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  1. M


    Hi, I was messing with the settings in the aforementioned file and I very foolishly saved over my backup and now I can't get the game to run! Can anybody save me a reinstall by copy/pasting the default text of that file in a spoiler box in this thread?
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    HOF writeups

    I've spent countless hours on guantlet games, but I've actually only submitted perhaps one (if that, I don't really remember). The reason for that is that the folks who frequent this here HOF subforum are incredibly good; I don't stand a chance! For example, a pre 1000 AD liberalism seems to...
  3. M

    Like, whoa...wait wha?

    Are free-will, self-determination, and cause and effect all just neuro-chemical illusions? I choose to think so. ;) :mischief: Does anyone have any thoughts on this?:dunno: Or do you just think you do? :crazyeye:
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    Oddities in duelling

    A passtime of mine is to read random wikipedia pages. Today, I stumbled onto the article on duelling and was amused to see a sub-section of that article entitled "Unusual duels". It was the first encyclopedia article that ever made me laugh out loud. Enjoy: If someone challenged you to...
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    Evolution observed in lab!!! After 12 different colonies of e. coli bacteria underwent over 44,000 generations, a new trait has evolved in one of the colonies! E. Coli are noteworthy for being unable to process citrate...
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    BOTM Compatibility for noobs

    Hi all, So I want to try to participate in the BOTM, but I got the load error about the mod and whatnot. I had installed BTS 3.13, then HOF mod 3.13, but ahh then I installed Bhruics mod, and I think that's what screwed me up. So what I'm going to do is uninstall BTS, then reinstall BTS...
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    #&%@!!! My horror story :(

    This is the closest I've come to winning for a HOF submission on monarch. I'm playing as augustus and am on the cusp of winning a domination victory around 1700. I'm at war against hannibal and winning. He has the apostolic palace. I see a prompt for a vote and don't read it carefully...
  8. M

    Never hated the Ap. Palace until....

    So I've been trying to complete my first HOF submission game. Here are the map settings: Leader: Random (Hannibal) Map: Fractal Size: Small AIs: 5 Speed: Epic I started on an island with Gilgamesh, and Lincoln was on another landmass to the northeast which was reachable by...
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    A few random questions

    #1 Do first strikes (drill promotion) count on offense, defense, or both? #2 If I have civil service, and I build a chain of farms to irrigate a city with no fresh water, then destroy the first farm near the river, will the other farms continue to function? Always wondered but always forget to...
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    SE/SSE experts needed!

    Ok, so having read the forums extensively, including many wonderful write-ups, I've seen the merits of the specialist economy (SE). The problem is, I just cant pull it off :mad: For one thing, I've never been great at assigning specialists in cities. I've also never been great at managing my...
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    Ancient Era Advanced Starts

    What do y'all think? I think Advanced starts make the game move along faster and remove a bit of the tedium. But I can imagine all those micro-management/math freaks out there might not agree. But I do wish the AI would use them a bit more wisely, but thats why I up the difficulty to monarch...
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    Big Empire: Fun but tooo looonnngggg

    I was playing a totally fun game as Wang Kon on a standard fractal map going for domination. Fairly straightforward. But by the time the 1800's rolled around, I was so tech leading that my victory was assured, but there were another 100 long turns of constant war between me and victory that I...
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    Are Overseas Empires Even Possible in BTS?

    I just finished my 2nd BTS game: Map: Shuffle Leader: Ghandi (Random) Difficulty: Prince Size: Standard AI: 8 Speed: Epic There were 2 large continents on my map, and nothing else. I managed to conquer the vast majority of my home continent, with my neighbors either extinct or vassals...
  14. M

    Endgame bummer

    I was just about to finish my first BTS game, a shuffle map with continents on Prince difficulty, as khmer (random). I had by far the largest and highest tech empire. I was going for space race, and built a shuttle with all the required components and most of the optional ones. I launched the...
  15. M

    Spy mission: influence culture??

    Can anyone explain to me how this is useful? It seems to have so little effect that it would take like 50 influence culture missions for the effect to be useful. I'm assuming that eventually if this is used enough the cities cultural boundaries would shrink? Has anyone seen this happen? Is...
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    (NOT A BUG) D0estroyer sailing through tunrda(SAVE GAME)

    Step one: Load the save. I'm Joao (green). Step two: Find the NorthEast corner of my empire, north of Zaragosa. Step three: There is clearly an unabashed destroyer sailing through the tundra. You can also move him...
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    Miltary Academies...Worthless?

    Ever since Warlords, I have noticed that when I build a Military Academy in a city, the military production speed of that city does not increase to any noticeable degree. Military academy claims to increase military production by +50%, and it seems like I would notice such an increase (half a...
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