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Rhoanna's Rise (Fall from Heaven II: Shadow)

Chapter 3: Prosperity

Year 116-172

[tab][size=+1]R[/size]hoanna had fulfilled her promise to the chieftains. The Hippus had claimed the lands that were rightfully theirs. Einion Logos withdrew to the Elohim's last remaining city, Garryvoe. Now that the pacifist weaklings had been thoroughly defeated, the Hippus showed little interest in the Elohim.

A constant thorn by Rhoanna's side was the presence of Acheron on the continent. The great Red Dragon would occasionally send his minions to raid Hippus lands, though his raiding parties were always slain before they could do any damage. Countless attempts were made to send a dragon slaying party to the city of Ahepetr. Such attempts inevitably ended in failure as no Hippus could overcome the supernatural aura of fear that radiated from Ahepetr. Even the most courageous Horselord could not be within a mile of the city without being paralysed by dragon fear. And so Rhoanna decided to ignore the dragon for now and kill any raiding party that dared enter Hippus lands.


This era was marked by unprecedented economic growth and prosperity for the Hippus tribes. The secrets gleaned from ancient scrolls acquired at Cahir Abbey were instrumental in the rapid development of Hippus society. The scrolls contained a wealth of lost knowledge from the Age of Magic on such areas as Fishing, Hunting and Calendars, to name a few. During these peaceful years the cities of Radonnor, Feiss Mabdon and Murousbane were founded. With the Hippus tribes no longer fighting amongst themselves, peace and prosperity reigned. There were even steps toward reconciliation with the Elohim.

Despite the relative peace of the times, Hill Giants remained a significant problem. Areas such as the Western Desert remained uninhabitable due to the presence of Hill Giants who would kill any intruder.


It should be noted that not all Hill Giants were savage. Known to all Hippi was the Lonely Giant by the Tower. Seemingly gentle and pensive by nature he would spend his days standing by his Ancient Tower, staring out at the sea, ignoring the hussle and bussle surrounding him. In a sense he was a living monument to those peaceful times.


The Lonely Giant by the Tower​
Spoiler Turn details :

Year 116

Going to research Calendar --> Festivals for Markets. That will also allow me to pop out a Gread Merchant, which I'm gonna use to bulb Currency later on. The next few decades are going to be devoted to expansion and economic development.


There's this Hill Giant that just hangs around an Ancient Tower northeast of Altheriol-ta-Mealthiel. He just stands there, looking out to the sea...

Year 119


Year 125


Year 130 - Founding of Radonnor


The coastal city of Radonnor has been founded east of Altheriol-ta-Mealthiel. The Hill Giant seems indifferent to our expansion.

Year 131


On the other hand there's this not-so-indifferent Hill Giant to the west of the continent.

On the economic front, we're beginning to cottage up.

Year 137

Done researching Festivals. Now heading for Hunting to open up Ivory.

Year 142 - Founding of Feiss Mabdon


Feiss Mabdon is founded just south of Cahis Abbey.

Year 147 - Done researching Hunting. Now heading for Fishing.

Year 153 - Done researching Fishing. Now heading for Mysticism.

Year 156


Acheron sends over a raiding party, but his minions are easily dealt with.

Year 158 - Done researching Mycticism. Now heading for Animal Husbandry.

Year 160


Fishing boats sneak past Acheron.

Year 163 - Founding of Murousbane


Murousbane is founded north of Altheriol-ta-Mealthiel. The Hill giant continues to ignore us.

Done researching Animal Husbandry. We're now going for Writing.

Year 164


An ardent pacifist till the very end.

Year 172 - Done researching Writing. Now heading for Code of Laws to open up Currency. Founding the Guild of Nine is the objective.

I know slaying Orcus gives the unit his Axe, but what does slaying the Dragon do? Dragon Bones appear, but aside from that?

If you capture the city that Acheron is in, you get the dragon's hoard which gives gems, plus any unit built in that city starts with the enchanted blade promotion. I think it provides gold too. I'd love to get my hands on that, but right now I can't even attack Acheron, my units keep fleeing in fear :cry:
Do you have amana source in your land? If not, settle immediatly. With the Spirt I spell your units can overcome fear. Acheron's horde will make a good bonus. I belive it provides gold, gems, iron, and lots of money an culture. It can be transported from city to city as well.

What religion are you aiming for? Octopus Overlords makes sense as you are surrounded by water.

An alternative to teching for the spirt mana, you could get feudalism and try to vassalize the Elohim. Their palace gives spirt mana, so you could demand it from them.
Do you have amana source in your land? If not, settle immediatly. With the Spirt I spell your units can overcome fear. Acheron's horde will make a good bonus. I belive it provides gold, gems, iron, and lots of money an culture. It can be transported from city to city as well.

What religion are you aiming for? Octopus Overlords makes sense as you are surrounded by water.

An alternative to teching for the spirt mana, you could get feudalism and try to vassalize the Elohim. Their palace gives spirt mana, so you could demand it from them.

:lol: you read my mind about the mana. Incidentally the matter of mana and religion has been settled as I've played the next 30 turns already. I just hadn't written it up yet.

The continent counts four mana nodes in total. Since I'm not going to be using Mages anytime soon, I'm currently debating how else I should use the mana. On the table are: tower of divination, 4 law nodes for the reduced maintenance cost, 4 mind nodes for extra research, or mix of life/enchantment for health/happiness. Right now I'm leaning toward the tower, but the law nodes sure seem tempting since I plan to expand overseas.
Hmm. I'm playing a Standard Pangaea with 2 extra AIs as the Clan. It's insane! The clown lady (kyeelba?) has a massive tech lead, which I managed to dent by researching techs like Elementalism and lightbulbing Alteration, then trading! It's scary. And I'm playing on Prince, too. I'm not great at the game, but I just wrapped up the doom of the Ljolsafar. They lay to the north, and I bribed Auric and Kyeelba to DoW on them for the diplo points. Now Rhoanna is Friendly, as is Kyeelba. However, Rhoanna founded Kilmorph, which is spreading like wildfire. I'm planning on sending an Elite Strike Team of Wolf Riders to take the city down..:lol:

This game rox.

On topic, your game is going pretty well. I don't know how to prioritize techs in FFH, since there are so many! All I know is that you're supposed to train either mages or melee, and choose techs accordingly. Thanks for the info on the dragon. He hasn't appeared in the Clan game yet, but you never know..:goodjob:

Chapter 4: Time of Change

Year 172-204

[IMG=left]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii200/gentil_requin/Hippus/RoK.jpg[/IMG][size=+1]T[/size]he last thirty years of the 2nd century in the Age of Rebirth was a time of great change for the Hippus. Many events contributed to the rapid evolution and progress of our nation. The catalyst for these changes was the founding of the Runes of Kilmorph in the Elohim city of Cafes. For shortly thereafter the religion spread to our lands. As a previously godless nation, the Runes of Kilmorph was a revelation to the Hippus and fueled our desire to spread the blessings of the goddess to all of Erebus.


Though it was the Elohim that discovered the truth of She Who Dwells Beneath, we were convinced of their unworthiness to spread her word. It was a mission beyond the abilities of such a weak and gentle people. As a result, in Year 179 we set out to claim the Holy City of Cafes from the Elohim and become the custodians of the Runes of Kilmorph.


Not only the Hippus underwent a religious transformation during this era. All of Erebus was gripped by religious fervor as the Order, Octopus Overlords, Empyrean, and Council of Esus were all founded in distant lands. As a testament to the upheaval of this period, in Year 183 the Kuriotates fell victim to religious fanatics and was extinguished from Erebus.


Finally in Year 204, conflicts between the Elohim and the Hippus were to be resolved forever. In order to assure the survival of the Order of Elohim, Einion Logos was the first in the long history of his people to kneel in submission before the leader of another nation. Rhoanna accepted the Elohim's Vassalage with the rights and obligations that such a contract entails. For the weak must indeed make way for the strong, but the Hippus are not averse to protecting those who cannot defend themselves.

[IMG=left]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii200/gentil_requin/Hippus/turn191.jpg[/IMG]There were also non-religious changes happening. In Year 191 the Guild of the Nine was founded with the help Goodreau the Great Merchant. The Guild was an institution dedicated to the promotion of the Hippus Mounted Mercenaries. These Mounted Mercenaries were the elite Horselords from each Hippus tribe who were paid for their services under Rhoanna. Unlike other cavalry units who are mostly trained in offensive tactics, the Mounted Mercenaries' mastery of horseback warfare allow them to employ advanced defensive formations as well. Consequently they were equally effective on the offensive as they were on the defensive while preserving the mobility of typical cavalry.


Having proven herself a skilled warrior and general, Rhoanna was at last given command of her first Horselord band. The Horselord's prowess on horseback is legendary and is a tradition that dates back from the Age of Magic. In addition, the Hippus horses are the end result of countless generations of breeding. The superior speed of the Hippus steed allow the Horselords to employ lightning fast hit-and-run tactics against their opponents.



In Year 199, the Hippus encountered the Grigori, led by Cassiel the fallen angel. Despite his views on religion, Cassiel had great respect toward Rhoanna for the unification of the Hippus nation and the mercy shown to the Elohim. In turn the Hippus respected the Grigori's strength of arms and as well as their Agnostic convictions, though they did not comprehend it. Trading of knowledge and secrets quickly began between the two nations.



Throughout this period of great change, only one thing remained constant. The Lonely Giant kept standing by his Tower, wistfully watching the sea.
Spoiler Turn details :

Year 176 - The Runes of Kilmorph


The Elohim have founded the Runes of Kilmorph in Cafes. Hmmm stealing a religion is so much easier than founding one myself. I'm so glad I decided to spare the Elohim.


No danger of the Fellowship winning a religious victory yet. Though I missed the founding of the Ashen Veil.


Year 177 - Done researching Code of Laws, now going for Horseback Riding --> Trade. Here comes the cavalry!

Year 178


We convert to the Runes of Kilmorph.

Year 179 - Capturing the Holy City of Kilmorph


The Elohim don't deserve the holy city of the RoK!


Year 180


Elohim military prowess hasn't improved one bit since the last war.


Our very own Holy City!


A group of 3 Workers are captured outside of Cafes. How convenient, I was thinking that I needed more Workers.

The Order has been founded in a distant land.

The Octopus Overlords have been founded in a distant land.

Year 182


The Lonely Giant still looks out to the sea...He is now our official mascot.

Year 183


Somewhere on Erebus the Kuriotates have been extinguished.

Done researching Horseback Riding, now going onto Trade.

Year 184 - Peace treaty with the Elohim


We got what we wanted so it's time for peace once more, we're not evil after all.

Year 187


The Great Merchant Goodreau has appeared in Altheriol-ta-Mealthiel and is used up to bulb Currency. He put in 1148 beakers out of 1462 toward Currency.

Year 190

The Empyrean has been founded in a distant land.


All religions are now accounted for.


Hmmm well I suppose it's our fault the Elohim are in the state they're in now. But that's too bad for them.

Year 191 - The Guild of the Nine

The Guild of the Nine has been founded in Slane.

Done researching Currency, now going for Feudalism to vassal the Elohim.

By now the AC is at 26 and seems to keep going up. Looks like I'm going to have to bear the Blight. Luckily the Elohim palace produces water mana in addition to spirit mana. Therefore vassaling them would give me access to Courage and Spring.

Year 192 - We've recruited our first Mounted Mercenary.

Year 195 - We have our first Horsemen.

Year 199 - Meeting the Grigori


So the Grigori are more advanced than we are...

Year 200


The price is abit steep, but we think the trade is worth it.

Now that we have Sailing, we've begun construction of Galleys and Triremes.

Year 204 - Vassalage of Einion Logos

Done researching Feudalism, now researching Optics.


The Elohim voluntarily throw themselves at our feet!


The trade also included giving Einion Logos a lump sum of 45 gold.


The morale of the story is that people are much more useful when you spare their lives.

Nice to see another game going after the anticlimactic ending of the last one. Good luck :goodjob:

Chapter 5: Reaching Out to The World

Year 205-232

[tab][size=+1]T[/size]he transformation of the Hippus was complete. Agrarian tribal villages had been replaced by sprawling city states driven by trade and commerce. Encountering the Grigori in Year 199 revealed that other civilizations existed on distant continents. Priority was shifted toward building a substantial fleet of ships capable of crossing the oceans to explore new lands.


Many innovations in naval technology emerged. The first type of ship to be built was the Trireme. A slow but sturdy vessel that was primarily used to defend the coast against Privateers that often raided the Hippus Fishing Boats. Another type of vessel was the nimble Caravel. Unlike the Trireme, the Caravel was fast enough for travel between continents and was therefore ideal for exploring the seas.




The Lonely Giant watching a Caravel sail by.​

On their extensive journeys across Erebus, the Hippus encountered many strange and exotic races. Some friendly, others downright demonic. Many deals involving trade of resources, knowledge and gold were brokered during these encounters.


For better or for worse, the Hippus were now involved in the intricate politics and intrigue of Erebus. A particularly delicate issue concerned the Grigori's war against the Balseraphs and the Illians. Though we were sympathetic to the Grigori, we were extremely reluctant to take sides against either party.


Even though the Hippus no longer lived a traditional village life, they never lost their courage and pride. The finest example of these virtues was seen in the Hippus pioneers who left their ancestral homeland to settle in distant lands. Far away from their native land, these brave Hippi established the offshore settlement of Clar Marrachir and the overseas colony of Urgortheth.


Spoiler Turn details :

Year 205


We change from Nationhood to Consumption.


The Grigori are currently our best friends so we've signed an Open Borders treaty with them, in addition to the tech trade.

Year 208 - We've built our first Trireme.

Year 211 - We've built out first Galley.

Year 213

Done researching Optics, now going for Arete. With Optics we can now explorer cross the ocean to explorer other continents.

Year 214 - We've trained our first Chariot.

Year 217


The Lonely Giant watches our Caravel sail by.

Year 218 - Meeting the Illians


We've encountered the Illians.

We've trained our first Adept. Useful Adept spells that we currently have access to are: Courage, Spring, Fair Winds.


We've built our first offshore settlement of Clar Marrachir on a tiny island west of Garryvoe.

Year 219

Done researching Arete, now researching Stirrups for the Horse Archer. With the high withdrawal rate of Horse Archers, they'll be very useful against Acheron.

Now training Bambur!

Year 220 - Meeting Perpentach


Right now he's Creative, Organized, Raider, and still very much Insane.

Year 221 - Meeting Sabathiel



Unclaimed land! Gonna get a settler on it asap.

Year 222 - Meeting Amelanchier



I doubt he's gonna convert to RoK, so why does he want that tech?

We've also agreed to trade with the Grigori. We trade our Wine for their Rice.

Year 224 - Meeting Hyborem


We meet the Prince of Hell.

We've agreed to trade with the Illians. We give our Clam for their Cotton.

Year 225 - First Overseas Colony


We settle our first overseas colony of Urgortheth. Next up is the conquest of the barbarian city of Myrean, and settling the western part of the island.

Year 227 - Meeting Varn Gosam


The Malakim are the founders of the Order.

Year 228 - We've signed an Open Borders treaty with the Balseraphs.

Year 229


We've located Infernal lands, west of our own continent.

Year 230 - Meeting Garrim Gyr


We've met the friendly Luchuirp.

Done researching Stirrups, now going for Warhorses.

Year 231 - Meeting Os-Gabella


We meet the devil woman of the Sheaim!

Cassiel asked us to help him in his war against Perpentach, but we refused.

Our Adepts have begun converting desert tiles to plains, though with Blight approaching it won't do much good.

Year 232 - Meeting Sandalphon


We've encountered the Sidar.

We've traded Code of Laws and 45 gold to the Elohim for their Warfare technology.

Alright, I believe that we've met every civ in the game. There's a healthy mix of Good and Evil civs. Basium has yet to appear since the Mercurian Gate hasn't been built yet. The AC is at 36, but we still haven't figured out who founded the Ashen Veil yet.


And here is a diplomatic summary. Cassiel isn't getting along with Auric and Perpentach.


Now the big question is, who do I deal with first?

Wow. I stop keeping tabs on this AAR for just one day to get through classes and you've already updated twice or so. Nice! And I suppose Kilrath makes sense for a bunch of former nomadic horsemen, though I find it amusing that you pulled an Assyrian approach on the poor Elohim and took their RELIGION off of them. :lol: Though can you build Soldiers of Kilrath since you have both the holy city and the religion spreading? I remember just cranking out soldiers of Kilrath as the Khazad when I found it at one point, though they really weren't that much better than my axemen and without the city assault bonus (they looked very cool, though, which makes up for it).

So you still basically have that draconic barbarian city nearby this whole time, huh? Whoever's guarding that frontier must be racking up xp. And that giant's not even MOVING anywhere?

Keep it up!
Wow. I stop keeping tabs on this AAR for just one day to get through classes and you've already updated twice or so. Nice! And I suppose Kilrath makes sense for a bunch of former nomadic horsemen, though I find it amusing that you pulled an Assyrian approach on the poor Elohim and took their RELIGION off of them. :lol: Though can you build Soldiers of Kilrath since you have both the holy city and the religion spreading? I remember just cranking out soldiers of Kilrath as the Khazad when I found it at one point, though they really weren't that much better than my axemen and without the city assault bonus (they looked very cool, though, which makes up for it).

So you still basically have that draconic barbarian city nearby this whole time, huh? Whoever's guarding that frontier must be racking up xp. And that giant's not even MOVING anywhere?

Yeah I'm able to build the soldiers, but they're not very useful at the moment. They actually cost more to build than axemen, their main advantage is that they can be used to hurry production.

Nope Acheron just sits there guarding his horde. In earlier versions he would walk around and attack.

Edit: oh I just realized you were talking about the Lonely Giant :lol: Nope he doesn't move, he just stands there peacefully watching the Hippus go about their business. The Hippus have grown quite fond of him. Beware anybody who tries to harm him! :king:

Chapter 6: Acheron the Red Dragon

Year 233

[tab][size=+1]A[/size] mystical creature of Bhall, Acheron the Red Dragon had been brought back by the orcs' power of Fire. The orcs lay all their possessions at his feet, and as the Dragon's Hoard grew so did his legend. Alas without the full power of Bhall Acheron was but a shadow of his former self, the mighty creature born of Fire in the Age of Dragons.


Acheron the Red Dragon​

To slay Acheron and claim his Hoard had been the dream of many a young Horselord ever since the Red Dragon's awakening. However anytime the would be dragon slayers set out to Ahepetr, they would invariable return in cowardly shame. This was to change when the Hippus acquired magic from the Elohim that would protect warriors from supernaturally induced fear.


Adept casting Courage​

There was no shortage of volunteers as Rhoanna gathered an army to set out for Ahepetr and slay the dragon. Hippus warriors from all ranks were welcome be they Axemen, Mounted Mercenaries, Horse Archers or Charioteers.


Chariots and Horse Archers


Despite no longer possessing the full strength of his mistress Bhall, Acheron was still a creature of ancient power. As the first Horselords to charge toward their own fiery death soon discovered. It seemed that slaying the great Dragon had been a doomed undertaking from the beginning.



Hippus hope was unexpectedly renewed when Acheron, exhausted from his extended use of his strength, ran out of his fiery breath. The Horselords now stood a chance since they were able to approach the great beast and engage in close combat. As the battle progressed, the Horselords' hit-and-run tactics began to wear Acheron down and his minions would rise up in his defense.




Bleeding profusely from countless injuries, the great Dragon roared in rage one last time before collapsing, still and lifeless. Thus the legend of Acheron the Red Dragon ended amidst fire and blood.


And thus the Great Raid did slay the mighty dragon of Aaaauuuuuugh. And there was much rejoicing. *tired praise of "yaaaaaaaay* Aside from undoubtedly large chunks of change, what else does the treasure hoard give you? And for that matter, what else does the city have?

Nice work! :goodjob:
And thus the Great Raid did slay the mighty dragon of Aaaauuuuuugh. And there was much rejoicing. *tired praise of "yaaaaaaaay* Aside from undoubtedly large chunks of change, what else does the treasure hoard give you? And for that matter, what else does the city have?

Nice work! :goodjob:

The city had a few buildings already. I'll show a screenshot at the next update. Hoard provides, gems, gold (resource), and any unit in the city receives the enchanted blade promotion. Gems is really nice since it allows stonewardens.

Thanks to everyone for the comments! :)

I have midterm exams now, so next update will be in 1-2 weeks or so.
Cool! I slew the dragon in my game as well, but it was a lot less cool. Basically, I took every unit from the Malakim Campaigns, added a few Soldiers of Kilmorph, the Kilmorph Hero, 3 Adepts, and a few Chariots, and then attacked. I lost every unit but the Hero and 2 Swordsmen, who settled into the city. Now the continent is truly entirely... whatever my Civ's adjective is.

Chapter 7: Seeds of an Empire

Year 232-253

[tab][size=+1]T[/size]he slaying of Acheron the Red Dragon in Year 233 marked the birth of the Hippus legend. Hippus reputation for courage and prowess was such that no one dared stand against us, in fact it was quite the opposite. Many nations including the Balseraphs, the Illians, and even the Infernals, sought us as allies. While others sought us as trade partners.

We took advantage of our reputation to expand overseas without interference. By Year 238 a large influx of colonists had migrated to Myrean Isle. Although part of the Isle had already been settled by Ljosalfar priests of the Empyrean, a peaceful agreement to share the Isle was brokered.


The island cities of Ihara and Kaselorne were also founded. The prosperity of these merchant cities relied entirely on trade and commerce rather than on local resources. Since these cities were located out at sea yet near the Hippus coast, they were ideally located for travelling merchants and tradesmen.



However, prosperity comes with a price. Attracted by the growing wealth of the nation, Privateers intensified their activities around the Hippus coast. Fishing Boats were the preferred prey of these greedy pirates, although fortunately the Hippus Navy was able to intercept the Privateers most of the time.

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