Recent content by Tesla23

  1. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    Yup, this sounds much better! Without the change there would be no penalty in peace times, with a great bonus on the other hand. What about point 4. "All units get +20% retreat chance." Will you be able to push your camelriders or elephants above 100% retreat chance? If so, it might become...
  2. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    Yeah, this would be cool to me, but I could live with the summoner bearing it also. I know that and it´s quite useful if your freakin´neighbors are attacking without warning you. I rarely use it, because promoting to summoners sometimes means not being able to spell at all (maybe fixed...
  3. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    hmmm, I can´t imagine a better idea, but this way the very powerful axe would be useless, because a summoner bearing it is still weak. On the other hand it might be fun trying to loose it to some enemy and conquer it back with a better unit. Btw, what happens to the axe if you disband the...
  4. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    A friend told me about a rare bug: If the Orthus-Axe is passed to a fire-elemental or other summoned units the game crashes
  5. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    You probably copied the Haarbal´s MOD Assets into the main \Civ folder, because I did so accidently and get the same Errors. About 15 different errors while loading XML stuff and then crashes back to desktop?
  6. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    Whoaah! This is not what I thought of, but it´s much better. If it´s not too hard to code, this would be so much fun. Yeahh, emeralds from the deepth of the Dwarven mines. And noone has better Sushi than the Overlords (fish etc.) Great Idea! Let´s hope it becomes possible sometime.
  7. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    Yup, I get your point. Punishing the well-played fractions (which are the dominating ones) would lower the fun of becoming one. Your mentioned improvements of Phase2 are all very appreciated. Especially the hell-layer and the Quests will definately boost this MOD from "VeryGood" to...
  8. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    Is it possible to add some game-mechanics which would give the Endgame a new sense? I feel every time bored when it comes to the finishing line. I finish not even 30% of my games, because I dominate the whole map or I know that this game is lost. Both is kinda boring. It´s not really a...
  9. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    @Mordeth13 Yeah, you can´t use your older savegames in newer versions. Perhaps you could set the gamespeed on fast or start in one of the later areas. This might help you to finish your game before the update is available.
  10. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    hmmmm... I´m not sure about the categories. Important is not to have too many. Perhaps 3 military categories would be enough, if there will be upgrades. 1. Fast moving but weak ships with a high retreat chance. 2. Strong ones with bombard and collateral damage but very slow (3, I guess) 3...
  11. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    Great, more and better ships would be awesome. Mithrilships? Yeah! Ships should definately become more different from one another. I would like to see the kamikaze-ship. Perhaps it has huge kollateral damage and medium strength but dies after one attack. Sort of a submarine for kilmore (wooden...
  12. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    Yep, Orthus attacked me very early with only one extra warrior-unit. He fell down to his knees and gave me his Axe before I even got worried. It´s pretty fun atm, because the unit which killed him promoted from warrior to bowman and is now a heavy crossbow which is nearly better than the...
  13. T

    [MOD] Fall from Heaven

    Heyho Guys :wavey: First things first: I can´t believe your started such an awesome MOD, it´s great fun to play, allthough it´s not nearly finished. Big THANX :thanx:. And all those great ideas for further improvement written down here....:goodjob: I wanted to give some input anyways: I...
  14. T

    Fantasy Buildings

    Wow, soooo awesome! This is great work and I can´t wait to see it in the Fall from heaven MOD! Keep `em coming, I am sure a lot of people will be as much appreciated as I am. Bix THANX
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