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  1. Z

    GOTM 136 Spoiler

    I haven't played CivII in years, but I saw this on and knew I had to try it for myself. Amazingly, my old laptop (20 minutes to boot up) still has CivII on it and I still have the disk. I'm three evenings into it now, about 25-30 turns. Pollution: I've had 2 rounds of global...
  2. Z

    Filling In the Gaps For Fun & Profit

    Hi: I'm new to this forum, but I've been playing Civ for 14 years now, so technically not a noob. I read a lot of posts in preparation for writing this article as I wanted to be sure I had something new to add. I haven't seen a lot of new stuff for me, but I have picked up quite a few...
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