Recent content by Moonbars

  1. M

    Subscribed mods at Steam Workshop are not being installed!

    I fixed this by pressing the "get mods" button which opens the steam workshop in-game. I then viewed my subscribed mods, unsubscribed and re-subbed to 1 mod and when I went back into CiV all the mods had re-appeared :)
  2. M

    Roads too early

    Civ already models this. Prior to (I think anyway) Eng, all units get only 2 moves on roads, whilst afterwards it's 3..
  3. M

    *Sighs* Pangea and The "No Tech For You" Club

    If you build on top of the resource, you just get the standard city tile yield. If you build next to the resource, and then improve the resource with a worker, you'll get much better tile yields.
  4. M

    Exotic Foreign Advisor

    Great mod. I have an issue with it however, if I click on "Technologies" or "Resources" I will sometimes get the empty background picture, and the links at the bottom to switch back to glance / active etc disappear. I have to exit civ4 to get another go. Any ideas?
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