Recent content by simonthesinner

  1. S

    Europa universalis iv & civ

    The one thing I see that CIV should borrow from EU series is some sort of CB (Casus Belli, or "reason for war") system. Not all wars are equal and not all gains during war should give the same diplomatic penalty. An agressive, unprovoked war should get you hated, but if you declare war to...
  2. S

    Epic and Marathon

    I play mostly on marathon, with a few games on epic.
  3. S

    Patronage -> Consulates broken?

    I don't know about broken, but it's very good, probably the best vale for a 2 policy dip into a policy tree.
  4. S

    Why would I want to upgrade a maxed out chariot archer to a knight?

    Oh, or you're Spain and wants to found a city with it.
  5. S

    Diplomatic Victory needs to be looked at

    could a world-religion having, secret palace owning host Austria that has gobbed up all city states win the leader vote with only ther own votes?
  6. S

    With Venice now in, should the Huns have been done differently?

    They should change Germanys UA to something to do with production and/ or culture, and Huns shoud have Germanys old UA plus something like venice, cannot build settlers, but found cities with great generals.
  7. S

    Why would I want to upgrade a maxed out chariot archer to a knight?

    I kept a few chariot archers around as Egypt well into the rennesance for barbarian patrol/ worker protection. Then you gift them to city state to stay allied a little bit more. If you have the +1:c5happy: +2:c5culture: for a garrison tenet, you can keep them as garrisons in far off reaches...
  8. S

    Which civs do you feel are best designed? (not who is strongest)

    Rome is good, the UU and the legions building ability as well as Romes UA all makes perfect sense. In cotrast, the celts, who I like a lot, are a mishmash between dffrent eras and cultures. Germany as well would have been better off as either "Teutons" with the UA and some earlier...
  9. S

    Can You Win Any Victory With Any Ideology?

    A freedom with an early voulenteer army can be an excellent tool for domination.
  10. S

    My take on BNW and things I'd still like to see improved

    Yes, mostly small things like this, more diplomatic options. When it comes to religious spread/ archeology there should be a "further missionaries/archeologists inside my borders will be seen as a declaration of war" - option. Some sort of vassal or "zone of influence" system Some sort of...
  11. S

    A better wonder than Prora?

    Bad Tölz? Palazzo Governo? I think the "No swastikas, deathcamps, etc" policy of Paradox is enough. No point of pretending like faschism didn't happen or that it wasn't seen as the salvation of humaity by many people at the time.
  12. S

    When did you first start playing Civilization?

    I've been playing since the earth was without form, and void. Civ 1 was my first civ in 1991. Played the hell out of civ 1 and civ 2, especially civ 2 with the WW2 mods. Disn't play as much civ 3, played a bit civ 4 and civ 5. Started playing more civ 5 after G&K and more still after BNW.
  13. S

    I recently made a few videos based on some of the popular topics in this forum

    Question: Where should people post links to videos like this? I'm liiking for good badic tutorial videos as well as more indepth analyses, and YT disciminates heavily agaisnt smaller channels in the search algorithms. Maddjinn and Quil18 do fine, but vids like this, don't show up in the first...
  14. S

    warmongering and complete wipes = cultural VC?

    If I go for a domination victory, just to have a post BNW domination victory in the hall of fame, I might disable cultural victory, in order to not "accidentally" the cutural victory befor the killing is done.
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