Recent content by LawLessOne

  1. L

    Are jungles now a good thing?

    I stack workers on Jungle to remove it even faster. The sooner you can build those cottages the sooner your city can become of value to your empire.
  2. L

    I just won my first Prince game

    My biggest problem on Prince and above is with Barbarians. I move out from my cities with Axemen/Swordsmen/Macemen and take a defensive position on forested hills if possible or forests otherwise. On Noble and below the barbs would always attack my defensive units, wasting their strength on...
  3. L

    Cities: Specialized vs. Well rounded

    The concept of 'production' cities always producing units and never anything else has got me in trouble before. Maybe I have too many production cities but they are really easy for me to make. Switching them to producing wealth is easier than switching them to a different kind of specialty...
  4. L

    Cities: Specialized vs. Well rounded

    I think that if you have to go to war to knock the AI down, that is a lose/lose situation. The few times I have won on the Prince lvl I have done it by out producing the AI. War can definately give you great overall benefits but it can also be a major drain on your economy. To declare war on...
  5. L

    Fishing Village

    OK. I get you. I will give it a shot.
  6. L

    Fishing Village

    If there isnt any other place to put a city then sure. The extra science may be worth the extra maintenance cost. There are also strategic considerations. You might want a city there because it is in a good defensive position or just to keep anyone else from getting it. All of these are...
  7. L

    Fishing Village

    I disagree. One of the most difficult parts of Civ4 is the financial. A city that doesnt 'pull' its own is a 'drag' on the rest of the empire. If you get too many such cities your empire will 'crash and burn'.
  8. L

    religion spread, is there a maximum?

    I dont think so because I rarely have a problem with a city which has only one religion. Even if it is the holy city for another religion with a temple and the special building for that religion.
  9. L

    Fishing Village

    Not necessarily. Look at it this way, you can have a max of 20 tiles. Without being finiacial that is 40 commerce. At a research rate of 90% that is 4 gold. Maintenance costs can easily exceed that figure even with a courthouse cutting it in half. I realize that is a 'worst case'. I...
  10. L

    Fishing Village

    How far is this island from your capital? Maintenance costs can outweight your potential gains from founding a far-flung city. You wouldnt want to build the Forbidden Palace here just to make this turn a profit.
  11. L

    Mechanics: Commerce, Science, Research

    One point that may have you confused is that you dont have a 'Tax Rate' slider. Just Research and Culture and Culture is not available until you research the appropriate tech. When you set your Research and Culture what is left (out of 100%) is your 'Tax Rate'.
  12. L

    Mechanics: Commerce, Science, Research

    Commerce from tiles = 50 Commerce from trade routes = 4 From shrine = 0 From specialists = 6 Total commerce = 60 I believe what you get from specialists is Gold, not commerce. Therefore your base is 54 commerce not 60. The +50% commerce from Bureaucray applies to all commerce...
  13. L

    religion spread, is there a maximum?

    I have found this too. I dont know the percentage chance but have had missionary after missionary fail to spread the 3rd or 4th religion.
  14. L

    religion spread, is there a maximum?

    May be not impossible to found all religions but devilishly hard. I can either get Buddhism or Hinduism but the only time I can get both is when I get one from a hut and was already working on the other. Even as the Indians (starting tech Mysticism) there just isnt enough time to research...
  15. L

    Optimum number of workers?

    The real waste is having your workers run back and fourth between your cities trying to stay ahead of the population growth. Every turn spent relocating a worker wastes a turn that the worker could be making improvements. The optimal way is to have each city with its own workers. Just...
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