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  1. City Builder

    Would you restart if...

    Hey, I'm just curious if you would restart the game if... You discover that on the Marathon speed, Prince Level, Huge earth map, you are the only civilization on the entire continent of S. America (looks like brazil type of area), and there are only 3 or 4 city states with you but no...
  2. City Builder

    Full Screen diplomacy, is that really what we wanted?

    Hello, The full screen diplmoatic screens is something of a burr under my saddle since hearing about it and then seeing it on yesterdays 2 hour gameplay video. I read an article that quotes this: "They've been asking for full-screen leader screens for a while. They want to be part of...
  3. City Builder

    Vassal State?

    Hi, Could somebody tell me the implications of Ghandi requesting to become my vassal state? What does that mean to me and Ghandi? Would I gain anything by it? Thanks,
  4. City Builder

    Any mod that changes the GUI in Colonization?

    Hi, I'm wondering if anybody knows of a mod that changes the GUI in Colonization, something that reduces the amount of space that the UI takes up at the bottom of the screen, it seems to take up a good 1/3 to 1/4 of my total screen real estate even at 1920x1200 Any mods that change the UI...
  5. City Builder

    Learn to Play Civ IV anywhere?

    Hello, While I've had Civ IV for a long time now (also the 2 expansions), and I've read through the original C4 manual and watched many videos on youtube theres still lots of things that I don't know about Civ IV as evidenced by watching people play on Youtube. Some games have their fans that...
  6. City Builder

    How do I decline a quest?

    Hi, Is it possible to decline a quest somehow? I've been playing (trying to play) Rise of Mankind, and a quest came up that a buddy of mine said was not worth taking and that next time he would not, unfortunately he did not tell me how to decline the request and now he's overseas where I...
  7. City Builder

    Caravel refuses to return to the new world

    I have a Caravel that decided its ok to take a full load of tools to try to sell in Europe, and when the Europe screen pops up, I don't sell the tools (since I need them in one of my cities) so I tell the caravel to return to the new world. The caravel gets placed in the slot to say it's going...
  8. City Builder


    Hi, I've got a few cities where my peeps are quite mad :mad: and it seems they are mad due to overcrowding. What do I do to alleviate this problem? I'm playing BTS with the latest patch (3.17 I believe) Thanks
  9. City Builder

    How do I get more people other than buying them?

    My cities have a tendancy to go stagnant, I can take a couple people and build up about 2 or 3 cities, but they are all one person cities which are pretty useless. Other than buying them from Europe or waiting the obscene amount of time it takes for them to want to immigrate in, how do I go...
  10. City Builder

    Ship Trade Routes

    Hello, I've figured out wagon trade routes and they are the bomb, can't believe I was suffering through transfering goods manually on every occasion. But Im having trouble with the ship trade routes. I export out silver, and cloth from Quebec to Europe. I select a ship, click the...
  11. City Builder

    What is "Production"?

    In the city view screen there is a building that makes "production", what exactly is that? Is that used for a base product to make some other product, or is it used just to sell to the homeland or what? Thanks,
  12. City Builder

    How many times have you restarted Colonization already?

    I've been trying out the custom game and I must have restarted somewhere a bit more than a dozen times already, why? Because the "edge"of the map where my ship has to go to get back to Europe is almost always 18 turns away, so 36 turns round trip just to pick up one cargo load is way too...
  13. City Builder

    Helpfull tips disappear and can't scroll with mouse.

    EDIT: Sorry, I had no idea there was another thread about this, until today when someone replied to another thread that brought the original up to the top. Mods feel free to delete this if you see fit. Hi, Im not sure if this is a bug or not but since it's intermittant I have to assume that...
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