Recent content by perryrutherford

  1. P

    Multiplayer is not working on Civ4

    Civ4 multiplayer worked on my computer out of the box with no patch. Now I'm all patched up and multiplayer has stopped working. It does this same thing, click login, nothing happens... its not my fire wall or my computer or my network, WoW plays just fine. I really would like to play...
  2. P

    Tips for People Who Hate Civ 4

    I have to say Civ IV is much better than Civ III... when it first came out. It took me a week to switch to CTP2, but by the time C3C came arround the gameplay went from a 3/5 to a 5/5 [IMO]. Where I might give Civ IV 4/5 for gameplay. It looks and sounds all nice though. I estimate Civ IV will...
  3. P

    Anyone else crashing on multiplayer setup screen?

    same thing happens to me. One thing i notice is it keeps loading a long list of Internet games...
  4. P

    Only 18 Civs allowed in the game? Civ 3 could do better!

    It's turned-based but everyone's turn happens at the same time. So my meager P4 1.6GHz can only handle 5 civs at resonable speed. If anyone can play an 18 civ civ4 game, let me know what you're running
  5. P

    Why the crappy graphics?

    I would say they did it to keep from being critizized that hwy were only making another version of Civ, not a new version. I remember I used to play Civ I in EGA on my 486 and it really sped things up. The only time I played in VGA was on a friends computer. Compared to other games at the time...
  6. P

    Hardest difficulty you have beaten the game on!

    I won a time victory on noble, but have lost four games in a row on warlord. I think this is from playing on "Terra" instead of "Continents". If you don't know how to keep people from wanting to kill you, i think continents is considerably easier. Also, are the creative civs really at...
  7. P

    The Kremlin is not The Kremlin

    I think St. Basil's is the most beautiful landmark in the kremlin. Also I think since Rise of Nations used st. basil as the most prominant feature of the Kremlin in that game's wonders. I'm kinda miffed at how they make a point of wonders being buildings (taking out darwin and magellean from...
  8. P

    year 1688 problem

    if it is one little thing (like something that only gets accessed at that turn?) it sounds like there is an error with some file. Try running chkdsk and reinstall.
  9. P

    Comment by 'perryrutherford' in media 'Aqueduct over Water'

    Looks like something from "Modern Marvels" on tee vee.
  10. P

    Take-Two buys Firaxis

    While we imagine and hope the Firaxis team will retain some creative control, the fact is that publicly held companies are required by law to maximize shareholder value. This normally leads to actions that dirrectly impede production quality. My guess is they will layoff the talents and have 2...
  11. P

    Why the crappy graphics?

    well one thing is instead of only being able to see one perspective, now you can zoom in and out. the effect bing you can have your men be half a screen high and a little rough or you can zoom out and see a few cities at once and have everyone fit neatly into one square. another thing that...
  12. P

    Poll: Which Civ will you play first game as?

    Chinese. It was the first civ I played as in the original so I pick the same first game civ in every version.
  13. P


    @pirke what do you mean communist governments require less energy than democracy? I don't think so. Energy is energy. If democracies have historically used more energy it's because they have used more. Don't forget that China is a communist state that is using more and more energy, much more a...
  14. P

    Is civilization an outdated concept?

    Okay, here's my take: Snowball This is historically valid enough, see Kennedy's Rise and Fall of Great Powers. When it comes to starting locations geography is destiny, all the first civs (IRL) started at floodplains with wheat. I love the idea of Civil Wars and Revolutionary Wars spawning...
  15. P

    Newbie Question

    I used to feel this way about my 30 hour a week habit, but; after thinking carefully about it: 1. Playing Civ is a meditative ritual that gives me peace of mind. That is, it is a religion for me where I feel conected in a way I do not if I go to a church. I believe in democratic revolutions...
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