"not a member" problem


Nov 21, 2011
Hello, I am trying to add a 'featurehealth integer' to civics, like how the BtS vanilla game already had a 'featurehappiness integer'.
I guess I have become rusty, as the last time I modded Civ4 is about 10 years ago, and back then I could just look at something similar and copy that with small changes where necessary, and it would work without problems.
But now when I compile a dll with this new civic option (+health from a defined feature if that civic is chosen), it says 'X is not a member of 'CvCivicInfo'' and similar things, as well as '... is not a base or a member'
I don't get it as I did declare everything in the header files, and it's the kind of error that makes it sound like that's what I forgot - but I did not.

Does anyone have a clue what can cause this or know a guide that explains how to 'copy and edit' existing integers like I am trying to do here?

Thanks in advance :)
Try to recompile everything. Visual studio has a "rebuild" option for that.
Try to recompile everything. Visual studio has a "rebuild" option for that.
That's exactly it! I don't know why I forgot this, but I guess it's been a while. Thanks, that fixed everything :)
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