Recent content by jhakhohbhy

  1. J

    Please help me, so disappointed already :'(

    thank you very much sir, I will try to check it out for myself :) but now I dont know who to believe, I hope some technician out there help me how to upgrade my :):):):) pc, oooopps sory for the word hehe
  2. J

    Please help me, so disappointed already :'(

    ok ty candle, have to convince my mom now to buy a new pc
  3. J

    Hello guys, guide for 1.01 patch

    yeah i know that, but im asking something like sullas guide, with pictures and stuff, and a complete guide to finish one game, because i wanna teach my brothers to but we are having a hard time
  4. J

    Please help me, so disappointed already :'(

    grrrrr just bought a 24 inch lcd monitor for my pc, i waste such money thinking I could still upgrade my pc, ty candle now I know there is no chance of upgrading my pc anymore, but I guess no one would buy my pc.... what will I do, hayssss.. :'(
  5. J

    Hello guys, guide for 1.01 patch

    can someone give me link about walkthrough of colonozation, I want something like Sullas guide in civilazion 4, has anyone made something like that already?
  6. J

    Please help me, so disappointed already :'(

    I installed col in my new Dell Laptop and it works perfectly fine, its my video card I guess, I played with it already and find out that civ 1V is far more superior that col, much much better than col, so I guess I have to play Civ 4 much often then its latest expansions.
  7. J

    Please help me, so disappointed already :'(

    ow thank you very much sir, now I have to spend to play col LOL
  8. J

    Please help me, so disappointed already :'(

    ok ty TC01, sorry im just so desperate to play col, can you please suggest a good video card that will work along my current pc?
  9. J

    Please help me, so disappointed already :'(

    28 views no reply's, so sad
  10. J

    Please help me, so disappointed already :'(

    and btw, there are tons of players who experience this and try to google it and you will find so many of us in the web and yet no one can solve it, they all blame it on the videocard, is there another way to fix this? can firaxis find a way to fix this :confused:? I know they knew about this...
  11. J

    Please help me, so disappointed already :'(

    Still cant solve the issue of black water and white terrain, upgraded all drivers already, my video card althoug old can still play with warcraft, soldier front, battlefield etc, but why I cant play normally in this game, In civilization IV everything was normal, but just cant play here...
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