Recent content by neodragon11

  1. N

    [NEWCIV] - Ydil (a hive mind civ)

    how would we go about getting ydil to work with AoE then? it is supposed to be compatible I thought?
  2. N

    Giant Maps

    ty ill take a look at that one
  3. N

    Giant Maps

    i can handle it well enough on my pc as long as you keep the civ count down to like 8 or less it shouldnt be to terrible.. less chance of running into someone from the start is what i like
  4. N

    New FF Civilization:Faeries

    so i was playing them last night and kind of got frustrated when i got eternal court.. all my land turned to ice and destroyed all of my improvements besides mines i think.. and i lost a lot of food production on tiles.. how are you supposed to keep your food production up if you lose half of...
  5. N

    Giant Maps

    just wondering what are the chances of someone getting giant maps on rife? as a modmod or something? the only place ive seen them is on flavourmod2 but i dont know a thing about modding myself to be able to make it work for rife.. any help? thanks
  6. N

    Automated Workers Build forts next to city????

    isnt that essentially just another form of the settlements for kuriotates.. that would mean the AI for that type of thing is already in no?
  7. N

    Clarifying OOS solutions

    getting rid of vista would be a good step to fixing a lot of problems im sure :p but doubt it has muhc to do with the oos problem.. happened quite a bit last night but we managed to get quite a few turns in before we went oos.. what we tried is if we went oos saved game closed it opened it up to...
  8. N

    Automated Workers Build forts next to city????

    well might you be so kind as to explain how to remove it from the xml? i never build forts anyways.. but i have no idea which xml file it would be or where in it..
  9. N

    Automated Workers Build forts next to city????

    i dont like controlling 30 workers in late game.. id like to have a way that i could actually leave it on and not have to check what every worker is trying to build..
  10. N

    Automated Workers Build forts next to city????

    anyone able to explain how exactly to remove there ability to make forts automated? or care to share a already edited file with that..
  11. N

    Multiplayer Game?

    also you can get hamachi and see if anyone on there is interested
  12. N

    Fall from Heaven: Rise of Mania

    mmk guess thats my problem again >< they need some scenarios for 2030 :/
  13. N

    popluation question

    I've honestly never thought much about it besides thinking more population=better.. well i tried to look around and couldn't find any real explanation on what exactly population effects.. is there any use for high population except for hurry production? and causing more unhappiness? wondering if...
  14. N

    crash when loading worldbuild save

    ahh never really looked at the game options havnt played a custom game yet just "play now"
  15. N

    crash when loading worldbuild save thats the one and i guess that could be the reason it is fairly old it seems.. just wanted to play a scenario thats a continuation of AoI.. cant find any good scenarios
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