Recent content by JiimBV

  1. JiimBV

    Bug Reports and Technical Issues

    The problem where the event log is filled with "BugOptions - failed writing INI file" over and over again. I think I fixed it - I had to enable write privileges specifically for the Autolog.ini file. For whatever reason, when I try to do that for a folder and all contained folders/files, it...
  2. JiimBV

    Bug Reports and Technical Issues

    I'm having the same problem as Flash59, and every time I disable "read-only", it just resets itself to be read-only immediately afterwards. I'm on Windows 8.1. I've tried googling the issue and can't find a solution that works. Anyone know a fix? Or is there any way to disable BugOptions or the...
  3. JiimBV

    Favourite civ game

    Inca Mali
  4. JiimBV

    Possibly Bugged Production?

    Hey all, so I just started playing Civ 5 recently (Gods and Kings) and in my second game I conquered my first cities in Civ 5, two cities from the French, Thebes and Troyes. I annexed both of them, waited for resistance to end and built courthouses. Now that the courthouse is built in Troyes I...
  5. JiimBV

    Current v1.13 Development Discussion

    Hey Leoreth, I'm using Windows 8 so I can't SVN update directly to the mod folder, instead I have to update to a desktop folder and then copy paste everything over. Is it necessary to copy over the invisible ".svn" folder, or can I skip this and just copy the visible folders? The .svn folder...
  6. JiimBV

    Favourite civ game

    Slightly less lonely vote for Khmer
  7. JiimBV

    Favourite civ game

  8. JiimBV

    Favourite civ game

  9. JiimBV

    Favourite civ game

  10. JiimBV

    South Asia Discussion

    I made some changes to India and Southeast Asia through Worldbuilder, and I'd like to share them and why I think they could contribute to a more successfully diverse game. Note that spawns and cores are shown on the map by the top left and bottom right of their rectangular shape. In the case...
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