Recent content by Thermal Mercury

  1. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    Just to stop a total run away, Double A is still a good lynch. unvote vote: double a
  2. T

    The Band Name Game

    maximo park
  3. T

    The Band Name Game

    I likey this band :rolleyes: Noisettes
  4. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    But his accusation was that I must be mafia because I'm evil, he didn't say why he thought this, it wasn't even an accusation but more a random comment. So how exactly do I defend myself against a a remark which is based on nothingness? Infact, I have accused many people in previous posts...
  5. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    :scared: But I don't respond to accusations like that, because there based on nothing expect personal suspicion, backed up with no physical evidence.... Besides you smell funny so you must be mafia! Kill it! Kill it! Eat that foo/l :sheep:
  6. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    Diamondeye said something like this early in the thread when it turns out I had, can you outline what those accusations are exactly? It seems to me that Double A may be a schizophrenic, given gollum/smegol is a split personality in its self.
  7. T

    The Band Name Game

    Yeah yeah yeahs
  8. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    With some confirmation from methos, I am fully supporting the double A lynch. :mischief:
  9. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    He voted when ATPG suggested you stop (his word isn't final but it was a good idea too, seeing as he was just as keen to follow ATPG's first choice of double a), which is basically saying 'there is no way hes going to get out of this, if a revelation happens its too late to save him'. You did...
  10. T

    The Band Name Game

    I badly killed this game, so I'll take the '!' away if it helps. :p
  11. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    I guess given that one player has said double A is mafia he must be... :confused: Not that I begrudge following ATPG'd lead to see where it takes us, the reasoning you guys use is atrocious. Skimming over his posts, I feel he isn't acting strangely at all, this has to be one of the laziest...
  12. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    :eek: The CHEEK! Anyway didn't ATPG want all the hobbits? I don't know if I'm one of them or not... :mischief:
  13. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    We didn't even after to talk about caturday being good, the fact that were talking about it at all is derailing in itself. Anyway its not caturday anymore, its...
  14. T

    The Band Name Game

    Hadouken! :) (It does actually end in a !, so the band need to start with '!' )
  15. T

    Mafia Game: The Lord of the Rings (Game Thread)

    Fairly amazed by the cheek of D'Artagnan59, who is angry he was lynched because he decided to act like one of the scummiest players in the game.... Though I agree lynching in actives is fruitless, he didn't appear at any point when he was under question, he practically signed his own death...
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