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  1. Ambreville

    Reinstall Problem

    (deleted) Problem fixed. At last!!! :-)
  2. Ambreville

    Problem installing BtS

    I'm not able to install BtS from the disk. Installation aborts when failing to install a newer patch for Civ IV. How do I get around this?? ----------------- Edit Found out that Vanilla Patch 1.61 needs to be manually installed before Patch 1.74. That's what was causing the failure. Sheesh...
  3. Ambreville

    What Options do you Prefer? (Part II -- fixed)

    Select the various options you most often pick in your game. Go back to Part I Skip to Part III Sorry for the delay in getting this section to work. ------------- Errata The entry for "No Blue Marble Terrain" should have been "Blue Marble Terrain".
  4. Ambreville

    What Options do you Prefer? (Part III)

    Moving right along... Go back to Part I of the poll, or Game Levels, or Victory Conditions.
  5. Ambreville

    What Options do you Prefer? (Part I)

    What Option(s) do you most often select? Skip to Part II here Part III is available here.
  6. Ambreville

    What Options do you Prefer? (Part I)

    Sorry for the double posting goof. Go HERE for the correct thread.
  7. Ambreville

    What Level to you Play

    I'm curious to see what level of game play FfH fans prefer (honestly): (More Polls here!)
  8. Ambreville

    Most Common Victories for FfH

    I'm curious to find out what victories FfH fans achieve most often in their games: More FfH Polls here
  9. Ambreville

    Automated resource distribution

    This needs some improvement. I had suggested in another thread a major improvement (I'm not holding my breath about this ever seeing the light of day). On the other hand, under the current system, it's difficult setting up the network of automated wagon trains to not only spread out certain...
  10. Ambreville

    Ack! Micromanagement!

    I just got my copy but I'm not 100% on this game. Seems it's nothing but resource micromanagement. Ran that for about an hour and got utterly bored. Am I missing something here?
  11. Ambreville

    Insufficient Virtual Memory

    When I run a game with a large map or a mod loaded with extra features (Fall from Heaven for example), eventually I reach a point where my system needs to halt the game while it reallocates virtual memory. I can then resume playing. Needless to say the computer remains pretty slow by the time I...
  12. Ambreville

    Question re building errors

    I noticed a problem with constructing some buildings in my mod. I'm not familiar with this area. Sometimes, buildings need to be constructed twice before they are actually built. Here are some of the errors I found listed in the LSystem.log...
  13. Ambreville

    Question regarding Quest events

    I set up a quest event in my mod, but I can't seem to be able to the clear the quest's log entry when the quest either succeeds or fails. In the case of a failed quest, there is the added problem that the "quest failed text" doesn't pop up either. Can't figure out why this isn't working right...
  14. Ambreville

    PYTHON errors with 3.17 mods

    As it turns out, I'm having problems with several mods included with the 3-17 patch. They all return the same Python error while loading. Apparently, the module CvEventInterface can't be found. What the heck?? :confused: I reinstalled the patch, but that made no difference.
  15. Ambreville

    Next War mod with 3-17 patch

    Never mind -- I moved this to another thread...
  16. Ambreville

    Next War mod with 3.17 Patch

    I got a Python error immediately upon loading the thing. :mad:
  17. Ambreville

    Unused Material

    Would it in any way help the general performance of a MODERN age scenario if I removed the XML data of those units that aren't in use in the scenario, as well as unused leaders & civilizations? Looks like there's about a meg and a half of unused data that could pared down.
  18. Ambreville

    Help re. event's Python Callback function

    I'm trying to get an event that makes three units appear at a specific spot on the map (x=9, y=13). The event triggers correctly, but the units do not appear anywhere at all. I tried to adapt coding from a similar event I saw in FfH2, but I'm not doing it right. Here's the Python code I have...
  19. Ambreville

    Permanent Alliances

    I need to set up two CIVs as permanent allies in a scenario. How do I accomplish this?
  20. Ambreville

    Events -- iAIValue XML

    What is the iAIValue XML tag in the Events Description file? The definition I have is "a number reflecting the event's AI trigger value." What does this actually mean and how do I actually use it? Anyone???
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