National Parks. How?


Oct 4, 2016
I've got no idea what is going on with Parks.

You'd think the Pantanal would qualify, but nope. Does the Naturalist have to be at the top of the 'diamond' or something? I can't figure out where I could put one at all, which given the faith investment (and why they're faith only... baffling) is aggravating.

Ah. Nevermind, found a place for one. In the tundra at the other end of the continent, near one of my lesser cities. The white diamond for the park was just hard to spot on a white background.

And apparently the diamond _must_ be north-south oriented, which precludes the Pantanal.
Not sure why that is mandatory... or why it isn't mentioned. Or why the naturalist entry doesn't describe the basics of using them (the national park entry tells you a bit more).
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Click on the Naturalist then zoom out. Areas that can become a park will have a white glowing border around then. Just send the naturalist on to one of the tile and click their ability. The couple of parks that I have formed all were on undeveloped tiles. One was two mountain along with two forest tiles.
Click on the Naturalist then zoom out. Areas that can become a park will have a white glowing border around then. Just send the naturalist on to one of the tile and click their ability. The couple of parks that I have formed all were on undeveloped tiles. One was two mountain along with two forest tiles.
Yeah, I just missed the white border in the tundra (partly because it was way away from my main cities). The cap on the zoom prevented zooming out from helping. I'll have to check strategic mode next time to see if it stands out more.
You can also use the appeal lens to tell which tiles have high enough appeal. And of course need to know that it is always placed vertical. Keep in mind that you can affect appeal also by altering terrain. For example jungle lowers the appeal of all neighboring tiles, so chopping a jungle could allow you to place one where you couldn't do so before.
The Eiffel Tower is going to be huge for culture victories due to appeal limitations.
You can also use the appeal lens to tell which tiles have high enough appeal. And of course need to know that it is always placed vertical. Keep in mind that you can affect appeal also by altering terrain. For example jungle lowers the appeal of all neighboring tiles, so chopping a jungle could allow you to place one where you couldn't do so before.

That is horribly counterintuitive and entirely against the point of national parks.

Its an interesting mechanic, but it needs a bit of work.
the pantenal can be done but not if you are standing on it. quill did it in Japan game, three out of four tiles from memory
All 4 tiles must be owned by the same city, that is really important to keep in mind.

All tiles beloning to a national park must have a minimum appeal value of 2 (some specific stuff ignore this requirment such as moutains and natural wonders).

Worth mention that I have not seen an upper appeal cap, create woods around your park will make them better because woods increase the appeal of adjacent tiles.
the pantenal can be done but not if you are standing on it. quill did it in Japan game, three out of four tiles from memory
Yeah, I got a park there after I completed the Eiffel tower. The one tile that didn't fit was the problem. (Well, that and the game doesn't explain how it works, just gives you some of the requirements)
Just started a game as America and found the Great Barrier Reef very near by. Is it possible to "Park" the water tiles down the road?
Just started a game as America and found the Great Barrier Reef very near by. Is it possible to "Park" the water tiles down the road?
Double check the Reef (mouseover and see if it has an appeal value). In my experience, water tiles have no appeal value and can't be used for parks.
Also making a Park in Cincinnati! Anyways two questions: Do road counts as improvements (they seem to) and if so does removing it let you build a NP? Also if you farm a resource will that effect your ability to build a NP?
Yep Eiffel Tower is good for this. And for resorts.

Remember that you can clear previously build areas, and plant forests, etc to adjust your owned terrain to make it possible to put in a park. Though obviously old growth forests have greater appeal.
Old growth have somewhat better appeal but new growth can be used for parks.

Faith is a very important resource for culture victories as the park will help alot.
Does it automatically override any improvements there, or do I need to manually remove my farms to make it work?
You have to use a serf to remove the improvements. Including roads.
Also, the term 'naturalist' makes me think of a fat middle-age naked guy. But apparently I am making a common mistake: those are Naturists.
Parks can have roads going through them. Now, I can't tell you for sure that my park didn't have a road cut through it after being established.

They can be established in spaces outside your city's three workable rings. A possible problem there is that land could be partially owned by Paris, partially by Marseilles, and you wouldn't know until you've sprung for the naturalist.
Why must it be vertically aligned? That is beyond idiotic...
Probably because a vertical diamond is a square, and the programmer was lazy. Explanation in spoiler box

Spoiler Lecture :

A hex grid is basically a rectangular grid with slopey sides. Internally it looks like this:
where NE-SW connections are valid, but NW-SE are not. A diamond will either look like


or like


Also, because searching both ways could yield ambiguity. I.e., if the ! marks a valid tile for inclusion, then if you have:


sitting on the ! and activating becomes ambiguous.
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