Recent content by Regul

  1. Regul

    [We the People] Mod overview

    Has anybody installed this mod on Linux with Proton? Would be nice to get some help.
  2. Regul

    OBSOLETE: Civ 6 Mod Manager (Experimental)

    After a while playing with Firaxis' internal mod management, I'm very disappointed about. Wasn't able to play one modded game to the end, as I'm using lots of mods, many civilizations and largest maps. At the very moment, many mods are incompatible with others. Tested for hours, but even if I...
  3. Regul

    Moar Units: Mortar Mod

    Backing this, thx for the question! Still not impressed how Civ6 getting more and more unstable with several mods, I'd like to have this part integrated into the usual MOAR mod.
  4. Regul

    Larger Worlds (Abandonded)

    Best map mod so far. Can't wait to see it on Steam Workshop.
  5. Regul

    Adjusted Continents

    Great mod, still waiting to see it on Steam Workshop.
  6. Regul

    Real Natural Disasters (released)

    My ingame sound is allready on 40-50 %, if I downgrade any more there is nothing more to hear instead your scary wake-up effect in full scale. Let's say it's cool once or twice, but the more I have to hear it, the more I do get annyed. Plus, the loudness is on a level that I do not want my...
  7. Regul

    Real Natural Disasters (released)

    1.1 is great enhancement with frequency adjustment. Also very appreciated your plans for future reaction choices on desasters. BTW, is there any chance to adjust loudness of warning signals? Tried to find out, but it didn't seem to be aligned with major sound controls. As I'm playing Civ...
  8. Regul

    Real Natural Disasters (released)

    Probably the frequency is written down on startup and never revised. In my game I literarily had event every 4 turns, no frequency change recognized in my game. Would be more interesting to see high frequency in early eras and less in later ones, because tech will catch up desasters by early...
  9. Regul

    Real Natural Disasters (released)

    Just found your fine mod on Steam. Great experience. Would it be possible to choose frequency of desasters by dropdown menu on startup? Check City Name Generator for setup view. My first testing showed up random desaster every 2-4 turns, which may cause total destruction of civ in early ancient...
  10. Regul

    City Name Generator [Civ VI]

    Suggest to give it a try, this feature you mentioned is allready in. Well, by choice at startup you could order weather to re-name all conquered cities all-time/sometimes/aso. Quite cool in my eyes. I played China and conquered a French city, where it took the original name and added some...
  11. Regul

    City Name Generator [Civ VI]

    Great mod, my new favorite. Thx a lot for your fine work. :) Best is, that you could decide on startup, which cities should be named and how (new district; conquest; capital). Actually playing as Mao's China and wondering about the getting excited about tooltips note. Are you...
  12. Regul

    OBSOLETE: Civ 6 Mod Manager (Experimental)

    Getting little silent about your fine mod, since Firaxis showed up with an internal mod-manager. Still think your idea was great, but probably it has to respond on Firaxis? Just an idea, but is it possible to revert-engineer mods which are used in a specific savegame? I allways wonder which...
  13. Regul

    Larger Worlds (Abandonded)

    Actually I can't get to map generation, as by hitting start I'm back in lobby. Other mods active (no YnAEM, as it doesn't work).
  14. Regul

    Tomatekh's Historical Religions

    Ah, thx @CivLuvah for the notice.
  15. Regul

    Tomatekh's Historical Religions

    Changed from downloaded to Steam version. Could it be, that positions/numbers of single religions have changed? In my savegame all 7 religions have been used as usual (Spain=Christian, England=Reformation aso.), but after yesterday's loading all religions have been exchanged by alternative ones...
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