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It's About to Get Hot at the Border

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I like that. The troll has accomplished their objective by getting you to violate several rules at once, but the sad truth is that the administration has failed to act upon at least a dozen violations by the troll, and if they had taken action promptly it would never have come to this. I hope that when the thread gets closed for review the moderators and administration man up and acknowledge their own responsibility for this situation.
Especially as I reported him at least once before that I can recall. Maybe more, but I'm certain of one incident.

Accusing a man of behaving violently towards his children and being an alcoholic deserves a permanent banning. That simple. He won't get it, but that's what he deserves. He can go hang out on Gab, or whatever is left of Stormfront.

Sad that the thread will be closed, because it actually had potential. I was even enjoying smacking down ADH (short for A D*** Head, I assume) because I led to some interesting links. But cowards always resort to cowardice; it's in their nature. He'd rather suicide bomb the thread than continue to be made to look like the fool he has openly displayed himself to be.
Reported, with fair warning to the administration that if they don't then undoubtedly valued posters are going to.

Good. I don't play the victim. I say what I have to say and take my knocks. Maybe you will get another break from me. Maybe they're so tired of you being abusive in the background, they'll remove you.
You're abusive. I fear for your family. I hope you're not a heavy drinker.

There. I said it again. Do something about it.
I'd do the old Internet tough guy "say it to my face" thing, but we both know you'd piss yourself in fear if you were ever actually at risk of a physical confrontation.

Implying that a man drinks and beats his children is far more abusive than anything I have ever said on the Internet, ever. You should be permanently banned from this website, and I have no respect for the administration of this site if a coward like you is permitted to spew forth your bile, stupidity, and hate.
Especially as I reported him at least once before that I can recall. Maybe more, but I'm certain of one incident.

Accusing a man of behaving violently towards his children and being an alcoholic deserves a permanent banning. That simple. He won't get it, but that's what he deserves. He can go hang out on Gab, or whatever is left of Stormfront.

Sad that the thread will be closed, because it actually had potential. I was even enjoying smacking down ADH (short for A D*** Head, I assume) because I led to some interesting links. But cowards always resort to cowardice; it's in their nature. He'd rather suicide bomb the thread than continue to be made to look like the fool he has openly displayed himself to be.

I'm fine with you aiming this vitriol at me as long as you don't beat your wife and children. Please get help.
This is correct, because "the troll" is Timsup2nothin.

Nope. I'm actually a fairly valued regular poster and member of the community. I did break a rule by calling you a troll, and that will likely have consequences. But I am prepared to fight that infraction on the grounds that a comment isn't libelous if it is demonstrably true. You came back from being banned for trolling, and immediately resumed trolling. At least half of your comments in this thread, which has been pretty much your only activity, have been worthy of report and will eventually draw infractions. Eventually, failure by the administration to deal with you promptly has led to valued posters committing offenses, which is the 'accomplishment' associated with successful trolling. By all objective standards you ARE in fact a troll, and a rule punishing people who point that out directly needs to be challenged.
Good. I don't play the victim. I say what I have to say and take my knocks. Maybe you will get another break from me. Maybe they're so tired of you being abusive in the background, they'll remove you.
If you took the knocks you deserved, you'd be getting some of those rocks to the head we were discussing earlier. Enough to cause brain damage to a person with a brain, so doubtless you have nothing to fear.

I also don't see how anyone could ever "have to say"; "You're abusive. I fear for your family. I hope you're not a heavy drinker." That's the sort of comment you make to a racist uncle at a Christmas party who beats his wife; not a random stranger on the Internet who has been civil to you, in spite of plenty of opportunities to flame you.
k. I spoke my heart and mind to the best I could. I am ok with the ramifications. I do kinda feel bad I was loud in your little dollhouse, but I feel things have to be said to counter your sickness.
If you took the knocks you deserved, you'd be getting some of those rocks to the head we were discussing earlier. Enough to cause brain damage to a person with a brain, so doubtless you have nothing to fear.

I also don't see how anyone could ever "have to say"; "You're abusive. I fear for your family. I hope you're not a heavy drinker." That's the sort of comment you make to a racist uncle at a Christmas party who beats his wife; not a random stranger on the Internet who has been civil to you, in spite of plenty of opportunities to flame you.

Time to let it go...though I will appreciate your support at the inevitable confrontation between me and the administration when I challenge my infraction.
I'm fine with you aiming this vitriol at me as long as you don't beat your wife and children. Please get help.
How sad and lonely must your life be, that you are reduced to this, in a vain, pitiful attempt to find a little spark of joy at another person's expense. I've been harassed and threatened by far better men than you; indeed, I've had serial rapists threaten me. And I respect them more than you, because while they were violent criminals, they weren't cowards.

Especially since your comments aren't really working. I'm mostly darkly amused by your stupidity, not frothing with anger as you doubtless want me to be. I'm taking a really massive Donald Trump right now, so I would have been looking for something to do online anyway; thank you for providing it.
I've actually tried to ask to be removed from the manifest before. It's apparently against policy.

No, it isn't. That's a bald faced lie. CTD, a much more valued poster than you, gets himself banned voluntarily on a fairly regular basis. Having a request to delete your account refused would in some countries be a violation of laws regulating the internet. You just want to troll and won't leave until you are forced to, at which point you will no doubt create a DL and we will have to go through this all again to get rid of you again.
k. I spoke my heart and mind to the best I could. I am ok with the ramifications. I do kinda feel bad I was loud in your little dollhouse, but I feel things have to be said to counter your sickness.
I genuinely believe you spoke your "heart and mind" as best you could. Which says a lot about the deficiencies you have in both organs.

Time to let it go...though I will appreciate your support at the inevitable confrontation between me and the administration when I challenge my infraction.
Don't worry,you'll have it. You shouldn't be infracted; provocation is a legitimate defence under the law. And I did report him at least twice yesterday, and nothing really was done. One post was removed; the South Park spam.

Then skip the process of perma-banning and get lost.
Nah, I want to see him banned. Schadenfreude.
I literally (not figuratively) laughed out loud. Wife even asked what was so funny. She laughed out loud too. :lol:
Funny thing is I've been calling them that for about a decade. It's just he was so insignificant back then that no one else really picked up on how fittng my descriptions were. Ex-wife even had to be taken through Trump's lifetime "achievements" to see why I call my bowel movements that.
Which is why so many people have reported your posts. If there wasn't a backup in the system you'd have been properly disposed of yesterday, before so many good people ran out of patience with the process.

No, Timsup2nothin. You are an integral part of the organized evil and sickness on this offtopic board. Not me.
Theres some lessons here....
tim, you have an uncanny gift to know what is on others mind... but i am disappointed....you didnt say shill or dingbat

EDIT. come to think of it, its like some sort of ESP, where you know the both the thoughts and intentions of others before even they do. Should come in real handy irl :)
Words can't express how much this little comment deserves a permabanning.

For the record, I don't drink alcohol. And if I did, I still would never harm my family. I don't believe in locking people up in concentration camps or sending them to crime-ridden hell holes yo be kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered, unlike some people I could name. I'm old-fashioned like that.

The sort of person who would make a comment like yours is a disgusting little coward, hiding behind a keyboard because he lacks the necessary equipment to be a real man and express your views out in the world. The sort of person who is too stupid to Turk critically, debate rationally, or admit a mistake. The sort of person who has no family of their own, because no woman would ever willingly take their seed, even for a cash payment.
Good. I don't play the victim. I say what I have to say and take my knocks. Maybe you will get another break from me. Maybe they're so tired of you being abusive in the background, they'll remove you.
Seems both tim and adh wear their bannings as badges of honor....maybe they can both get tatooed when they get out of solitary
No one makes you come here.....
Maybe a concentration camp is a better alternative after all....

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