Recent content by Razorwing

  1. R

    Infos from the new Computer Bild Spiele about Civ 5

    I like the idea that tech trading won't be a factor in Civ V. I usually played custom games of Civ IV with tech trading turned off, and it led to very interesting rounds. I played as a warmongering conqueror and the rest of the world was usually at peace because the other civs had to commit...
  2. R

    Civ V Ideas & Suggestions Summary

    Just a quick note from me. I think the line of Spearman -> Pikeman should be expanded by at least two subsequent units. I tend to avoid training spearmen and pikemen in my games because I keep thinking they will soon be grenadiers anyway and then I would rather have the promotions given to...
  3. R

    Do away with the settler

    I dunno... realism is good and all, but if something doesn't add to the _fun_ of the game it doesn't have a chance of being added in. I personally think that is a good idea, because I don't want to focus on the minutia of empire-building, just the fun parts. I see a lot of good ideas in this...
  4. R

    Why Only 18 >:(

    I'm convinced they chose to include as many civilizations as they needed, no more and no less. I would imagine creating a civilization is very difficult - for _them_ - because they need to playtest every civilization thoroughly to be sure they are more or less equal to other civs and behave like...
  5. R

    Wonders in Civ V: Modern and Future

    I voted for (among other things) Burj Dubai, because it's a cool and contemporary wonder. It's not called Burj Dubai anymore tho
  6. R

    We need the Canadians as a new Civ!

    Canada is not a very good idea because of the single fact that the country is not old enough. To me it still feels like an extension of European cultures rather than a culture in its own right. Perhaps Canadians define themselves as being different from Americans rather than being Canadians? But...
  7. R

    Solution: The Globe in Civ V, a really spherical map with only hexagonal tiles!

    Couldn't the innermost hexes at each distortion be made slightly larger instead, so that the edges would meet up even though the innermost edges might not correspond to the normal hexagon shape?
  8. R

    Galleys in oceans

    I thought it was annoying that the AI sent out work boats for reconnaisance. I'm sure it makes strategic sense, but work boats aren't meant to be used that way. If there are work boats in Civilization V they should not be allowed to move outside their own civilization's cultural borders. I...
  9. R

    Equal movement back and forth, please!

    Imagine that you are playing Civilization IV. You have an active unit standing on a square with a road and let us say you have discovered the tech that gives units three movement points on road. Then you move that unit to a second square which has road, and finally you move it to a forest square...
  10. R

    PC Jeux take on Civ 5

    Perhaps percentages are rounded off to whole numbers this time? I would definitely hope so. Then if a near-dead tank had a 99.6% chance of defeating a healthy, elite spearman - he would have a 100% chance.
  11. R

    Ideas so game-changing, they'll have to wait for Civ 6

    I'm sure this idea isn't original to me, but I would like a full-fledged Civilization editor. Not where you edit Civilization itself, but the cultures. The editor would let you create, say, the French civilization -- and indeed, the pre-packaged civilizations in the game would have been made...
  12. R

    Future Era(s) in CiV?

    Not only would I like a future era, I would also like techs, units, buildings and improvements from paths that diverge from our reality. The techs would only need to diverge one step from the normal tech tree. For instance - what if Hindenburg never happened, and the German civilization chose to...
  13. R

    Future Era(s) in CiV?

    Not only would I like a future era, I would also like techs, units, buildings and improvements from paths that diverge from our reality. The techs would only need to diverge one step from the normal tech tree. For instance - what if Hindenburg never happened, and the German civilization chose to...
  14. R

    Death to the BFC!!!!

    In a way it would be interesting to have a building like, say, Mass Transit that you have to build before making use of hexes in the outermost circle. But that would put off their development until the modern age, and by then - if one has played a successful game - those hexes are probably not...
  15. R

    Leaders we don't want.

    I thought it was annoying when I got Germany and the Holy Roman Empire in the same game. It's the same country, dammit! :-P I would very much like an option that allows the player to block certain civilizations from entering the game, either as main players or as sprouted-off vassal colonies...
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