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Search results

  1. Catharsis

    Fringe or forehead?

    I used to have a fringe, and had done for most of my life, but then I started travelling regularly on trains. While sitting bored on the train, I noticed that I was in a very small minority. The glare from all the bared foreheads on display was dazzling. Blinded, I missed my stop and got off at...
  2. Catharsis

    Pick Your Poison Mafia: Termite Sailors Go Mad

    Pick Your Poison Mafia: Termite Sailors Go Mad It was another fine and fair day upon the high seas, and as the HMS Thorax cut a swath through the calm water, Admiral Buggles stood at, or rather upon, the prow, nautical pride swelling through every inch (i.e. all one inch) of his transparent...
  3. Catharsis

    EAT POOP YOU CAT (again!) III: Also, Saturn

    Anyone up for a few more rounds of this old thing? :D RULES 1. If you wish to play this game, post your interest in this thread. Even if a game has started, you can still join unless I close signups, which will usually only happen near the end of the game (to avoid ending on a picture). 2...
  4. Catharsis

    Which Music Video Is This Still From? II

    THE PREVIOUS THREAD IS HERE The rules, stolen shamelessly from Olav: Also the denizens of this thread seem to like hooters quite a bit, so if you can find a still with hooters, they will be engulfed in child-like delight. But be warned: post a hooter-pic and you may find that you are...
  5. Catharsis

    Deletion of threads en masse

    Recently, pretty much the whole of Forum Games has been deleted, presumably by the database error (the late January one wiped out every thread created before March or April 2008, I think, and the recent February ones seem to have eradicated threads created between April and June). That's pretty...
  6. Catharsis

    EAT POOP YOU CAT (again!) (again!)

    RULES (that's right!) 1. If you wish to play this game, post your interest in this thread. Even if a game has started, you can still join unless I close signups, which will usually only happen near the end of the game (to avoid ending on a picture). 2. When we have a good number of...
  7. Catharsis

    Rhyme Mafia II: Electric Boogaloo

    The sequel to Love's epic thread, In which the mafia ended up dead. They might have better luck this time, Let's hope they don't forget to rhyme! Signups end at 7.00 GMT on Wednesday. 1 mafia per 7 sign ups (or thereabouts). At NIGHT, the mafias must PM me a kill order. NIGHT lasts 24 hours...
  8. Catharsis

    Random Raves IV: Momentary Diversions On The Road To The Grave

    As is traditional, I rave because a new thread has begun!
  9. Catharsis

    The Forum Games Catalogue/Information Thread

    The Forum Games Catalogue Now twice as long and four times as pointless! Welcome to Forum Games! If you've ever wished upon a star for a place where you can enjoy a pleasant atmosphere, converse with interesting people, and bet 350 gold on a pirate to kick the stuffing out of a wizard...
  10. Catharsis

    Cumulative General Science/Technology Quiz

    Who knows, this might work. Might not. :hmm: This will use similar rules to the History Quiz, and those rules are copied below, along with Knight-Dragon's questionable formatting. :mischief: I've added a bit, too - the bits in bold are new. Right, first question. Match the fundamental force...
  11. Catharsis

    Ebbsf1337: Internet Forum Purchases Football Club

    http://sport.independent.co.uk/football/news/article3157741.ece What do you think will happen to Ebbsfleet? Personally, I think that this has the potential to be a disaster - football clubs find it hard to keep a select few major shareholders happy a lot of the time, so 20,000 worldwide...
  12. Catharsis

    Viking Scenario Music Outrage!

    I like to go into the Civ IV Assets folders and listen to the soundtracks and diplomacy music. (You may laugh, but don't you say you haven't done the same at least once. ;)) But one of them has changed since BtS! They've split the Viking Scenario music up! :wow: That scenario music was...
  13. Catharsis


    I'm not much of a computer bod, and I'm confused by this term 'cookies' that keeps coming up. I know they are like bits of information that allow the site to 'remember' you in some way, but there are other aspects I'm unsure about. Could someone tell me: Can a cookie carry, or take the form of...
  14. Catharsis

    Happy Birthday truckingpete!

    And boy, were you subtle in letting us know when it was. ;) Here's a present: it's a dead version of something that can pwn you:
  15. Catharsis

    Annoying error - "You have X number of posts in this thread"

    The picture speaks for itself. Anyone know where my icons have gone? :confused:
  16. Catharsis

    La systeme mtrique est Anglaise?

    {Apologies for the garbled French in the title.} The English have always been reluctant to use the metric system, and although we as a nation are too proud to admit it, the reason is that it was invented by the French. We've never got on too well with the French, and we couldn't stand their...
  17. Catharsis

    I LICK YOUR HEAD! (or "Who would you like to see on a stamp?")

    Inspired by this thread, I would like to know whose visage you would like to see adorning your mail. It can be a person, a building, a symbol, or anything. I would like to see a Ronnie Barker stamp. (There may have been one, I'm not sure.) He was a British institution and funny in everything...
  18. Catharsis

    What's in your Favourites list?

    [within Forum Rules, o' course ;)] The question is simple. What websites are good enough to have made it onto the favourites list of the discerning CFC crowd? Me, I have CFC (o' course) along with the Civ websites of many of the Realms Beyond players (Sirian, Sulla, Kylearan, uberfish et...
  19. Catharsis

    What are your brilliant ideas?

    Apparently Mrs Thatcher turned down a bridge across the Channel. We got the Tunnel instead. But that's by-the-by. What I want to know is, what are your brilliant ideas for the improvement of life and such on this planet? They can be anything. Make sure to explain them fully so I can steal them...
  20. Catharsis

    Happy Birthday Plotinus!

    Happy birthday to the most logical of moderators! :bday: (I'm not sure what the protocol for starting these is, so if I've made a mistake, I apologise.) (Also, I believe beloved Firaxian Jon 'Trip' Shafer deserves a birthday mention too. :goodjob:)
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