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  1. B

    List of events/quests

    I remember seeing a list of all the quests/events posted on this forum. Can anyone provide a link?
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    How would you populate this area?

    I can set it up with 2 decent cities or 3 'meh' cities. Aside from my captial and one other city, this is my only obvious area of expansion. I don't have to worry about the AI taking any of this area as it's completely blocked off. Where would would you put the cities here?
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    Harbormaster Quest: Which Reward should I take?

    I'm playing as the Carthangians on Emperor. Looks like I'm going for a domination victory. I just got the Harbormaster Quest (build 7 harbors and 4 caravels) and I'll probably complete it easily, as I have 5 cothons already and I can start researching optics next turn. According to the...
  4. B event!

    So I'm playing as the Cyrus of the persians, getting ready to invade my closest neighbor with immortals. And I get this event...our people find some new healing herbs or something but it requires testing. Three options 1. Don't test...nothing interesting happens. 2. Limited testing...35%...
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    Paradoxal Civics!

    Police State + Pacifism Universal Sufferage + Slavery Police State + Free Speach Any others?
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    Question regarding upgrading warlord units

    I read someone post in another thread that made me think that if you upgrade a unit who has a great general attached, that they get to keep thier experience. I must know if this is true.
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    BTS should have been named "Beyond the Axe"

    Nobody uses swordsmen.
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    Forest Elephants

    Since the hunting camp has the unique advantage of being able to built on forests, thus garnering an advantage on production. Deer give you +3 food with a hunting camp, if that camp is built on a forest it gives you +3 food and +1 production over the basic tile yield. However, I have yet to...
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    Uranium not connecting?

    In my recent game I found I had no Oil or Uranium, so I conqured a barbarian city with Uranium (still working on Oil), but it's now mined and roaded and it's not appearing in my city box. Anyone know any reasons why not?
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    Can someone please post/link the GP lightbulb tech list?

    I saw it earlier today, now I can't find it!
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    Think they'll add it?
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    Please increase ship movement.

    I have come to the conlusion that ship movement rates need to be increased, especially in the early game. It makes no sense what-so-ever for a unit to be able to move the same speed(roads) on ground that it does at sea. Increasing naval unit movement rates would go a long way to making naval...
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    Which Religion do you found?

    I'm just curious which religion other players most often find themselves founding when Playing vs AI.
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    A.I. placing settlers but not building a city?

    Occasionally I see the A.I. place a settler and a defense unit on a small island only to never build a city. Later, I'll see more Civs drop off settlers/defender pairs and they all just stand around on that island forever. Like in this game here, the Romans and Russians have had thier...
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    Ankor Wat: Weak Wonder?

    At first, Ankor Wat seems to be a strong wonder. With it, and Representation, your priests contribute 2 production, 1 gold, 3 research, and 3 GPPs. Add Sistine Chapel and you get 2 culture as well! Here in lies the problem: Since your priests are now so effiecient the city management tends...
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    After reading these forums, I'm getting the idea that the Industrious trait is considered one the weaker ones. I almost always play an industrious leader, I think Gandi or the Industrious chinese leader (can't remember his name) are my favorites. I love getting all the wonders, and I often...
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    Drill and First Strikes?

    When I first started playing this game, I always used to get Drill for my archers. Now, after playing the game a bit, I've come to the conclussion that the combat promotions are just superior in every way. I'm not exactly sure how the combat system works, so I don't know why Combat is...
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