Recent content by mipe

  1. M

    Recommendations for good COOP game

    Personally one of the favourite COOP maps I play with my friends is Earth 18civ. Large map, many civs, lotsa fun! Just make sure that you all have civs on the same continent.. If you play with you + two others, if you are Rome, friend is Egypt and last friend is America, the American friend gets...
  2. M

    Anyone interested in OO-styled SG?

    Well, a month has come, and Octopus overlords-forum is slooooooooooowwwwww. We need players, so if you are interested, come to
  3. M

    [Design] Drow

    I would have a good name for drow male hero: 'Drizzt Do'Urden' ... :D
  4. M


    "Is it legal then to use any magic that doesn't harm other people?"
  5. M


    OOC: Agree! also: Do we play another scenario after this? Would the players that played in this scenario get some bonus in next scenario?
  6. M


    Mipe whispers to Tsanal: [Look your PM]
  7. M


    "How much it would cost to hire few of you for some days?"
  8. M


    "Chimera... I'm not any experts of magic but, doesn't the fact there is a chimera mean that there is a powerful mage somewhere near?"
  9. M

    Khazad vs Luch is a joke

    Which I would like is that when luchuirp city has those upradge buildings, it doesnt give promotions to golems when you build them but you need to buy the upradges with money. That would give the player control that do they want to buy example. 10 golems a cover promotion or do 1 super golem.
  10. M


    "Hmmh... that gold can probably be seen by anyone who looks here.. You should give it to me, I will keep it safe!" ooc: I will never want to teleport. If someone teleports me, happens this: :ar15: :twitch:
  11. M


    " While I don't know anything what's it like to change into an animal, but you shouldn't be on one form too long... If the animal instincts come when you transform into an animal, Is it possible that those instincts will 'burn' into your mind if you are in that form too long?"
  12. M


    OOC: I'm back now :) Mipe tries to find that merchant again, because he last time didn't get all of the stuff he wanted to.
  13. M

    How do I use Loki?

    You should try to rush Loki, so when the time you get Loki, your closest enemies still are building settlers, wait and follow the settler that comes and when settler makes city, if no cultural leader = you will get the city before enemy builds any other buildings.
  14. M


    "Ooh... Gold thread... Can I see it for a while? I promise I give it back..."
  15. M

    Amelanchier - Nature's Guardian

    Arboria with Ljosafar? That's almost as easy as playing Lanun with OO (for non-FFHers: OO is a religion) on archipelago... Which winning you are going to get? Try getting victory that is more interesting, like Towers of Mastery, not domination or conquest :)
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