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  1. IAM

    Lumber liquidators a good buy?

    PE ratio about 10 points below comparable stocks. gone from over a $100 to $33 in a year recently due to exaggerated rumors. this seems like the ideal buying opportunity. so what do you think?
  2. IAM

    How low will oil prices go?

    A few weeks ago I thought the bottom for a barrel of oil would be $40. With the oversupply some wells would be dropped from production and then the surplus would get eaten up in the summer pushing prices back above $60 a barrel this year and then maybe back over $80 next year. But with the new...
  3. IAM

    reintroduce large mammals to the Americas

    10,000 BC and before large mammals roamed the Americas. Some are now extinct. I think we should bring back several species. Hippos and Rhinos in florida Lousiana and Brazil. Jungle elephants in Columbia and Florida. Gorillas and Chimps Texas and Venulazu. accidental introductions of foriegn...
  4. IAM

    COD on both xbox's

    Has anyone played Call of Duty or some other game on both the xbox 360 and xbox one? Have you noticed any significant difference?
  5. IAM

    The art of soap welding

    I use bars of soap in the bath/shower. Liquid soap at sinks. What do you do with the soap remnants from bars? I have 'welded with water' the soap remnant to the new bar of soap. I also have used an empty liquid soap container with an few centimeters of water and then shove the soap remnants...
  6. IAM

    Name the 20th century

    The 20th century was the period between January 1, 1901 and December 31, 2000 but if you think it fits better to include a few years either side that's fine. My first thought is to call it the space age or the era of globalization but I think I'm going with the Age of Communism. When I break...
  7. IAM

    onety one; onety two; onety three

    The numbers 1 through 9 are as follows: one two three four five six seven eight nine Once we reach twenty one there is a consistent system in place where we just change the prefix... twenty one; thirty one; forty one... but the numbers 11 through 19 don't fit the pattern. Why do...
  8. IAM

    Feds fine man $525 for an $.89 soda

    Feds fine man $525 for an $.89 soda
  9. IAM

    Choose a Country, Company and Charity to run.

    Choose a Country, Company and Charity to run. My first choice for country to run is Israel my second is North Korea. I think these two areas have the potential to start a global war and I would like to fix them. Basically settle border disputes like combining the Koreas. For a Company...
  10. IAM

    Modern Constitutional Convention and its Ramifications

    On one hand I think a budget amendment to the Constitution would be a move in a positive direction for America but once a Constitutional Convention is called there are no limits to what can be deleted, added or changed. I don't trust American politicians to make healthy changes (for most...
  11. IAM

    $175,000 to clean up after teen's public urination in Portland

    $175,000 to clean up after teen's public urination in Portland. Doesn't that seem excessive? To flush 38 million gallons of drinking water over one urination? The area was open, apparently, so couldn't birds just poop in it? You can drink urine and being diluted into 38 million gallons seems...
  12. IAM

    If U support Ukraine and former CCCP Republics U support sex trade.

    If you support an independent Ukraine or other former Soviet Union European Nations then you are supporting sex trade. Putin would stop this. If the sex trafficking was taking young girls from Scotland or Montana or Kyoto would our reaction be any different? sex trafficking wiki general...
  13. IAM

    Inspiring humanity or not? Sportsmanship.

    3 videos that are suppose to inspire you with the sportsmanship shown. Two of them I get and agree they are inspiring but one is the opposite, for me, of inspiring. Am I alone in this opinion? video 1 Runner helps rival runner at State
  14. IAM

    Cops arrest man for filming them and then kill his dog

    Unintended Consequences or Bad Choices lead to Bad Actions. If they were speaking Russian this could be a film from the Ukraine.
  15. IAM

    Terry Moore: How to tie your shoes TED

    Up until a few years ago I thought I knew how to tie my shoes; then I saw this. video is less than 3 minutes long. edit: personal note. I wear boots. combat boots, steel toe boots etc. I replace shoe strings with paracord...
  16. IAM

    Mods Are Asleep - Post Badgers I like badgers. They are mammals. :D
  17. IAM

    time & calenders; where is your year ZERO?

    The metric system brings coherence to measurements around the world and in space but our time/calendar system seems ancient in comparison. Here are some ideas to make the world better. 1- USA and the few other holdouts should adopt and use the metric system...
  18. IAM

    Carl Jung Personality Test

    For fun I took this personality test. I do that about every 5 or 10 years. My results from the test below. The job suggestions it had include stuff I have done and seems reasonable. "ISTJ Introvert(56%) Sensing(1%) Thinking(75%) Judging(78%) •You have moderate preference of...
  19. IAM

    extraterrestrial life; why I believe

    Below are the reasons I believe extraterrestrial life exist. The first 3 are strong reasons. The remaining reasons are only here because of the first 3. They are at best supporting information. 1- The vast numbers of galaxes (100,000,000,000+) and the vast numbers of stars around each of...
  20. IAM

    Should you resist sexual assault?

    Should you resist sexual assault? What if you are being assaulted by the police? Are you going to do time in prison for defending yourself? Should you 'soil' yourself as some anti-rape techniques suggest? Should you just let anyone sexually assault you or just the cops? Pig sexually...
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