Recent content by GSWG

  1. GSWG

    MOAR Units Mod

    When creating a T-34 tank, the game hangs (version, is there a solution to the problem ?!
  2. GSWG

    JFD and Janboruta's Civilizations

    Everything is fine, translate into Russian all the created civilizations possible ?!
  3. GSWG

    Community Patch - How To Install

    That's right, I thought at the forum who understands in Russian ...
  4. GSWG

    Community Patch - How To Install

    Не подскажите, поддержка Русского языка в Community Patch Project...
  5. GSWG

    Enhanced User Interface

    Подскажите куда вставить код, чтоб отображалас&#1100...
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