Recent content by Gundus

  1. Gundus

    How was playing civilization on 1991?

    Some friend showed it to me in 1995 when I did military service. I didnt understand much even though he tried to explain several important details. So after a couple of test plays I set it aside and went to play Transport Tycoon and MarioKart instead. Fortunately I carried it home with me on a...
  2. Gundus

    Civ 1 - Thirty years and still going strong

    A timely question! What do the people want? Playthroughs on YouTube? Rewriting Rome on 640k a day? Teaching a new generation how to play Civ1? A Terraform competition?
  3. Gundus

    Most underrated CIV 1 unit?

    I wonder which unit you think is seriously undervalued in CIV 1. People seem to have very fixed opinions on whats useful and whats rubbish, but maybe they undervalue something or at least that theres a rubbish unit which can be very useful for some specific purpose. As an opening bid I'll...
  4. Gundus

    Best/worst historical leaders

    So as you know, at the end of your game your performance is ranked among other historical figures but I wonder if you have any big disagreements about the rankings in the list itself. Here's the list from best to worst, which one is the most overrated and underrated of the bunch? Solomon the...
  5. Gundus

    The tools of the trade

    A simple one: think twice before stacking units (putting them on the same square). Five chariots in one square has no more defensive power than a single one, and you risk losing them all at once (unless they are inside a city or a fortress). But sometimes it makes sense to stack: using a cannon...
  6. Gundus

    webciv - a civ for a browser

    Very nice graphics. Modern games tend to clutter everything into one picture and I like this clean style better. Less is more!
  7. Gundus

    What's your latest mistake?

    Spread my forces out too much and lost an important war against Russia. This is a general weakness in my game, I try to do everything at once instead of concentrating my army and quickly overpowering one enemy at a time.
  8. Gundus

    Civilization I - do you still...

    Of course a Battleship can lose to a Militia. It becomes over-eager trying to get him and then runs aground in shallow waters. The bigger they are, the harder they fall...
  9. Gundus

    The tools of the trade

    Hard to wage war and run a good government type at the same time? Try building a Shakespeare's Theatre Wonder (requires Medicine) in your most productive city. All its citizens will remain content no matter what so start making an army of military units in this city and/or import good military...
  10. Gundus

    The tools of the trade

    When a city has reached its natural size and it's above Size 10 I usually sell off the Aqueduct. You will earn 120 gold and save maintenance cost.
  11. Gundus

    What's your latest mistake?

    Mine was thinking that Battleships ignore the City Walls of a city, it's only Bombers that do this. Cost me three Battleships against one fortified Peking Rifleman and lost all initiative in the Russian-Chinese War on the enemy continent.
  12. Gundus

    What's your latest mistake?

    From the inaccuries to the giant howlers; what was your latest mistake in Civ1?
  13. Gundus

    The tools of the trade

    Another one: buying units that can move is a lot more expensive than buying structures. But you can trick the algorithm. Example: I've started building something and want a cannon which takes 40 shields. Buying it is expensive so you change production to temple or barracks (also 40 shields)...
  14. Gundus

    Nostalgia question

    Me, I came across it in 1995 during my twelve-month mandatory military service. We led a peaceful life at the sleepy navy base in northern Norway so there was plenty of spare time for games. I remember being introduced to Doom (the original first-person-shooter game), Civilization 1 and...
  15. Gundus

    The tools of the trade

    Thought I'd start a thread containing all kinds of clever little ways you can improve your game in Civ1. Please contribute, things that seem obvious to you might be very helpful to know for others. First tip: if you have a parlay (diplomatic meeting with another civ) coming up and you expect...
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