Recent content by nihonjeff

  1. nihonjeff

    Can't ask for convertions?

    If the civ in question has recently changed religion, I think it's also removed from the list of options. Try checking with them again in 5-10 turns.
  2. nihonjeff

    Swords vs Axes

    I concur. My ideal would be to keep Swordsman, Axemen, and Spearmen as separate units, each with slight bonuses to offer a little variety (Swordsmen: +5% City Attack, Axemen: +5% vs Melee, Spearmen: +10% vs Mounted), then renaming Champions to Men-at-Arms, and Phalanxes to Champions. If...
  3. nihonjeff

    Swords vs Axes

    How about "Conscripts"? It's weapon-generic, it gives the impression of a little more organization than "Warrior" (and is therefore appropriate for a Tier-II unit), and it also gives the impression of a lower troop quality than, say, a "Champion".
  4. nihonjeff

    Wikipedia Page

    I think you'd have better luck sticking to the basic details about the mod -- what it's for, what it does, some of the more prominent features, and some words about how it has been received (awards, etc.). Launching into an exhaustive treatise on the backstory and mythology of the world in...
  5. nihonjeff

    The Black Tower

    A fair point, and clearly explained. Now that we're on the same page, I agree with you, and understand how the conditions of this scenario magnify an existing AI problem. Glad we could get that sorted!
  6. nihonjeff

    The Black Tower

    Psychoak -- I don't mean to get into a flamewar (and, yeah, I did lay the snark on a bit thick in my earlier message, for which I apologize), but I fear I still may not be understanding what you're getting at. As I understood, you were either, A) arguing that the scenario is poorly designed...
  7. nihonjeff

    The Black Tower

    Sorry, I must have missed your point. I thought you were arguing that the scenario is boring/tedius due to a design flaw. Hence my response that there are different strategies other than just massing the most awesomely invincitastically, most super-duperist army ever (ever, I say!) and bashing...
  8. nihonjeff

    The Black Tower

    Psychoak -- sounds like you waited too long to take the fight to them. I had a similar experience in my first play-through, and restarted the game awhile later with a new strategy. Beeline Divination & Sorcery for Life II mages, and invest heavily in Luchuirp cities. As soon as you've got a...
  9. nihonjeff

    Dain the Fisherman, an Amurite AAR/Game Diary (Immortal)

    Grey Fox -- I'm all in suspense! How fares the war?
  10. nihonjeff

    The Splintered Court feedback

    I would disagree here. I felt the storytelling hand of the developers to have more influence in this scenario than in some of the others. Each time you conquer an enemy, more story emerges. I think this is the crux of the discussion right here -- you seem to be arguing that once you...
  11. nihonjeff

    Against the Wall feedback

    What I found was that if you tech too high, your score goes up, and so does the difficulty. I built my five cities right off the bat and teched to Bronze Working and Construction, cranking out enough Warriors and Axemen to stave off the Hippus and Clan. Once I had Construction, I built forts...
  12. nihonjeff

    Clockwork Golems

    I could be wrong, but my impression is that the Luchuirp approach their golems as more than just machines, but as individual works of art, each as unique as a statue. For me, "Sculptor's Studio" helps convey that impression.
  13. nihonjeff

    The Splintered Court feedback

    I think what you pointed out right at the end is the key here. In a regular game of FfH, the world develops along its own track, with the player helping to guide its development by participating in that world as a major power. One of the best games I ever played was an evolving story where I...
  14. nihonjeff

    The Splintered Court feedback

    I never do. I'm an avid roleplayer myself. My point is that well-written tragedy has the potential to really affect people emotionally, which is what the designers have done. Yes, it provokes a strong reaction, but that's what tragedy is supposed to do. I realize that theater and RPGs...
  15. nihonjeff

    The Splintered Court feedback

    All I have to say about the appropriateness of the Ljos ending is that it really got people talking, and even seemed to make some folks fairly upset. I believe that's the highest praise a writer can receive. Kudos to the design team.
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