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Recent content by roadkill15

  1. roadkill15

    What do you think is the weakest aspect of Civ4?

    I say diplomatic. When I take 15 units like cavalry and put them next to the AI's last city that has 2 catapults garding it, there is 100% chance that I'll kill him that turn, but when I ask him to give me some tech or even in some cases world map for peace, he doesn't want to... Thats dumb...
  2. roadkill15

    How to kill Cossacks?

    they are about the same. I know that you put 3 redcoats or 4 riflemen with 2 city defence and tons of usless units (cus its had to make tons of good units =D) and an healer like explorer in a city, the cossaks wont be able to take the city. first the riflemen will kill a few cossaks and then...
  3. roadkill15

    Multiplayer password issues

    I don't know how to fix the admin password problem, but there is some ways to go around the civ password bug. Go to this thread - http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=151725 .
  4. roadkill15

    Patch 1.52 - Internet Civlization Password, Wrong Password Bug

    can you send me the save file? send it to - Daniel_Yahi@yahoo.com (its an underline, not a space)
  5. roadkill15

    If you entered a password to your civ, it says "worng password", but its right, ENTER

    its not a big issue if you dont care about protecting your civ. i personaly dont care about that cause i only play direct ip games with my friends and AIs. and when this bug happends to me, i just put this password - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - and it works like a charm. this password...
  6. roadkill15

    Patch 1.52 - Internet Civlization Password, Wrong Password Bug

    its not a big issue if you dont care about protecting your civ. i personaly dont care about that cause i only play direct ip games with my friends and AIs. and when this bug happends to me, i just put this password - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - and it works like a charm. this password...
  7. roadkill15

    multiplayer CIV password corruption.

    the only sure way to "fix" this bug w\o loosing turns in the process is not putting any civ password, and if/when the game askes you for one, put this - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - as your password (just copy and paste). if there was a password, but it has changed, you need to enter the...
  8. roadkill15

    Patch 1.52 - Internet Civlization Password, Wrong Password Bug

    you download the hex editor from here http://www.handshake.de/user/chmaas/delphi/download/xvi32.zip (its freewere). you open the save file. scroll down till you see many many unreadble characters (in the white part), then scroll up a bit till you see a number of character sets (each set is 32...
  9. roadkill15

    Patch 1.52 - Internet Civlization Password, Wrong Password Bug

    no, i just open them with an hex editor and use the hash code as the password =D. worked almost every time when there was no password originaly entered, and a couple of times when there was some password originaly entered. =D
  10. roadkill15

    Patch 1.52 - Internet Civlization Password, Wrong Password Bug

    you can try to put this - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - as your password, (small chance of success =D ) and that doesnt work, you can email me the save file to Daniel_yahi@yahoo.com *its an underline, not a space* and i could try to make it work (even smaller chance of success =D).
  11. roadkill15

    "Civ Password" problem

    enter this as your password - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e -. will 100% work, tryed it myself.
  12. roadkill15

    Bad password error ??!!

    try entering this as your password - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e -, just copy and paste
  13. roadkill15

    lost password!

    You know, it could be a bug. When I couldn't get to my civ, I tought I've entered a password by mistake. But its was a game bug. try entering this as your password - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - ,just copy and past.
  14. roadkill15

    Civilization Password

    "So it would seem that the problem crops up later during the save process. Later Autosaves have the bad passwords in them." (Stargrove) I think he is right, because i tought that i had the upgrade problem, although i was so sure at that time that i started the save in 1.52. The best way to keep...
  15. roadkill15

    Civilization Password

    Nice! works with the save file i tried! im sure it will help most ppl (those who have a slot that they can get into the game with). but if the person who have this problem didnt put any password originaly, he sould try this password first - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e . if the person ented...
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