Recent content by luchofeio

  1. L

    Science Victory --- Too Slow

    It is only slow if you carry the main city with low production. I alnost always win space race but my main city usually have 200+ production. My adivse is to check your production and see how you can improve it to get it over 200. I once managed to get my capital to 300+ but that was a one time...
  2. L

    How to you manage a large invasion force across the ocean?

    i had a Multiplayer landing that was awsome so it can be done even agaisnt a human player
  3. L

    An Evaluation: Why CIV 5 is an absolute atrocity.

    im sorry, but i dont understand those threads like this one. Hes basicly saying that he doesnt like Civ 5 because its diferent then civ 4... from what i read he wanted civ 4 + civ 5 combat system and thats all
  4. L

    Civ 5 sucks. Got 4? Stick with it.

    the game does need a patch
  5. L

    Extreme Tech Review (5. Aug 2010)

    civ is all abaut war wwoooot
  6. L

    Aztec language barely reconstructed

    wow nobody care if its fake or not, none of us can speak it for christ sake if you have nothing to do go read a book instead of making stupid threads Warned for flaming. Please refrain from personal attacks towards other posters.
  7. L

    Russia's Unique Trait ISN'T Russian Winter?

    Russia winter is overated its just a way of the western powers to make them feel good about having russia beatin napoleon and hitler
  8. L

    Stop at a certain age

    Maybe, just maybe, without the huge stacks, late age might be better
  9. L

    Napoleon Total War -CiV should take a look at that!

    One thing that Civ always lacked was combat. The never ending stacks were simply annoying. Im really looking forward to Civ V to see if the 1 unit/hex will improve this. Lets just hope so, but total war + civ? only if you are 15 and have nothing to do
  10. L

    What are the Dev's doing?

  11. L

    The age of the people here waiting for civ5?

    26 i had a little taste of civ and colonisation but civ 2 was the real addiction for me
  12. L

    Civ V a step backward?

    ppl haven´t seen 1 video from the game and already know a lot of it...lewl
  13. L

    Military doctrines

    i try to put a level of detail anywhere i want to i think it would be real great for those that like long games in fast ones there is no point
  14. L

    Military doctrines

    i wish civ had "sub tecs" its so lame that when you discover tank it stays the same till the modern one...
  15. L

    Panzer General

    i remember playing panzer general a long time ago i also remember i had lots of fun with of the biggest time along with ufo and imperalism 2 i should try it again to see if it still fun
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