Recent content by Sol Invictus

  1. S

    What is Muhammad's Image doing in game files?

    Atheists don't have religious views.
  2. S

    Why is this game so highly rated? 'myrantings'

    Extensive Markup Language is... er.. it's all a matter of parsing it, don't you know? I'm quite certain it has nothing to do with the performance issues some people are having. Vbulletin (the forum you're on right now) has major parts of it written in XML, for instance.
  3. S


    Charles Darwin is a great scientist in the game. I got a popup message saying that Charles Darwin was born in a foreign country. Americans popularized it through the innovation of fast food chain restaurants. There were really *no* chain restaurants prior to America's development of them...
  4. S

    Civ4 in Singapore

    I'm from Malaysia, but I preordered Civilization 4 from, and had it shipped with UPS for 26 USD. Costly, but worth it. The game won't be out here (in KLCC) for another month or two.
  5. S

    Which Version Of Civ Is Your Favorite?

    Civ IV! Can I get a hell yeah?! Hell yeah!
  6. S

    Civ4 has ruined the civilopedia

    I miss the Civilopedia from III. To me, it was the only good thing about CIV3. Well, that and the idea of cultural borders, but not the implementation.
  7. S

    just tried "game xp" and it helped

    It doesn't work as intended. It just made my games slower the last time I tried it. Just stick to TweakXP as a much better, and safer bet.
  8. S

    What is Muhammad's Image doing in game files?

    I'm a deist. That means I believe in the existence of a 'supreme architect of the universe' that 'set everything in motion'. Doesn't come into conflict with the whole theory of evolution, either. I think creationism (of any sort) is as unscientific and ignorant as anyone could possibly get. I...
  9. S

    What is Muhammad's Image doing in game files?

    Gunnergoz, I must commend you on your astute observation of the situation. Well done.
  10. S

    The absence of religion for civs that were long isolated

    Translation into Civilization IV: Every civilization has different civic values.
  11. S

    The Benefits of Having Two Copies

    I think you need to look into the term "copy", and all that it entails in regards to software, optical jim.
  12. S


    I agree that Broadway should be renamed West End, though. The West End musical theatre did start the whole thing off, after all, and Broadway was just America's way of emulating it. It should also be mentioned that legendary actor and comedian Charlie Chaplin started off in the West End. As...
  13. S


    There are colosseums throughout the game. That is one of the things that made Rome popular, and even though they aren't a wonder, they certainly increase happiness and culture for any city that builds them. I'd say that colosseums, aqueducts and other Roman influenced buildings do Rome more...
  14. S

    The absence of religion for civs that were long isolated

    I do not think that organized religion is inevitable. As previous posters have pointed out, many isolated cultures in the world, even large ones like the Iroqois, had a distinct lack of organized religion, regardless of their animism, paganism or distinctive deities. However, that said...
  15. S

    Thank you.

    Agreed. Best Civilization ever.
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