comment on a recent JumboPixel video about the upcoming update, which will supposedly include a mechanic for consistent, era-crossing empire identifiers. I thought it might be worth sharing here to get others' thoughts on how I've come to think of the whole...
  4. G

    If orders are the most precious resource...

    As a relative novice who only just won his first game (Double Victory at turn 91 as Babylonia) a couple days ago, I'd be more interested in tips on generating more orders per turn myself. I think Legitimacy is the main factor, but I struggle to reach and maintain 30 or 40 orders per turn, while...
  5. G

    Avoiding the Meat Grinder

    Any tips for swarms of missile units? I'm still a novice at this game, so maybe I just need to get better at it, but from where I'm standing right now at least, missile units seem a bit overpowered. I swear, I've fought armies that were, like, 90% ranged troops, The enemy approaches with...
  6. G

    I Was on a Winning Streak, Then the AI Started Hustling Me!

    Yes, there is a New World in my current game, and it was even less inhabited than it usually is. It was a while before any Independents showed up there, and I got credit for the World Deed of setting foot on an uninhabited continent for the first time. I've now covered the entire continent in...
  7. G

    I Was on a Winning Streak, Then the AI Started Hustling Me!

    Well, I seem to have gotten at least some of my HK mojo back, and what seems to make the difference. It's no guarantee, but the trend seems to be that I fare much better if I play as the Olmecs in Ancient. It may also be important for me to pick up Wattle and Daub in Neolithic to compensate...
  8. G

    I Was on a Winning Streak, Then the AI Started Hustling Me!

    I'm not sure what, if anything changed, but shortly after winning enough games handily, I'm suddenly finding it much harder to find that same mojo. I've been playing Metropolis difficulty on a Huge map at Endless speed (because even that barely seems to leave me with a satisfactory span of time...
  9. G

    Maybe my biggest gripe about the game is...

    I'm mixed on the whole culture-changing mechanic. On the one hand, I can see how a civilization's identity shifting over time is more true to how actual human history works on a grand scale. On the other hand, the identity shifts often seem too abrupt, arbitrary, and tied to era transitions...
  10. G

    Civ 7 Wishlist

    I have several ideas, but here are a few of the more fundamental and least esoteric ones. 1) Some general manifestation of the fact that cultural boundaries and political boundaries are often two very different things. My post on centralization explores one possible way to achieve this. 2)...
  11. G

    Language as Its Own Game Concept/Mechanism

    Maybe it's just because I'm a trained linguist and all-around language nerd, but I've long fantasized about a Civ game that makes Language its own game concept, separate from but likely interacting in key ways with Culture. Maybe the player can watch his Civ's native tongue progress through...
  12. G

    Suggest your own world wonders, natural wonders and city-states

    This is probably a pipe dream, due to likely copyright and licensing issues, but I've long wanted to see Walt Disney World added as a Wonder, maybe with Mass Media as its prerequisite and its main benefit being a generous boost to both Amenities and Tourism.
  13. G

    Centralization: A Suggested Concept for Civ 7

    A common trend throughout history seems to be the waxing and waning of centralized power as opposed to more local authority. We can juxtapose modern Greece with the rabble of culturally related but politically independent city-states it was in ancient times, with the Delian League perhaps...
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