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  1. P

    Paratrooper making jumps from carriors

    Is there an easy way to mod this in, for paratroopers only to be able to load onto air craft carriors and make paradrops from them?, i've always wanted to do this but can't figure out a way to do it via XML, my modding skills are mainly XML based, i'm not all that clued up on python
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    Paratrooper AI

    Would it hurt to add some other AI types to paratroopers in XML? like unit AI attack etc AI hardly ever builds paratrooper despite them being of equal str to marines, they never seem to use this unit much with it's default paradrop AI, and maybe the addition of more AI types might see it...
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    Re-capturing past glories

    I noticed that when you take a city off the AI it does not make any kind of concerted effort to get it back unless your relations are terrible or just through proximity, in other words it's no more likely to attack back if that city was one you took or founded yourself and thats fine for crap...
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    Capital Defense

    Is it me, or does the AI civ not place enough emphasis on capital defense? Capitals are usually a Civ's Prime city due to the hugh resource drops that get spluttered around them, i'm playing a game at the moment were a civ's capital is practically surrounded by tundra ice etc, yet the area...
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    Peace treaties/ceasfires don't scale with gamespeed

    I noticed this one the other day, that if you offer a ceasefire/peacetreaty tribute etc it only lasts 10 turns regardless of game speed! surely it should scale according to the speed so 20 turns epic, 30 marathon?, otherwise paying people off becomes useless on longer games as they can attack...
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    Quick question for Jdog

    I know that when a AI is loosing a war it will place a high priority on building defenders and counter units My question is, does this focus on counter units extend to units that have counter as there default AI or units that have counter in one of there AI types, but not nessarily the...
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    Online AI difficulty

    I normally play at noble, and online i set the difficulty at noble for all Recently me and a budd thought we'd have a online game at monarch level, except i could only put me and my buddy at monarch, the AI could not be changed from noble difficulty? It said difficulty levels could only...
  8. P

    Machine Guns and other units with City special and City Counter AI

    I noticed the AI never seems to build that many units like Machine guns even though they are very strong defensive units (better than infantry in a lot of cases) to defend it's cities? i had a game with Agg AI recently and there were a handful (single digits) of MG's compared to hoardes of...
  9. P

    What bonus's does the AI get at each difficulty?

    I know this question has probably been done to death, but i had a look on the search function under diff levels and got loads of threads up but could not find anything specific to this
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    AI workers making illegal improvements

    I notice the AI can do things like build towns on hills and workshops on deserts, why is this? is it tied into the way they just keep replacing all there prev improvements all the time (and thus damaging there late game eco) or is there another reason AI worker logic is really bad late game...
  11. P

    AI upgrading old units to new ones

    I played a game online recently that showed up a marked disparity in the way the AI upgrades old obsolete units to new ones There were several civ's but the most powerful, (in order) were The french (De Gaulle) Zulu's Arabs Ottomans Greeks (Alexander) Now the french were generally...
  12. P

    Just as i got the AI working for online a new patch turns up!!

    Yup there a 3.19 patch out, question is, i have BTS AI installed in place of existing files for use online with mates, i can't go online now as i have to download a new patch If i download the new patch, what parts of BTS AI to i have to copy and paste back in for all to be working again...
  13. P

    AI fighter use

    The AI seems to send a awful lot of fighters at my promoted sam inf or mobile sams, should the presence of these units not discourage them from attacking stacks/units/terrain improvments that are covered in the radious of these anti air units? since the chances of not getting shot are very low...
  14. P

    More Unit AI troubles uncovered in XML

    I been going through the unit infos XML of late and found an interesting curio Chariots The unit AI for chariots goes like this <UnitAIType>UNITAI_ATTACK</UnitAIType> <UnitAIType>UNITAI_COUNTER</UnitAIType> <UnitAIType>UNITAI_PILLAGE</UnitAIType> For the Immortal (persian...
  15. P

    Air unit promotions

    Does anyone know how things like pinch etc affect air units?, i know they can get these upgrades but i don't know how they affect air combat
  16. P

    Privateer style land unit, can enter enemy cities

    I know the old privateer had a bug (since patched) were it could enter other civilizations cities even though it's considered always hostile I made a privateer land unit and it has the same problem were if your not at war and go to a rival city you can just move inside How do i prevent the...
  17. P

    Stealth destroyer question

    I've been pottering about with unitinfo's of late and found a few odd bits here an there The stand out one so far was the Missile Cruiser AI values I've spotted another, but not sure if it is or is not a issue so will put to you guys:scan: The Stealth destroyer has the same AI values...
  18. P

    Installing for Online

    I had a few problems installing this mod, as i wanted to install it in place of my original files and also because i have a few other mod's going In the end i just set it up to run as a mod and all was fine Trouble is i want to use it online now I went into my BTS AI Assets folder and...
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    Preventing a land unit from entering city squares

    I have made a privateer style, hidden nationality/always hostile land unit Trouble i have is it can enter other civilizations city squares (unless at full war) were it cant then be attacked, how do i prevent this unit from being allowed to enter city sqaures Even if a fix prevents be...
  20. P

    Help XML driving me mad!

    I've modded my XML to allow, city raider 2 and 3 to be available on GunPowder units, so if i promote up a city raider 1 melee unit i can continue down the line Except it won't let me continue down the line once i upgrade to a gunpowder unit, i know all the XML entries are correct, as if i...
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