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Recent content by ornom0n

  1. ornom0n

    Dawn of Civilization General Discussion

    So I've been wondering for a while why does Rome have few tiles as historical/contested in America? Google came up with an article of possibly roman swords found from Canada but that's about it. Is there any other reason or are those tiles just based of on some theories that Romans might have...
  2. ornom0n

    [DISCUSSION] Legacy Of Erebus: The Rebirth

    Sorry Lemon. In your story you mentioned Lorelei, which is a character in that game. Personally I like to include characters from games that I like in my stories. There were two in last story...
  3. ornom0n

    [DISCUSSION] Legacy Of Erebus: The Rebirth

    Nothing special to say. It was all right without any big flaws but I see that you've played Tales of Abyss.
  4. ornom0n

    [DISCUSSION] Legacy Of Erebus: The Rebirth

    Welcome back Lemon! I was just wondering here, where in the map is Foxford located at?
  5. ornom0n

    Legacy Of Erebus: The Rebirth

  6. ornom0n

    [DISCUSSION] Legacy Of Erebus: The Rebirth

    + Balseraphs. They are pretty close to you and some of them have even moved to Amurite area as immegrants. I mentioned this in one of my posts.
  7. ornom0n

    [DISCUSSION] Legacy Of Erebus: The Rebirth

    Balseraph lands are always open for visitors. A play wouldn't be nothing without people viewing it!
  8. ornom0n

    Mega Story II: The Unfreezing Discussion

    My baby just came out from being repaired. Now she's running more smoothly than ever since Vista is gone. Going to be sweet to play Civ 5 with her. :cool:
  9. ornom0n

    [DISCUSSION] Legacy Of Erebus: The Rebirth

    There's plenty of Perpentach's madhouse at the story I wrote in Cypher's story. Going to take a moment untill Im writing one in here because right now since Im temporarely out of ideas and in addition to that, Im suffering a terrible Minecraft addiction (+School is starting next tuesday). I'll...
  10. ornom0n

    Mega Story II: The Unfreezing

    And my axe! The court is in session
  11. ornom0n

    [DISCUSSION] Legacy Of Erebus: The Rebirth

    Damn that was a cold way to end Aleph's adventure in Foxford but I've got nothing negative to say about it, I just expected it to end the Disney way. Nice story alltogether.
  12. ornom0n

    Mega Story II: The Unfreezing Discussion

    :lol: :lol: :lol: My condolences. Have you sent your computer to be fixed yet, or are you just going to buy a new one?
  13. ornom0n

    Mega Story II: The Unfreezing Discussion

    Going to follow two stories at once despite what i said couple of days ago. You've got a lot of dedication to keep this one alive and i respect that. So Im in too.
  14. ornom0n

    Legacy Of Erebus: The Rebirth

    Organized madness
  15. ornom0n

    Mega Story II: The Unfreezing

    Im not sure what to do. I wouldn't like to follow and post for both this Megastory and Lemonjelly's story, so I'd have to pick one. I don't know about others but Im going with the one they are going.
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