Recent content by whoward69

  1. whoward69

    game crashes onto desktop while loading the map (sapiens with YNAEMP) - please help

    You don't do the update, Steam does it automatically. If the mod author updates the mod, or even deletes the mod, from Steam - BOOM!
  2. whoward69

    game crashes onto desktop while loading the map (sapiens with YNAEMP) - please help

    The same can happen if a mod is updated and the update is incompatible with your saved game - one of the reasons not to use Steam. Copy your MODS folder somewhere, eg the desktop Unsubscribe from everything on Steam Steam will delete all the mods for you (but not the copies on your desktop)...
  3. whoward69

    CanSaveUnit is flawed - Introducing CanSaveUnitGood

    I'm no longer modding Civ V and rarely play it, so don't hold your breath for anything from me. Also, I'd be against changing the existing line of code as 1) you don't know if any mods are using this in an unexpected and clever way and 2) the name "CanSaveUnit" itself is flawed CanSaveUnit...
  4. whoward69

    WHoward's Pick 'N' Mix Mods

    religionForBelief[GameInfoTypes.BELIEF_PAGODAS] = GameInfoTypes.RELIGION_TAOISM overwrites religionForBelief[GameInfoTypes.BELIEF_PAGODAS] = GameInfoTypes.RELIGION_BUDDHISM same for the second and third religionForBelief[GameInfoTypes.BELIEF_CATHEDRALS] assignments, so while you think you have 6...
  5. whoward69

    WINDMILLS: I have a modding dream. But I'm pretty clueless.

    Grab "My Changes Mod" (link in sig) as a starting point. You then need to track down a tutorial on how to use XML to update a value in the Building (or Buildings - so long, can't remember) table - think LeeS has one linked from his sig.
  6. whoward69

    Is the DLL source code for the latest (October 2014, version patch available? 1st spoiler, 5th item. Nothing more to say.
  7. whoward69

    Is the DLL source code for the latest (October 2014, version patch available?

    Read both your post three times and really don't understand what you're asking as you contradict yourself. " I mean, if you can add a dll" - you cannot add a DLL, you can only change the code in the game's DLL that we have the source code for and make it load that version instead of the vanilla...
  8. whoward69

    Is the DLL source code for the latest (October 2014, version patch available?

    Because anyone modding the DLL, took it, made their changes and checked those in. When Firaxis updated the source code, those changes were merged in to the modded DLL and checked in.
  9. whoward69

    Is the DLL source code for the latest (October 2014, version patch available?

    Download the Civ 5 SDK from the Steam Library (search for civ 5 and it's under Tools), the last released source code is in there
  10. whoward69

    Any way of forbidding (player AND AI) sea unit from entering cities ?

    With a modded DLL (mine or one based on it), pretty much all of that can be achieved with Lua in one form or another (but think tile improvement rather than building placed outside the city hex) However, there is no way that the AI is going to understand that it must build something in a city...
  11. whoward69

    Any way to edit the color/texture of fallout to use in a custom improvement?

    See the discussion here -
  12. whoward69

    Any way of forbidding (player AND AI) sea unit from entering cities ?

    All the ways I can think of doing it with Lua almost certainly break the path-finding code (as cities can be used like canals on a narrow isthmus). You could do it in the DLL - that would also remove the ability of cities to be used as canals, but wouldn't break the path-finding code.
  13. whoward69

    [BNW] Is this custom function for the DLL okay?

    Nope, it's not an event, it's a method that returns the secondary belief for the specified city
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