The Boeing Thread

It's not just our planes that parts can come off of, capisce?

45yo, rapid pneumonia infection followed by MRSA complications... this is awfully stinky.
yeah , who would have known ? Guy gets a week ban so that he can't edit his own posts somewhere else because that would show he has power on his own . Read this carefully , big companies . You are (and will remain) responsible for what you do or don't . (Else we don't play) Oh yes , this is not important , this doesn't matter .

your minions , too ...
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

it is not a threat , certainly not in the beginning . The F-35 is the king of the hill , a trillion dollars or ten until 2070 . Like , who cares , right ? Will Roper is a middle level guy that's assigned during the Trump Administration . Trump is in the pocket of Lockmart allright but it is a game that must be played . Moreso as Trump must look like challenging big business for votes ; hence Roper gets to work on "cheaper ways of acquiring fighters" . As it is a known quantity , F-24A to F becomes a subject of computerized projections and stuff in some must-be-secret-US-Goverment facility . In further steps a likely large fighter is also investigated . The F-24 is in for "production aspects" because it is solely designed to be handicapped with stupid losers trying to find ways around material supply bottlenecks and solutions to that might be used for American planes ... Which are otherwise required to last 20 or 40 years in service . 10 years in the 1950s was good ; while Russians did not bother even for that . Their MiGs would last only two years but they were built for that , cheap and easy to rush massive numbers into a short sharp clash if need be . You know , supposedly what awaits America in a war over Taiwan with China ...

but it is Goverment money , so , as said , Roper also studies a fighter that would have the range in such a war . "Navy fighter" flies in 2017 . No weapon systems , can not land on a carrier , has no cup holders . No nothing . Basically a smartphone or laptop for the pilot for flight data .

now , it is Lockmart and PW for the engines . Northrop will get the bomber . Boeing has the airliners , the second engine maker is free to compete in the civilian market . Which it can as its partnership with French Snecma assures Paris will keep the Airbus Board under its thumb to see newer models will have engine options from America . Basically out of reach of those US officials owning stocks in Defence ... This is the Cheney vision , from Nixon's through Reagan's into Dabya's terms . When Roper sees the Navy fighter through , the second engine maker gets it . No , no contracts ... Down to being barred from Wall Street's top 100 index and stuff . That was nothing "creative accounting" could not have solved ...

some Blueblood of the American industry and economy , if you haven't heard about them ...

remember , a monopoly in fighters . Then comes a series of brilliant actions by the US . Suddenly defence dollars become scarce , risk of failure becomes real as partizanship eats into checks and balances which in better times used to lose checks into the financial balances of those who would refuse to see malpractice and corruption in the system ... If you didn't understand this sentence , Trump or even Bidon would have to attack Lockmart and its stockholders' wallets if something happened and politicians had to hang people if the US Public was not to hang those very same politicians .

now , the second engine maker has been trying to quit military engines sector since the 1960s . This was the Truman vision , keeping car companies in making jet plane engines after their war emergency work in 1940-45 era . Due to the need for specialization , that didn't work out . Leading to PW monopoly as Wright , Westinghouse , stuff fell by the wayside and Allison being handicapped with its contacts with the British , who would rather have the global sales on their own if they could . This reaching a peak in the 1980s . The famous Engine Wars where a reluctant Pentagon had to force the second engine maker to stop quitting the military sector , PW got punched a bit .

the reason for Neutron Jack was different . Israel was fast becoming the best friend of the US , it needed an aviation industry , PW had nothing suitable , a last version of the last engine was chosen to power the Lion Cub , better known as the Kfir . Which was an improvement on Nesher , a Mirage under the hood . There was a fake French embargo at the time , French manufactured parts would be assembled in Israel and the Mirage testbed that flew the first American engine was the finest dogfighter the Israelis had ever seen upto that moment .

but there was a problem . Mirage is a "lightweight" , SAMs are the preferred way to fight for Soviet supplied Arabs , it takes a Phantom to battle SAM batteries and Mirage needs to carry more stuff . Hence the Kfir , a Mirage with a new wing . When the wing produced too much drag , PR department could not slight their magnificiently masterful national effort and it was the fault of the last engine , which didn't produce enough "thrust" . Of course there are geeks who know their jet engines and they should have already challenged me here .

79 was the last engine . 404 got a second source production in the name of increasing efficiency . New York Times , October 3rd, 1984 has Lehman (Reagan's Secretary of the Navy) "asking" for PW to produce the engine . He was naturally late as the idea was first voiced in 1975 if the USN was to fail to choose the F-16 bid , PW taking over fully in time . No F-100 production was offered in return and not just because F-110 was in production by then .

back to Israel where the pilots of the first Kfir squadron are very unhappy . They are all former Mirage pilots , theirs is a famous unit with a lot of kills over MiGs , "Technolog" (the American engined test bed) is a dream to fly ... but their new fighters are like trucks , can't do Mirage things ! The second engine company refusing to give aways secrets that should have increased power even more , you know , like because they do not exist ... Offended and seeing anti-Semitism and whatnot and taking full confidence from the Evangelist affection for the newly elected Likud , the Israelis decide to develop Lavi , a full Lion or whatever . Will have the PW engine they had asked their American friends to have developed in their name , it will also outperform the F-16 and will be heavily exported , you know , to some country in the Mediterranean .

when Jack Welch takes over in 1981 , the second engine company has actual ability to fill inside the F-20 hull with like everything , once Northrop builds it . Eisenhower pushed them back in , Kennedy pushed them out , Johnson had a war on , Nixon did his best but he was out first , Ford had inflation , Carter cancelled the B-1A to kill the entire engine division , Reagan would like to have a war on ; his wars were always too short to his liking . Neutron comes from the CEO's ability to enter some building and fire everybody inside . The building would remain but the people would disappear . Like the bomb that was famous at the time ... This he claimed was done to improve the poor condition of the company , in later years he would be called like the greatest CEO . It also allowed him to get rid of traitors who lived downriver . Read the guy's Wikipedia page , you will see it is all there .

his son WILL prefer this version that his father was doing his thing for Israel , Democracy and Freedom and Liberty . Instead of an ever developing idea that his father was foremost in destroying the United States for greed and being a jerk . His father famously lied that people were fired left and right and the sons of such workers attacked him at school or something . There is still a schoolbus load of witnesses that he was mobbing a kid from the aviation side of the company because it was still unfeasible to fire the kid's dad .

here , we will need another name . John Lehman . Secretary of Navy for Reagan . A relative of Grace Kelly who ignored his "dire" warnings about certain events during the filming of The Star Wars and no , ı will not link to that post . Princess Grace might have found it easier to ignore him if it was indeed the Lehmans a teenager Princess Caroline had to elbow her way through at a church service in the US as she was expected to be photographed next to her mother , but anyhow . Lehman would have his revenge when he DID send two A-4 jets to buzz the set of The Return of The Jedi .

so , he dislikes Lord Vader , opposes Turkish fighter co-production deal ... What gives ? Israel bombs Saddam's nuclear reactor , Saddam gets kinda sorta angry , Israel might have to bomb Iraq in some quite serious way . They need more capable F-16s , because they , too , can not afford an all F-15 airforce ... Which would still fail to be , with no orders but for Lehman . He is an aviator in the USN Reserves , has the ego . The thing to stress here is that Vietnam was bad for morale , a lot of self-questioning taking place . After Zumwalt's sideburns aka relaxed rules and stuff , MACHISMO was going to come back . Lehman had chosen Joe Hoser Satrapa as his man to be the standart bearer of that new era . You will find a lot of Hoser stories on the web . Like the one where he would strap on like 40 pounds of armaments to go Chuck Norris in the jungle if he was shot down over Nam . Chuck was just about to become famous during the war , Rambo is a product of 1980s . So , Lehman has put Hoser in charge , of stuff like teaching gunnery in Topgun and they are in an F-14 and Hoser wows he didn't stall the engines (twice) on purpose to make a point . Can't fire Hoser for opposing the then two-bit Cheney , for clearly demonstrating Cheney's a wrong idea at that particular moment . Also can not accept the point ...

because he defines himself as a combat aviator , he would really go to a war of suitable size and his life might depend on F-14s doing their job correctly and with those engines it might be a problem . And yet engines are not cheap and sizeable numbers must be ordered . That's why the US finally ignored the bribes that had been paid to the commander of the now dead Turkish Airforce to buy the less capable F-16/79 and move on to F-16C/D-30 and beyond . After Israelis had demanded the 110 engines for a war they might have to fight and were eager to use the contract to force PW to stop increasing the costs of the 1120 engine for their F-16 killing Lavi , Turkey was the second country to order the same . Even if Lord Vader and gang had treated it to be a thing in 1978 or so . Which then meant orders for the F-14 , which in turn forced USAF to buy more , which rolled into the famous Engine Wars of the 1980s . The second company forced to stay in the military market "forced honesty on PW" which indeed then managed to produce working engines on cost and schedule . The Subpar Hornet saga is easily explainable as a dud to keep the second engine company in the military market , because the US Political system needs the Engine Wars fable to falsely promise that it can deliver . Also if it was not the F-18E/F , it would clearly be the F-14D+ or E which were already equipped with the 110 . Something that was threatening the very fabric Lockmart needed to sell the F-35 to the Navy , long range and stuff when compared to the Bug , a standart F-18 Hornet .

and it is a recurring theme . It costs money , the profits are not great , the political system rejects despite company spending the highest amount of dollar bills on lobbying . ı don't have the heart to find the post where ı implied F-35 would keep using PW engines , because one might then make some connection with leeway offered to the second engine company about the enforced clean-up efforts in some rivers . Which would save the company 15 to 20 billion US dollars over 10 to 20 years with Governer Cuomo counter-suing and losing . Only to keep the illusion that there is competition and PW is not the monopoly until the end of the thermal death of the universe .

wanna ask so badly ?


Uh, what's this post about?

Spoiler :

the second engine company has facilities in this country , you will have to agree that ı might have a certain reputation due to my service palanthir that looks a crystal ball . No , this is not PR for that company , no positive spin on things . They are not even particularly supportive of this country , they are supposed to make money for their shareholders in the first place . None of whom live here and that . It is only that by all indications they haven't been yet told that they lost it , again .

if ı am the first person to say this and it turns out to be true , then other things ı have said might also be true . No trouble following me in this paragraph , right ? Grasping this concept ? That r16 might have the dope on stuff ?

other things in this very thread suggest the Boeing woes might be related to the selection of the next American fighter jet and that will cascade down into even larger profits and whatnot as it will set the next set of standarts for the so called Free World . It doesn't actually blame Lockmart with doing hits or contracting for hits . That's a big thing , CFC would cease to exist . It merely mentions how it looks , the unfavourable optics and stuff . It puts a brake to things . Which are not as bad as the first two anyhow .

fighter pilots talk A LOT . One of the old gang was one and while he might not have been the ranking ace of the world or anything , he did have the smooth talk that he could do things in the F-84F all those Americans who were otherwise BS'ting their own adventures could not . Since trolling was an art , he could also tell of his adventures against aliens who were still little green men at the time and UFOs . When Ankara got a hint on the efficiency of this and worldviews were like totally divergent at that time as well , the average UFO was "invented" by some guy in this country and covered on the State TV . Look for Turboencabulator or some other silly word . A joke invented by the British engineering students and stuff , given a place in the company catalogue for 1963 as if a real thing . Which was of course added to a limited number of Turkish jets in the 1964 and 67 crises to boost thrust and speed . "Prove it doesn't exist! It is in the catalogue!" So , the company went to point of sending an investigative team to inspect Ankara's UFO , they also had some real world duty of engine maintenance and similar stuff and the joke turned on them as some higher authority in the company "arranged tight security" so that they were escorted to their hotel while the night was young , Belly Dancers Brigade of the KGB might steal the secrets !

this level of familiarity is a danger ... Some boomer fired by Neutron Jack (if he can get past shouting "Get out of my lawn") might say there were a group people from some country with sand and camels in Africa or maybe from Asia and they were like totally always first with news . This is an untolerable danger , if you will . So , some similarly old guy elsewhere on the web spins a yarn of his own . For the Gen Z brainy enough to work in the second engine company . Even blaiming the second engine company for not building an earlier dry 414 but only at passing .

this was great black engineering at its finest ! Pentagon and White House did not murder two really leading US Fighter makers on behalf of Lockmart . It is only the fault of management , like even a little bit of their Stars and Stripes waving patriotism that they took the fall . Just like British Aerospace made trolls in New Turkey know that it is not nice for them to send police cars to the streets of people who challenged them in one single post that was removed anyhow , Lockmart has been instrumental in making people to remove their eternal bans of me for a couple of times . Like tried again . Don't . They have nothing to learn from me .

was bad between Lockmart and PW as their monopoly made them lazy and Russia is really counting on the inefficiencies of the current US industry and Lockmart falsely claimed they preferred the second engine company product . Which had "record breaking cost" for a development contract , that 15 to 20 billions the company would no longer be required to spend on clean up . To do it on their own , they spent something like 60 million dollars on the media campaigns while they will admit only 10 to 15 million dollars . Otherwise no more US combat air vehicles will use an engine of the second company , as soon as Pentagon can manage . Uh , also further incentives were offered . At a time when the US apparently actively tried to limit any sort of engine work after the S-400 deal and Rolls Royce had the field cleared of unneccesary plants and grass , the New Turkey trainer ends up with the 404 , first time it enters service here and 110s for the F-24G . Making it to the top level of threat to the US in any extremely most unlikely clash (with real weapons) . Yeah , all the Party trolls will call us idiots if the USN does something smart and gives up jet trainers landing on carries and then ends up leasing the New Turkey trainer for a couple of such flights , like because New Turkey suddenly discovers it needs a carrier in some soft spot for size that alone allows and requires further development of a trainer/light combat aircraft to land on carriers . Famously , the idiots only talk when New Turkey does .

was extremely offensive elsewhere on the web , not me , but their understanding of me . You might have heard a lot about British Class distinctions . The British came here with a notion of India . As the failings of the Western economy were failing to show with China becoming more expensive for production by slave labour . America would maintain the military alliance angle with Beijing but move the factories out . This is Brexit , London moving out of the EU to profit more with this global dislocation and Trump gifting this country to Theresa May . Might not have had any other choice as New Turkey Islamists seem to be incredibly well connected to the UK . Was hounded a bit personally when they could figure out in that particular aviation forum that ı was in opposition . That apparently irritates those people immensely that some brown flipper wearer can dare to challenge their god given rights to their India , memsahibs and playing Polo . Given a break and banned for good , really eternally this time , no doubt possibly strangely probably coinciding with Rolls Royce being told there would have to be 20 or 30 "prototypes" in a programme that was extented to 250 after 100 to 132 F-35s could no longer be bought . They can live and ignore me with imagining that ı am a Boeing bot , especially after banning me . Some other company is far scarier . If you can't follow , copy paste the text , seperate the sentences into smaller parts , take time , it is easy .

Uh, but is it for real?

of course not . Not a bot , not working for the second engine company . Like it would be a some real cool wetdream for USAF to be told that they would make that forum go puff if they wanted some engine . USAF does not and will not want that engine , there is no war coming with China as it is a lie to drum up support for an ever burgeoning Pentagon budget , it is huge fun anyhow . They take it as some sort of religion up there . With Lockmart as their god . When this patriotic boomer suggested other companies might have known Stealth principles better than so far reported and committed corporate suicide in National Interest , there was a whole new thread that breathlessly declared a new secret aircraft in an hangar in the holy shrine to Lockmart , Area 51 and stuff . They are down to pixel artifacts in Photoshop by the looks of it but hey , it was holy defence against the false gods claimed by that heretic of a boomer and supposed claims by a Turkish heathen .

and it ignores the essential question ... What do you want from me ? That Lord Vader has decreed it be best with Lockmart and PW . With the attendant Tactical Air Trainwreck it produced , why would ı want anything else ? Lockmart and PW makes MY country safer .
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45yo, rapid pneumonia infection followed by MRSA complications... this is awfully stinky.
I don't know if you can give someone those illnesses on demand.
nobody is saying anybody gave somebody something . And only Boeing by those who might say . Yeah , quite some post . Nobody has had an heartattack over in at Pentagon yet .
in the way people hate me , ı will have to reply in relation to Boeing again .

now those who read inside the spoilers will remember some guy ı know had a little spat elsewhere on the web . He naturally has been put to pasture by the said forum . Rolls Royce and BAe get unhappy when they can't curbstomp Brown slipper wearers without notice , though . It's summer and ı will be Brown , oh-kay ? Words were obviously said and the guy who ended up reporting or whatever the guy ı know naturally became the "responsible party" . Like he should have known the answer would be deemed antagonistic especially when it was not and the forum be forced to act . So , the guy unaware that he got off easily , now picks on me . In a forum where ı am banned and there is warning in a coloured strip above every post of mine that says ı will not be able to answer .

let history take note that a former high ranking US submariner thinks that ı know nothing about the design history of the F-16 .

now that ı know they all read this place , as of today and stuff , what he wasn't taught in the Submarine School is of little import . That there was a substantial movement in this country to get an American Mandate after the Great War , Wilson wanted to establish a Mandate for Armenia , that was unfeasible 'cause Mustafa Kemal and his merry band of bandits . But due to substantial potential with unclearly delineated oil maps and stuff , remember Bakü here , there was also a will to do business . Because that would be awful and in the end became the bug that ate the American political elite within to lead to US returning to strict isolation stuff , a number of retired US Admirals became business agents . To get it better , you can always remember your Marine brothers proudly singing "From the shores of Tripoli" . It was in the USN's DNA to oppose evil Turks . That there was a lot of effort to get bigger shares from the Turkish opium business is what triggered Smedley "war is a racket" Butler to his later era views . Considering he had hardly objected to stealing 11 tons or whatever of Chinese gold as a young officer . This is why post-Vietnam blues led to careful consideration by the US authorities when these lot of dudes started crawling all over the place .

when ONI tells former veterans to tell you to shut up , really consider shutting up .

but for your entertainment , ı should also add that a pro-seperatist singer (of all people) supposedly started rumours that "old people" or "whitebeards" abducted President Obama when he was in Antalya in 2011 in the hotel elevator and warned and threatened him for 22 to 23 minutes so that he would retreat from Iraq and stop CIA killing Nationalist leaders . Nope , not real but there has to be an effort . If "the foot" as he calls himself has to act in the name of influencing some blueblood American company , why not for the Youth here , with their brains melted with TV shows ?


and yeah , this is the actual F-16 concept Pentagon approved before Harry Hillaker enlarged it to production standarts after informed that there would be Congressional support for a new fighter programme that would otherwise threaten F-15 , the sacred cow of USAF . The entire LWF thing was to offer an improved F-5 (later) for the export market , F-17 was the preffered one and Boeing could also offer its thing to those countries that were not exactly US allies . ı have heard "the foot" has still not answered the challenge that he KNEW beforehand that the LWF planes were designed to be more agile than a MiG-17 with powered flight controls instead of (25%) superiority over the MiG-21 . No , do not ask him , you two will give an heart attack to eminent correspondents . ı hate some . But the forum owner doesn't deserve the idea that he should call Harry Hillaker from the dead to answer for this new heresy . It will only lead to "the foot" exposing the Falcon indeed arises from the F8U/A-7 line up and USAF strictly banned Vought on pain of cutting A-7D orders , because of being a threat to F-15 with large afterburning turbofans .

like you think Vought/LTV did not consider some foolish stupid Turkish idea of a co-production deal ?
was going the end the story so far by a post tomorrow , but you can check the coverage of your media stuff by the news . Yesterday , Fedex 767 , nosewheel door didn't open , landed on its nose in Istanbul . Today , Corendon 737-800 , nosewheel strut broken during landing , tyres burst , possibly less damage to fuselage .

Boeing whistleblower says plane parts had serious defects​

Plane bodies made by Boeing's largest supplier regularly left the factory with serious defects, according to a former quality inspector at the firm.
Santiago Paredes who worked for Spirit AeroSystems in Kansas, told the BBC he often found up to 200 defects on parts being readied for shipping to Boeing.
He was nicknamed "showstopper" for slowing down production when he tried to tackle his concerns, he claimed.
Spirit said it "strongly disagree[d]" with the allegations.

"We are vigorously defending against his claims," said a spokesperson for Spirit, which remains Boeing's largest supplier.
Mr Paredes made the allegations against Spirit in an exclusive interview with the BBC and the American network CBS, in which he described what he said he experienced while working at the firm between 2010 and 2022.
He was accustomed to finding "anywhere from 50 to 100, 200" defects on fuselages - the main body of the plane - that were due to be shipped to Boeing, he said.
"I was finding a lot of missing fasteners, a lot of bent parts, sometimes even missing parts."
Boeing declined to comment.


Spirit AeroSystems and Boeing have both come under intense scrutiny after an unused door came off a brand new 737 Max shortly after take-off in January, leaving a gaping hole in the side of the plane. According to investigators, the door had originally been fitted by Spirit, but had subsequently been removed by Boeing technicians to rectify faulty riveting.

The incident prompted the US regulator, the Federal Aviation Administration, to launch an audit of production practices at both firms. It found multiple instances where the companies failed to comply with manufacturing control practices.
Mr Paredes told the BBC that some of the defects he identified while at Spirit were minor - but others were more serious.
He also claimed he was put under pressure to be less rigorous.
"They always made a fuss about why I was finding it, why I was looking at it," he said.

"They just wanted the product shipped out. They weren't focused on the consequences of shipping bad fuselages. They were just focused on meeting the quotas, meeting the schedule, meeting the budget… If the numbers looked good, the state of the fuselages didn't really matter," he alleged.


Many of Mr Paredes' alleged experiences at Spirit form part of his testimony in legal action that disgruntled shareholders have brought against the firm.
However, in legal documents he is referred to simply as "Former Employee 1". This is the first time Mr Paredes, a former Air Force technician, has spoken publicly.

Before his departure from the firm, Mr Paredes led a team of inspectors based at the end of the 737 Max production line.

A second former quality auditor, Josh Dean, whose claims were also to form part of the lawsuit, passed away last week after contracting a serious bacterial infection.
The lawsuit accuses the company of deliberately attempting to cover up serious and widespread quality failings, and exposing shareholders to financial losses when those failings became exposed. Spirit said it "strongly disagrees" with the assertions in the legal action.

Boeing support​

Spirit was once part of Boeing and remains the planemaker's primary supplier. It builds the fuselage for every 737 Max at its factory in Wichita, Kansas, before shipping them to Boeing's own facility in Renton, near Seattle, Washington. It also makes large parts of the 787 Dreamliner.
It is now in a difficult position. It is haemorrhaging cash, and lost $617m (£494m) in the first three months of the year.
Boeing has agreed to provide financial support, and is in talks to buy back its former subsidiary.

Sources within the aerospace giant insist that efforts are under way to address quality concerns at Spirit, and these have succeeded in reducing the number of faults in parts leaving the Wichita factory by around 80%.
Mr Paredes said both companies were aware of the scale of the problem with defects, and that it was discussed at weekly meetings between quality inspectors from both firms.

'Cry for help'​

Matters came to a head for Mr Paredes personally, he claimed, when he was ordered by his manager to change the way in which defects were reported, in order to reduce their overall number.
After he protested, he said, he was demoted and removed to another part of the factory.

"I felt I was being threatened, and I felt I was being retaliated against for raising concerns," he said.
Mr Paredes subsequently filed an "ethics complaint" with the company's human resources department, and wrote to Spirit's then chief executive, Tom Gentile.
In that email, he said "I have lost faith on the quality organisation here at Spirit and this is my last cry for help".
Mr Paredes was subsequently reinstated in his leadership role and given back-pay after his complaint was partially upheld. He left the company soon afterwards.
He now maintains he would be reluctant to fly on a 737 Max, in case it still carried flaws that originated in the Wichita factory.

"I'd never met a lot of people who were scared of flying until I worked at Spirit," he said.
And then, being at Spirit, I met a lot of people who were afraid of flying - because they saw how they were building the fuselages."
important note: This post does NOT break US Federal Laws . My relevant legal team says so .

yes , when ı read about the Fedex incident , my tablet had indeed already had a link to Paris crash of 1974 ...

Spoiler :

when a Turkish DC-10 caused the highest numbers of deaths in an aircraft accident upto then . Echo chamber ı follow for news had a strange comment linking it to an history conference on the same day . It is now 100 years since the Caliphate was abolished . Last 75 to 85 of it have seen insistent British pressure for Caliphate to be re-declared so that they can steal it . As the political situation does not allow tumultous joyful celebrations , there has been no Caliphate . Not even historical conferences as the chief speaker ran against the PM in 2014 , there was no way he could be allowed to be seen just weeks before the local elections . Unlike what the echo chamber claims he must have been talking about what happened in 1924 , not how they bring it back in 2024 . Seems nobody took an interest in the second nose gear incident of Carendon 737 ... Actually searched for it . 220 or so entries for the company , (apparently one of this country) over the years . Latest 3 are the only ones "related" . One links to a news site , one complains about the company ("Don't apply for jobs there") , the third mocks the second . Not even the 90 entries on the Fedex thing was special . 10 to 15 were (happening now) , 5 by grammar nazis (accident or incident?) , 10 or 15 on Tom Hanks (in Cast Away) , 20 complaining about Tom Hanks references (everyone with the joke thinks he is the original , unaware it was already done in the post before his) . Maybe 5 references to Boeing the ever crashing . Post numbers might not add up , but yeah , ı won't go and count them for real .

would go for more about the echo chamber but like it is expected that ı should end the story for this thread and stick to "monthly installments" and stuff . And oh my , was in the big city nearby and aren't some already snickering that ı would be the last person in the world to design a plane ? No , not forgetting those who think ı shouldn't talk the talk and walk the walk . In addition to those who think their girls would abandon them , if ı have that much money to waste on designing things nobody will buy , even when ı was selling . Like all the years since the Stuntwoman and all the trouble , isn't it clear those girls would need 40 different papers signed by a committee even before sitting an interview with some , including the Stuntwoman like naturally for compatibility including her relatives and all that jazz when Gazze is rightfully tearing down decades of cultural effort of some countries and even that is no guarantee now that they would eventually (probably) ask me , me being 50 and all that ? And after that 5 years in the Starfleet Academy and then maybe . Like , give me a break , oh-kay ?

oh , somewhere else on the web ? After proving their loyalty to the religion , they are able to discuss some e-book some author has been busy writing . Against the F-35 . To be called the Trillion Dollar something . No want you CFC crowd crowd them over there ! Will see if the book can join the ranks of Billion Dollar Blunder and 5 Billion Dollar Boondoggle . Both tomes supposedly existing in the 1980s . This , dear people , might even be the true conspiracy of 'the foot' . The author was never much liked by Lockmart people on the web , not my kind of guy with his peddling of Gripen , too .

yes , it is not always bad or something . You can learn McDD crowd might have destroyed Boeing's quality control and work culture but Boeing shares are double what they were before the merger and that's after 737 MAX troubles halved the share from 4 times the original they were .

so , what's to write here today ? This from Sir William . Bill Gunston to the air minded of the 20th Century .

a doodle of his to explain Stealth in the 1980s when everything real was top sekrit . In around December 2022 , some English language blog carried out a through investigation of it . Whether it could be for real , declaring only at the very end that it might have been allowed . Accepted by London or more likely all those aviation interests in The City only if it was done in a limited scale , a drone operating from runways . If you people ever see that blog post , you will see it is profusely illustrated by 18th or 19th Century Japanese illustrations of happily breaking wind against each other . Because rubbishing the thing becomes even easier by proving it is impossible for it to be VTOL plane like the F-35B . Clearly the British were thinking Roper's Navy Fighter was a continuation of stuff that was defeated by Lockmart in the 1990s before it was down to X-32 by Boeing and X-35 later chosen to be F-35 . If lost in the 1995 , can not be allowed to win in 2025 . To support that , expect a lot of attacks on the viability and any justification of the existance of the USMC Tactical Aviation . To enrage the crayon eaters to keep them behind the cause . Especially after it wasn't a kill switch or anything that led one to drop its rider and go crash somewhere in Carolina or Virginia or whatever with Pentagon searching for it for two days .

it is not the Navy Fighter . Which in itself is mostly just a shell , unable to operate in actual war and no cup holders . It is not viable , even if it might now be able to fire its gun or guns or whatever . So that the F-35 was cleared to use its own . This is not a big thing in itself . Because low level was long a trouble for missiles and A-10s would no doubt be met in combat with their huge 30mm gun , both Su-27 and MiG-29 were given the biggest gun they could reasonably carry and the Su-27 almost needs factory repairs every time it test fires its gun ... And nobody said it was a VTOL or anything , too . Does not even look like this . If ı had a photo , you wouldn't be able to see it and you would be free of r16 garbage with the moderators required to ban me . Hence the note at the top .

for company trolls of all countries who are eager to mess with me for reasons ı can't fathom considering ı have no idea how they can ever deduce that ı design and would be like selling to America . If you are going to insist , it has also been on the blog that dispenses Pentagon's lies . One as a front fuselage Lockmart studied in its RCS facilities , hence "the foot's non-stop" referrals to Ben Rich remarks about Lockmart fixing the A-12 . The other story was designed to say it was Draken shaped while Lockmart trolls rapidly changed that to Draken sized . You are not getting a thousand miles of combat radius without ample sized fuel tanks and you are not squeezing 10 tons of fuel into a Draken . Without a thousand miles USAF will not buy it , because Guam is supposed to be that much away from combat . And no USN contract , too , because that's the standart range quoted for anti-ship ballistic missiles . The notch on the left wing at the lowest view of the picture must be price ticker of the original book the image was taken from , deleted by photoshop and stuff .

uhm , people have also been laughing at what iffers , a subculture in scale modelling because cold facts make reality better . Without saying anything worthwhile , ı will also avoid the use of the phrase pixel counters because in this specific context it might be taken as an insult on par with rivet counters . Do not bring up Turkey , too . It is Americans who told New Turkey to buy S-400 missiles , you won't get a mileage from possible co-production troubles if the thing does not exist anyhow . No what-iffer could make that one up .
What surprises me is how ahead is the US when it goes about military aviation and how late it is when it goes about civil aviation. That new B-21 raider thing is super impressive.

Now okay we can guess that the US military is so ahead thanks to their incredible fundings ($400 billion for the F35 program, $200 billion for the B-21 program), but then the question is how aren't the US able to bail out Boeing knowing how important is civil aviation economically? That seems to be more a matter of choice rather than a matter of capacity.

All in all, Airbus has already launched its program to replace its own narrowbody champion, the A320, by 2035/2040 (probably with a hydrogen-powered plane) and there's nothing yet announced by Boeing to replace the 737. That does feel weird.
That seems to be more a matter of choice rather than a matter of capacity.
Of course. Planes that fly would cut into somebody's dividends now. And (s)he has needs, and isn't going to live forever. Sheesh. All these greedy people insisting on aerodynamics. Weeners.
in a similar vein or something also nice if people would avoid there is a future for Airbus and none for Boeing . Like wasn't Airbus happy with 737 MAX , instead of a new airframe so that they could peddle the newness of 321 while 380s are going to the graveyard ? You know , these are issues big enough to be decided by heads of state ?
Of course. Planes that fly would cut into somebody's dividends now. And (s)he has needs, and isn't going to live forever. Sheesh. All these greedy people insisting on aerodynamics. Weeners.
As a non-native English speaker who learned the language nearly 40 years ago, I'm still amazed how much I feel like I do master the language sometimes, and I don't understand it at all at other times. Told differently, I haven't understood a word of what you were trying to tell me. To begin with, who's "(s)he" ?
he blames financial types like the McDonnell Douglas executives that changed quality oriented Boeing into a money making establishment bent on quick profits in the short time so that they could benefit the most . They have their business jets , they don't have to fly Boeing .

for the part you wouldn't have understand in my post it says the EU demanded Airbus domination in return for accepting F-35 destroying their military prospects . 380 to replace 747 which Boeing was forced to accept but "betrayed" the deal by the publicity o the Sonic Cruiser which was then handily replaced by the 787 , which happily crushed the 380 or something . Ths world is not all Gulf Arabian statelets with a lot of sand , so that you can build bigger and bigger airports .
r16 has it. People on the factory floor are at fault too. But they seem to die rapidly after agreeing to testify in court.

"(s)he" applies to "somebody."
please ı edited in a part .
in a similar vein or something also nice if people would avoid there is a future for Airbus and none for Boeing . Like wasn't Airbus happy with 737 MAX , instead of a new airframe so that they could peddle the newness of 321 while 380s are going to the graveyard ? You know , these are issues big enough to be decided by heads of state ?
The A380 was a magnificent bird, my best experience ever as a passenger. Killing it was a very controversial decision within Airbus that has lead to the collapse of the company's executive board (this together with the US legal proceeding that nearly bankrupted Airbus in the mid 2010's). The A380 program still had 70 planes to be delivered when Airbus decided to shut it down because it considered expanding the A320neo family had better profitability. That wasn't a smooth decision at all.

Business-wise, that was certainly the best decision to be made, as we can see now with Airbus current results. Yet, my little heart still hopes that a sequel will be given to the A380 because I'm not delighted at all by the prospect of crossing the Atlantic aboard an A321XLR.

With hindsight, we can say that Airbus had the courage to cease the A380 program despite Emirates still wanting it, whereas Boeing extended the life of the 737 well beyond reasonable to satisfy Southwest, United and American. Boeing should have told them "no" and enforce on them a newer aircraft instead.

he blames financial types like the McDonnell Douglas executives that changed quality oriented Boeing into a money making establishment bent on quick profits in the short time so that they could benefit the most . They have their business jets , they don't have to fly Boeing .
Ah ok I got it now. Thanks.
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