Recent content by Theotokos2

  1. T

    Realism Invictus

    This mod is unplayable, as soon as you take the lead and establish your civ EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE declares war on you no matter what difficulty and it is impossible to fend off all the doomstacks. I've trialled games over and over again, same result. Not fun at all. Terrible diplomacy...
  2. T

    Suggestions and Requests

    I don't know if this would be possible but maybe there could be an archeology type system where fallen civs drop artefact improvements that get revealed in the late game? Like in Civ 5? I think Realism Invictus added great works of art type system or something similar Yes this started with the...
  3. T

    Suggestions and Requests

    Also a larger map would be amazing, with more turns in the ancient/medieval/classical eras, that would be awesome. Would give more space to flesh out the conflicts and developments of the respective eras too. I can't wait. I wish Civ 6 went for realism like this rather than the cartoon toy board...
  4. T

    Suggestions and Requests

    Agreed I agree, some kind of UI update that show the UHVs on your screen without having to click on the icon to see it in the menu over and over would come a long way. Especially as a replacement for the scorecards possibly, or maybe it could be integrated into the scorecard when you mouseover...
  5. T

    Suggestions and Requests

    Oh another suggestion, the Wall Street/Stock Exchange national wonder needs a tweak, it is a bit strange to see a modern skyscraper building pop during the renaissance or medieval era lol with the digital signage on and everything.
  6. T

    Suggestions and Requests

    Also another idea, maybe cold-war M.A.D type mechanics in the late game? Where you can stockpile nukes and target lock on cities like in Rise of Mankind and if the parties declare war and use them the nukes are exchanged?
  7. T

    Suggestions and Requests

    Thanks for your reply, I love your mod so much there's so much care detail and attention in it, I think arguably the best mod on Civ 4. It is also surprisingly very stable unlike a lot of other bloated mods. Congratulations to you good sir! I fail getting the historical victories often but I...
  8. T

    Suggestions and Requests

    Any plans adding the Kingdom of Israel and Judah and later in 1948 returns as the modern State of Isreal? Also any plans adding the Assyrian and Hittite Empires too? I'm a huge mesopotamian civ fan lol
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