1.16 Turkic 600AD/Regent/Epic UHV Guide


May 2, 2020
Turkic game on 600AD is far harder than the 3000BC version. No Apadana Palace, less prebuilt improvements, and stronger enemies in Persia. While this guide seems to be very detailed there's no exact strategy for most city placement, conquest, improvement nor build orders. One thing's sure, the player should use Turkic unique trait to its full extent, and it's gonna be really dirty.
This guide is based on Regent-Epic game mode. In higher difficulties you will see more barbarian units and less friendly neighbors. You may not able to buy the key techs from them anymore.

General tips​

Turkic game heavily relies on some uncertainties:
1. If the barbarians spawn on unfortunate locations, or don't spawn at all for long time, you're doomed. They're also attracted to goodie huts, which sometimes spawn on northern Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
2. The combat odd is often unforgiving, 4 Horse Archer shot dead by single unit is no rare sight. So always keep at least 4:1 number advantage over the enemy. And don't stand in front of their cities for too long, that will provoke them to train and promote more defender.
3. If Arab get flip war with Byzantine it's a bad news. I rather see 2 Crossbowmen and 1 Cataphract than 4 Mobile Guards and 2 Ghazis.
4. You need 2 Great Artists for UHV3 with only 3 or 4 opportunities to spawn them. However, the wonders of Herat and Shiraz give some chances for a non Great Artist unit to spawn.

Key tech:
Feudalism for Keshik and ascend into Medieval era, once you are in Medieval the game moves at 5 years/turn instead of 8.
Medicine for Medic promotion
Artistry for build Culture
Ethics for Monasticism

City options:

I suggest Ulaan-ude(the northeast spot) instead of Ordu Baliq for better growth.
Western land:

Aktobe(Aktjubinsk): Easy to defend, nice production, has no name in game.
Bolghar or Sarai Berke: Good growth, large area, expensive maintenance.
Budapest or Yas: More access to barbarians and Byzantine Workers, very costly to maintain.
Taganrog: Like Yas but better, don't settle it before Russian flip.
Qazan: Spawn as barbarian city on 1200AD, if no civilization controls the area.
*the image should say Uralsk not Samara btw

Best cities to run artist:
Merv, Ulaan-Ude, Delhi, Herat and Shiraz. Run 2 artists once those cities reach 3 pop.

Where to see the barbies:
From France to Kazakhstan desert. 300-700AD: 4 Hunnic Horse Archer. Spawn near border.
Albania, Hungary, to southern Ukraine. 680-1000: 4 Avar/Bulgar Horse Archer. Spawn near border.
Southern Ukraine and Russia. 900-1200: 4 Cuman Horse Archer. Spawn near border.
Qazan(69'E 53'N, must be unoccupied). 1200AD: 3 Horse Archer. Spawn on the city.

Persia, Northeast Mesopotamia, northern Pakistan, Transoxania, and Kazakhstan(72'E 29'N to 101'E 43'N). 600-1040AD: 3 Turkic Oghuz. Spawn in random locations.
Around Caspian Sea. 1200-1600AD: 2 Tatar/Nogai Keshik. Spawn in random locations.
East of Caspian Sea to Orduqent. 1400-1700AD: 2 Uzbek/Kazakh Keshik. Spawn in random locations.
North of Samarkand to Mukden. 400-900AD: 4 Gokturk/Uighur Horse Archer. Spawn in random locations.
North of Kashgar to Mukden. 900-1100AD: 4 Jurchen/Khitan Keshik. Spawn near border.
India. 210BC-700AD: 1 War Elephant. Spawn near border.

North Africa. 50-900AD: 2 Berber Camel Rider.
North Africa. 900-1800AD: 1 Berber Camel Archer.
North Africa. 1200-1700AD: 1 Songhai Farari.

Other note:
The 20 improvement goal may seem impossible at first, but it is not. India has 3 improvements, Persia has 1, Byzantine has 5, Arabs has 0-2, Korea has 2(which you can "farm" twice), and China has more than 12 in mid-game. Send multiple Oghuz with Strength promotion so enemies won't try to face them.
The Great Work worth 2400 culture in Classical age, 3600 in Medieval, and 4800 in Renaissance.

Detailed Guide​

Turn 0
Set all sliders to 0%. Beeline Feudalism.
Scout to Indonesia.
1 Oghuz to Byzantine.
3 Oghuz to China. Don't Open Border with China yet!
1 Settler with Oghuz to Mongolia.
1 Settler with Oghuz go Northwest.
1 Worker build road 2N 1E of Dukhan.
2 Workers build Cottage in Kashgar.
The Archers should stand by in these positions: Samarkand Horse, 1NW of Merv, 1NE of Ordukent, the hill between Dukhan & Kashgar, and 1NE of Dukhan.
Merv build Granary or Theatre then Weaver. Others build Worker. Whip if able.

Turn 1
Trade Nobility for Politics.
Dirty trick #1: Destroy Byzantine Pasture, Open Border with them, put an Oghuz on Trabzon Iron.
Dirty trick #2: 1 Oghuz in China go to Beijing hill, the rest capture any Worker on sight(usually 1W of Beijing). Open Border with China afterward. Else, you can delay the OB and kidnap 2 Workers on the Silk 1NE of Kaifeng(it's dangerous to do this in higher difficulty as China starts with more armies).
The stolen Worker help build road to Mongolia/build Plantation.
Mongolian and Eurasian cities build Tengri Obo, then Monument or Theatre.

Turn 2-6
The 3 Oghuz in China go to Simiyan Hoton(Mukden). Don't attack the city yet. Pillage the Horse and stay there till Korea attack the Archer(usually on turn 5).
After the Archer is destroyed or injured, send 1 Oghuz to kill remaining Korean unit around the city. Then use the other two to take Simiyan Hoton.
If your workers are done making Cottage, build Plantation on Kashgar Silk.

Turn 7(656AD)
Declare war with Byzantine. Bomb the Iron mine in Trabzon, then you can either run away or continue to pillage surrounding area.
You can also send that Oghuz to the hill in Kiev to catch more Horse Archers.
Catch any Barbarian on sight!!
Pillage the Pig in Korea.

Turn 8 to 12(664-696AD)
I leave the improvement order to your judgment. But I suggest focusing 5 Workers to improve Transoxania.
Samarkand build Skirmisher or Palace, then whip Settler(if it reach 4 pop).
If either Merv or Orduqent reach 4 pop, whip for Settler.
Kashgar and Dukhan build Obo, Monument, and anything with culture points. Mind that Islam tend to spread to Kashgar, obsoleting the Obo.
Gift Generalship to Indonesia. Then trade for Medicine and Artistry. Don't buy other tech!
Keep your eye on the Korean Iron, once their Workers done building the mine, send 3 nearest Oghuz there immediately. Don't forget to burn the mine.
Use the stolen Workers in Mukden to road the way to Mongolia.
Send at least 8 units to invade Trabzon. If your timing is right they won't have more than 1 Crossbow in each city, hopefully they don't have any Cataphract left. If you catch no Turkic & Hunnic barbarian, then you should prioritize Arab and Persia first.
If you got 4 cav units or more, send 3 to the Gems 2N 1E of Herat to bait their Crossbowmen. Other stays in Merv to sweep surviving Crossbows. Repeat the process till you kill 3 Crossbowmen. Keep the sweeper at least 3 tiles away from Herat so the AI won't get wary of them.

Turn 13 to 24(704-800AD)
Note: If you own both Herat and Shiraz, your core will shift into much smaller area of Persia, resulting to economic and stability recession. So think wisely whether you need Shiraz for the UHV or not. Mongol also won't flip Transoxania as long as your core isn't Persia.
Another note: If you can bring some cities to Developing culture(triple ring), you might not need India at all.
Send more cavalry to Persia. Declare war and take their cities.
Herat build Theatre, Aqueduct, and Weaver.
Once Persia is done, send some Oghuz to India. Just try to bait the Patiyodha, then declare war to capture the cities.
Declare war on Abbassid Caliphate. Baghdad and Tabriz have bigger area and weaker units so they should be prioritized.

Turn 25 to 37(800-896AD)
Send 2 Oghuz to the Deer in South of Kaifeng. 1 Oghuz stay on Beijing Horse.
Dirty Trick #3: Close Border with China, destroy any improvements on sight. Once you're done, Open Border again with the poor neighbor before they get mad at you for not accepting Confucianism.
Settle Itil, Azak, or any close spot in Eurasia. Focus on culture.
Settle Isfahan. Focus on growth.
Now for the hardest part, attack Damascus and Jerusalem. You can sack Damascus and Tabriz for extra money, their border won't grow much anyway.
Even after conquering Damascus, your total land area may not reach 5% right now. So it's time to raise the culture slider and build Culture on your periphery cities. Your area will grow drastically in just under 5 turns. Be considerate though, especially if you have negative minimum GPT.

Here is the screenshot of one of my games, I reach 6% without having to conquer India and Shiraz.
Spoiler 3 screenshot :


900 to 1100AD
Congratulations if you achieve the first goal! But the next goals are deceptively hard. Your empire might also collapsing at this point.
Turn up the research slider, you can catch the cool Keshik once you have Feudalism. Be careful, they are very fast and may appear without any alert.
Build Palace in Samarkand. You'll get a big gpt boost for building Palace so you should prioritize it over Market.
Use first Great Artist in Samarkand for the third goal. This will also make Kashgar focus its culture Westward.
There are 2 ways to complete the Silk road. Settle the desert hill for instant border or trust Dukhan and Kashgar to grow their borders.
Release Indian cities. You may keep Lahore to get the Incense.
Improve Persian land so your new core cities can quickly grow.
Switch to Islam and Clergy or Monasticism.
Watch out for Egypt! Prepare some units in Jerusalem to anticipate Ayyubid invasion.

1100AD to 1190AD
Dirty Trick#4: In 1185AD, place a military unit one tile away from all of your Northern cities. Once Mongol spawned, immediately take all of their cities. Poof! They vanished without trace. But remember, they will respawn around 1230 or 1260AD along with a conqueror event. In that case...
Make sure you're most populous city is in Persia. When Mongol comes, you'll get free Palace there.

1190 to 1400AD
When you see the menu to accept Mongol spawn, just press Yes. They'll auto declare war no matter what you choose.
Dirty Trick#5: You can completely block Mongolian conquerors by placing units around Isfahan, Shiraz, and Herat. Do this until 1230 or 1260AD.
Beeline Cartography to build Gur e Amir in Samarkand, just for historical fun :D. Alternatively you can go for Heritage for quicker Renaissance or Firearms to fight Mongols.
The UHV3 will depend on your luck. Hopefully the 2 GA spawn in time. It's also possible to win the game by settling 1 GA, or using Great Work after you get Renaissance.

Hope this guide will be helpful. And feel free to share your own experience!
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Necromancing this guide

I tried the turks a long time ago and won before mongol even spawned. I recently tried a new game and man I keep losing no matter what strategy I've used. I followed alot of what's in this guide but still come up short.

Spawning a bunch of settlers and settling Eurasia seems the best way to reach first goal but it creates some problems. Lots of maintenance, leading to turks being technologically backwards even with UB built. Secondly since core cities are busy building settlers then they aren't developed either

First few attempts I tried using UP to a mass a horde of horse archers only to fail or struggle to take a single city.

Failed culture goal multiple times until I realized that that a great artist was the correct play.

Tried a 3000bc start only to met with an UBER Persia twice.

Some new strategies I've started trying but not sure how useful they are:

One was switch to citizenship and build up some much needed infrastructure and hold off settling until AFTER medieval Era for the free granary.

Spam settlers

Capture as many barbarians as possible (have to be at war) but don't rely solely on numbers. I thought 10-16 HA would be enough... it wasn't. Have to whip some artillery and maybe also skimmers.

The question is when to switch to elective for palace moving/barracks and also much needed gold boost? At the cost being able to whip?

TLDR: Need help! if anybody has some suggestions or advice I'm open to hearing them. Thanks!

Edit: another strategy I thought of is letting barbs take some less desireble cities after first goal. Not sure if this practical or not
3000bc start is better. Several rolls maybe be needed. I prefer, than kuds holy orthodoxy city. Yes, Persia or Arabia could be very strong, but you have room to pillage (in India (Chines Crossbows eat your Horses easy) and gets some gold), and capture workers. Citizenship is truly needed, old settle guide also work. With Gizantip you'll get iron faster, so dealing with Persia be easier. In my resent game Arabia was a big problem. They seat with pack of heavy spearmens in cities with walls. It was pain)) coz you don't have time to build cats... Save load went whole day for better result in war)) I declared war to Khmer (coz they want come to you), to be constant at war to get Barbs in my army
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My guide is no longer practical in 1.17. The new birth protection mechanic has killed the 600AD gameplay. And Turks get no Advanced Start like everyone else.
1. Roll a start with a weak Persia and barb horses nearby.
2. Roll RNG again to conquer Persia and pillage India.
3. Defend Arabs at open terrain.
4. Use gold from sacking to build culture and settle more cities in steppes.
5. Catch Mongolian Keshiks after 900 AD (you should have Feudalism) to further push into Byzantium and India. But keep away from China and its Great Wall.
Well, i tried 600AD Monarch/Marafon. You can capture Herat with started army. Move archer from Merv to Herat Horses - so Crossbow will came from city to kill him. Bring all Ozguh and archers and take Herat. And Arabia within few turns declare war to you. If you kill all Gazi and Mobile Guard (take some time, and probably you'll need peace and new war then ready) - then Arabia will have only Archers on defend. But i dont know were pillage 20 improvements. I didnt enter India until deadline - and around 900AD there was still nothing to pillage.
There was no worker to capture - so i went Manorialism at start. You can switch to Slavery, if you'll see pack of workers near you horses to capture them. And Islam with first turn. Islam spread good along you cites - better culture and production.
Workers first improve Silk way resources
UPD. You can do it with Shiraz too. Screenshot from Regent game, better combats on this difficulties

Spoiler I was close to 1UHV, so it's still possible. 600AD Marathon/Monarch :
so close and yet so far.png

You need at least 2 combat 4-5 Ozguh to enter Byzantine or China territory and pillage there
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I got 1UHV on Regent/Epic.
If you move archer to horses at turn 0, crossbow will come to kill him, (leave Oghuz 2 tile away from city or crossbow will stay in city), while Spearman will go to Shiraz. It's always happen. Also if you lose to many Oghuz (max 2 you can afford to lose), start new game for new seed))) So, Shiraz has 2 crossbow and 2 spearman - Arabia will get trouble)). Take Herat and sacked it!!! So you get a lot of gold(!). Convert Manorialism at turn 0, all cites build 2 waves of worker, except Samarkand. Started worker build Samarkand cotton first, then Camel, than Merv Cotton. Then all workers build only Silk road resources. Then you get enough workers - Case system. OB with China and send Scout to Indochina for Indonesia contact (tech trade, give them something for pleased). Trade Nobility for Politic with China and full science to get Feudalism. After what run only culture. Don't settle (move settlers and wait) any cites before Medieval. I send one settler to Crimea - found Azak where.
And now there 2 way. If Arabia fail to capture Shiraz - get it and sacked too. And Arabia will get conquer event for Byzantine. And you can declare war to Byzantine too. If so, don't delay war with Arabia, or they became very strong or made vassal Byzantine. So I just did some pillage in Byzantine territory and make peace. Then war with Arabia.
If Arabia capture Shiraz - then you'll get war with Arabia. Don't let Arabia found Tebriz, you need found Rasht instead, you core city.
Also with OB with China you can bring Oghuz to Tibet and pillage some improvements. Arabia will build a lot of improvements in Egypt and around Makkah, so pillage there too. Break OB with China, then you'll get enough Oghuz to freely pillage. Also i got a lot of horses, so i went war with Korea for pillage. But it was not necessary probably.


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I got 1UHV on Regent/Epic.
If you move archer to horses at turn 0, crossbow will come to kill him, (leave Oghuz 2 tile away from city or crossbow will stay in city), while Spearman will go to Shiraz. It's always happen. Also if you lose to many Oghuz (max 2 you can afford to lose), start new game for new seed))) So, Shiraz has 2 crossbow and 2 spearman - Arabia will get trouble)). Take Herat and sacked it!!! So you get a lot of gold(!). Convert Manorialism at turn 0, all cites build 2 waves of worker, except Samarkand. Started worker build Samarkand cotton first, then Camel, than Merv Cotton. Then all workers build only Silk road resources. Then you get enough workers - Case system. OB with China and send Scout to Indochina for Indonesia contact (tech trade, give them something for pleased). Trade Nobility for Politic with China and full science to get Feudalism. After what run only culture. Don't settle (move settlers and wait) any cites before Medieval. I send one settler to Crimea - found Azak where.
And now there 2 way. If Arabia fail to capture Shiraz - get it and sacked too. And Arabia will get conquer event for Byzantine. And you can declare war to Byzantine too. If so, don't delay war with Arabia, or they became very strong or made vassal Byzantine. So I just did some pillage in Byzantine territory and make peace. Then war with Arabia.
If Arabia capture Shiraz - then you'll get war with Arabia. Don't let Arabia found Tebriz, you need found Rasht instead, you core city.
Also with OB with China you can bring Oghuz to Tibet and pillage some improvements. Arabia will build a lot of improvements in Egypt and around Makkah, so pillage there too. Break OB with China, then you'll get enough Oghuz to freely pillage. Also i got a lot of horses, so i went war with Korea for pillage. But it was not necessary probably.
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What do you have to do with Herat?
If I decide to hold Herat, Arab will spawn 2 Ghazi conquerors and attack me. When i have bad luck (usually it is) i wont have enough army to defeat their incoming army.
And the lack of army also means i cannot take Shiraz too.

If i leave Herat to the Independents, maybe i will have fewer Arab units to worry about.
What do you have to do with Herat?
If I decide to hold Herat, Arab will spawn 2 Ghazi conquerors and attack me. When i have bad luck (usually it is) i wont have enough army to defeat their incoming army.
And the lack of army also means i cannot take Shiraz too.

If i leave Herat to the Independents, maybe i will have fewer Arab units to worry about.
If Arabia go war with you - leave Herat, maybe you'll be need leave Merv too. You need to beat incoming forces on open terrain and luck with spawning barbarians near you. Not sure what you'll have enough time on epic speed to did that. But i was able to fight with Arabia this way on marathon speed. That's why you can afford lose more than 2 Ogzuh while taking Herat. Maybe you should start new game, hoping Arabia will go for war with Byzantine.
Well, just tried again (Epic/Monarch). Within few turns you'll be able to declare war to Byzantine, so send some Ozguh to be ready for barb hunt. Also you can place some Ozguh on open terrain as barb. Letting Arabia attack them and die.
The strategy is working! Got 6.34% and 20 pillage in 890AD, no Shiraz. It's on Regent/Marathon though. Thanks @banzay13
I was very lucky Arab failed to invade Shiraz, which had 3 Crossbowmen. And they dont spawn conqueror army to take Herat, perhaps its no coincidence. No pillage on India, but I invaded Korea with 4 Horse Archer and 1 Oghuz to take Shenyang and pillage 2 improvements, also Egypt and Hijaz has some weakly defended improvements.

Still looking for a more consistent way to achieve the UHV. Maybe i'll try Epic speed someday.
I just played a very casual Turkic gameplay and bro, i had no idea you could get so many units from barbarians.
At the start your eco is deceivingly terrible, because Silk road isnt in. When it is, youre supercharged.
I didnt need to build many units, just siege lol. 90% of my troops were barbs.
I love this unique ability.
I might actually try the Turkic UHV, tho DEFINETELY not on the 600 AD start.
Which sub-UHV do you think is harder? 6% territory or 20 pillages?
From my first attempt, the territory one. Your expansion route isnt that clear since A) China is beefy with CKN and B) Arabia spawns and steamrolls you.
Plus, you need to find the sweet spot of barbs that you acquire.
Occasionally i might try again this UHV, it seems fun, tho tricky af.
From my first attempt, the territory one. Your expansion route isnt that clear since A) China is beefy with CKN and B) Arabia spawns and steamrolls you.
Plus, you need to find the sweet spot of barbs that you acquire.
Occasionally i might try again this UHV, it seems fun, tho tricky af.
if playing on Marathon, don't take Herat before turn 16 (right after you can declare war on Byzantine). Or else Arabs will declare war on you. But sometimes Arabs will declare war in year 700 or 800 when you control a city in Persia.
So maybe just ignore Persia before massing 12 Horse Archers and some siege units.

With 2 cities in Russia you don't need to conquer the whole Middle East. You can delay Shiraz and conquer the rest, or conquer Shiraz and delay Jerusalem.

Personally, I never try to attack China. I'll just attack Korea with 8 Horse Archers, and pillage 6 tiles.
if playing on Marathon, don't take Herat before turn 16 (right after you can declare war on Byzantine). Or else Arabs will declare war on you. But sometimes Arabs will declare war in year 700 or 800 when you control a city in Persia.
So maybe just ignore Persia before massing 12 Horse Archers and some siege units.

With 2 cities in Russia you don't need to conquer the whole Middle East. You can delay Shiraz and conquer the rest, or conquer Shiraz and delay Jerusalem.

Personally, I never try to attack China. I'll just attack Korea with 8 Horse Archers, and pillage 6 tiles.
Any trick on how to acquire a city in china for the uhv
Trying Epic speed now that I have (almost) consistently win the Marathon UHV.
Man Epic was brutal. Arab didn't conquer Shiraz in 3 games, they did try invade the city but only after 800AD.
Oghuz somehow keeps spawning in the wrong place. Slower movements means that I can't put my unit in strategic positions to seek the barbarians.

I wonder how I was once able to send 8 Horse Archers to Trabzon before 700 AD at Epic speed. :crazyeye:
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