Recent content by Xenomorph

  1. Xenomorph

    Brazilian Musketmen

    Sorry to dig this up, but can anyone give me some historical info on the Pretos Ferros?
  2. Xenomorph

    [WIP] 3rd Unique Component Project

    If I may make a suggestion, the Uhlan puts a second Polish UU immediately after its existing one. I would instead suggestion the Podhale Rifles, or Strzelcy Podhalańscy. It could replace the Great War Infantry, a unit with few other replacement. They were essentially mountain troops, which...
  3. Xenomorph

    New Trait Effect

    Thank you very much, that's a rather interesting ability.
  4. Xenomorph

    New Trait Effect

    I've looked in every file in the \Expansion2\Scenarios\ScrambleAfricaScenario\ folder, and none of them have UnresearchedTechBonusFromKills in it.
  5. Xenomorph

    New Trait Effect

    I've searched the forums and Google, and neither has given me an answer to this. Does anyone know what the trait UnresearchedTechBonusFromKills does? It's not used in the BNW scenarios, and after giving it to a civ I didn't see any effect.
  6. Xenomorph

    WHoward's Pick 'N' Mix Mods

    If you successfully update it I'd like to know as well.
  7. Xenomorph

    [LUA] Restricting faith purchase to era

    I don't know, haven't tested it yet. It's supposed to be a UU, yes.
  8. Xenomorph

    [LUA] Restricting faith purchase to era

    Well, this is what I'm going to try. local iBuildWarCaptain = GameInfo.Units["UNIT_UU_WAR_CAPTAIN_GUARD"].ID local iCivMayan = GameInfo.Civilizations["CIVILIZATION_MAYA"].ID GameEvents.CityCanTrain.Add(function(iPlayerId, iCityId, iUnitType) if (iUnitType == iBuildWarCaptain) then...
  9. Xenomorph

    WHoward's Pick 'N' Mix Mods

    Was Multiple Unique Bonuses folded into another mod? I notice it's still in the Obsolete section and there is no further mention of it in this thread.
  10. Xenomorph

    [LUA] Restricting faith purchase to era

    I'm taking another try at this in BNW, and patch added a exactly the GameEvent that I needed: (Lua) Added GameEvents.CityCanTrain(ownerID, cityID, unitTypeID); (TestAll) Using this, I think I can get this to work the way I want. The only roadblock I have now is testing the player to...
  11. Xenomorph

    [BtS] Diplomacy text: ActualQuotes for BtS

    It's a shame they didn't do multiple leaders per nation, otherwise my Peter the Great quote mining might have gone to some use.
  12. Xenomorph

    If DCM isn't working for you, I have no idea how to fix it.

    If DCM isn't working for you, I have no idea how to fix it.
  13. Xenomorph

    [LUA] Restricting faith purchase to era

    Well, it looks like I'm going to need the scripting option anyway. Even with the building prerequ, I can purchase the unit with Faith points before I have the technology to give me the building.
  14. Xenomorph

    [LUA] Restricting faith purchase to era

    Can buildings go Obsolete?
  15. Xenomorph

    [LUA] Restricting faith purchase to era

    The idea I have is for this to be a second UU for the Mayans that can be built through regular means or purchased by faith without having a religion with Holy Warriors, the Follower benefit that lets you purchase pre-Industrial units with Faith. Essentially, the unique unit can be purchased with...
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