Recent content by virtualpolitik

  1. V


    Very nice mod. A must have at this point, I can't imagine playing without it... the vanilla AI is just limp noodle in so many respects, whereas with your mod, AI is aggressive, and can actually stay ahead of me in tech on the higher difficulties. Great job. My one area of concern is the AI's...
  2. V

    AI Historical Victories?

    i once saw babylon win a UHV. i'd been making dinner and anticipating what i'd do in 1776, secure in the knowledge that autoturns would be finished by the time i got back. imagine my chagrin!! :p
  3. V

    Historical victories that make no sense

    interesting thread. i dun like big angry political rabblerabble but i'm curious, what UHVs would you guys substitute in? i dont actually go for UHVs myself, cause they just sorta dont feel right. just cause babylon had highest culture and pop in 500bc or whenever, doesnt mean they would...
  4. V

    So which Civ can become the most powerful?

    rome, germany, turkey, america. probably in that order. with proper micromanagement you can essentially rule the world with no major hiccups as anyone, though. it might take a few centuries with the weaker civs, but still doable. screw the sensible approach though. if you truly want to FEEL...
  5. V

    The Greatest City: Finals

    played a game recently as usa and had denver producing 1 icbm per turn. felt good! :p voted constantinople though. whenever i get that city, forget it. game over. crazy strategic control.
  6. V

    Turn ~160 crash to desktop

    get on megaupload or something and post your save file. or pm me and ill give you my email.
  7. V

    trouble compiling rhye's cvgamecoredll

    embryo - thanks a bunch. based on your tip i switched over to a different makefile: that allowed me to compile with no problems! LuKo i'm gonna try my hand at compiling your files after i get back from work!
  8. V

    trouble compiling rhye's cvgamecoredll

    hey guys, i'm working on a modmod for rhye's to improve AI tactics in war. i'm using latest versions of the game / mod, Microsoft Virtual C++ 2010 Express and have had no problems getting the vanilla BTS cvgamecoredll to compile. so far so good. unfortunately, after pasting the rhye's...
  9. V

    Controlling AI units

    i dont know if this is what you mean but ... i used CyInterface.addImmediateMessage and was able to verify that all of the code runs as it should, unless added to the AI functions i mentioned, in which case none of it runs. even so, pushmission and pushmovetoxy seem to achieve nothing.
  10. V

    Questions & Answers

    with the help of the python forum i figured out that i can mod almost any function in CvGameUtils, EXCEPT those dealing with ai (AI_chooseTech, AI_unitUpdate, etc) ... those functions, for whatever reason, seem to be simply ignored by the game no matter what i do to them. i can mod those...
  11. V

    Controlling AI units

    thanks, i checked that tutorial and then went back and checked all the python files in the mod to see if the AI function i am trying to alter (AI_unitUpdate) was defined elsewhere, possibly overriding my changes. unfortunately it isn't. i also tried all the methods in that tutorial for modding...
  12. V

    Controlling AI units

    yep, i made a 'blank' mod and the commands worked fine. unfortunately still having problems with rhye's when i pasted it over. nevertheless... virtualpolitik just get new idea for mod, built from ground up! in the meantime, i was able to figure out that most of the functions in the...
  13. V

    Controlling AI units

    david thanks you are helping a lot. ok, i pasted CvGameUtils into the mod's python folder and CvGameInterface into \EntryPoints. however, the code i put in cvGameUtils in the AI_unitUpdate function isn't running at all (doesn't matter what i put there even if it is jibberish). now i'm really...
  14. V

    Controlling AI units

    yes, very much!! i'm going to try that right away.
  15. V

    Controlling AI units

    i just checked, that file doesn't exist in this mod... >.<
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