Recent content by jmas

  1. J

    Where's my cover bonus?

    It is stronger; I just wanted to point out that all modifiers are applied to defenders, not to attackers, except for Combat promos on attackers. So in your example, City Raider III is -30% modifier to the defenders, while Cover or Shock would also affect defenders (of the relevant type) by -25%...
  2. J

    [BTS] New Isolated Immortal Shadow Game With Zara + Confusing Start

    I appreciate this thread. Unfortunately I started a game yesterday that was relevant. With Asoka/India, I had (Edit) Clams but no Fish. I know that Crab+Clam are not valued as highly on this forum as Fish, so I opted to go Agri --> AH planning to build a farm to the south of the city, on a tile...
  3. J

    [BTS] SGOTM 27 interest.

    It said this was an all levels skill player game though... :hide:
  4. J

    [BTS] SGOTM 27 interest.

    I've read your posts about the Great Wall and I have been building it. I do love me some math though.
  5. J

    Unit obsoleteness: which units I have to prebuild in advance?

    @Fippy By "3mp" do you mean "3 Medic promotions" or 3 movement points (i.e. Morale)?
  6. J

    [BTS] SGOTM 27 interest.

    I'm interested.
  7. J

    Civ IV source code?

    > mining resource pops This might be the best place to mention what happened in my most recent game. I already had one gold, but another one popped for me (in the same city BFC) and just needed roaded. Later in the game I popped Silver in another city (on a plains hill, no less) and Gems in a...
  8. J

    What are your Civilization IV unpopular opinions?

    I appreciate your share Adam. A bit different, but I was thinking the other day that I would like Civ4 to be less visually jerky. I just played a military game, though I like other playstyles too and I wish the alternatives in Civ4 were not quite as grindy as the base game Culture and Space. I...
  9. J

    Always War

    I am curious, what combinations do you enjoy / find interesting?
  10. J

    King Younk's Questions thread

    @krikav, Hard to read some of the yellow text but it looks like one treb was at 18/20? Wow! And what promo(s) did it have besides CR1-3?
  11. J

    (AI Cities) Have you seen anything more perverse?

    "The Barbarians are first to discover Liberalism!"
  12. J

    Sailing / Exploration / Trade Routes

    Up to +150% I believe, but I think it starts at 0 or 5% and goes up 5% per turn of peace till hitting the max.
  13. J

    Temple of Artemis viable?

  14. J

    Always peace?

    My curiosity is piqued. I have not played Always War, but my understanding is that for the AP victory, and I thought for the UN as well, you can't get it if you have all the votes to elect yourself. If that is the case, how do you get votes from another civ in order to win? I am assuming that...
  15. J

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    Thank you. I think it is BUG without BULL after all. The chop stop option is greyed out like s.bernbaum said, and in the hover text it says it requires BULL. I think I have unit specific art, but not sure. I didn't have much success searching on Google for side by side comparisons. I know for...
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