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  1. Liambane

    How let the CvReligionScreen be larger?

    Hi all. An easy question for python skilled modders. In my mod I've included JARM and I'm using new techs that found religion but i need a larger screen from left to right and I dunno what I need to edit. Wich numers I need to modify for let the screen be more LARGE and display all the 9...
  2. Liambane

    Attitude Icons: Just a little, quick help, pls!

    I've downloaded the Attitude Icons but they aren't show in main interface: The attachment contain: - Gamefont_75 with icons - CvMainInterface. I just added 3 python lines for let them be dispayed but they doesn't work.
  3. Liambane

    As Always, new patches corrupt all the mods...

    I quitted play colonizations for a while and I discovered right some hours ago that a patch was relased, so I updated it. As Always, new patches corrupt all the mods... What's wrong with this 1.01f patch? When I load my Modular United Mods it says that Tag:"Memory_Missionary_Fail" in info...
  4. Liambane

    How let Python point to an image in

    I've the porge leaders attitude and the main screen mod installed. In my there are others icons so the porge's attitude icons aren't showed. I see that some images in gamefont have names like "unhappy_char", "unhealthy_char", "star_char" but i dunno how and...
  5. Liambane

    How let Python point to an image in

    I've the porge leaders attitude and the main screen mod installed. In my there are others icons so the porge's attitude icons aren't showed. I see that some images in gamefont have names like "unhappy_char", "unhealthy_char", "star_char" but i dunno how this...
  6. Liambane

    How To let an Unit become OBSOLETE with a TECH?

    How To let an Unit become OBSOLETE with a Tech? Since seems that just BUILDIGNS can become obsolete with a tech. Is that possible?
  7. Liambane

    Merged Limited Religion MOD strange "Bug"

    Hi All. I'm a newbie in Phyton so ask for your help: I downloaded this Limited Religion Mod (works perfectly with vanilla CIV4) And I merged the code with WINMERGE in my Earth 35 Civ Mod and had a strange BUG: Limited...
  8. Liambane

    Files to edit for let all the religions found with the same tech?

    Wich files need to be edited for let all the religions be found with the same technology? It's all about XML or Phyton too? I mean: The first 7 civilizations that discover MONOTEISM founds 7 different religions. 2 good things: 1) This will allow in my mod a faster and better "balanced"...
  9. Liambane

    Wich mods add the "Faces" near the score?

    Wich mods add the Faces near the score so you can see quickly the opinion of the leaders to you? I mean things like this in the score: Lincoln :mad: (means it's hostile) Caesar :) (means it's friendly) ecc... Any help? Thx...
  10. Liambane

    WORKING Editor for "Cut" map plots?

    Wich editor i should use for "CUT" map plots in a BTS 3.19 map? I tried 4 editors but all of them were not working :(
  11. Liambane

    BTS 3.19 +18 Civ Gamecore dll?

    Does anyone has a Gamecore.dll that allows to play with more than 18 civs in BTS 3.19? Thanks
  12. Liambane

    How to Fix Memory Bad Allocation???

    Hi Guys. As I read in other threads, I've experienced the same problem: Recently I started to have this annoying problem each 3-4 turns of game, in SAVING and LOADING game more or less after rifling tech discovered. - Vista as Operating System. - Big Savegame size: 2,5 MB - Blue Marble...
  13. Liambane

    [MOD] Modular United Mods

    Modular United Mods (v1.3) For Colonization 1.01 Last Update July 11 2009. Please post Feedback or Bug Reports and RATE the mod. Modular United Mods (v1.3) 42,3 MB - Requires Colonization v1.01 - Over 4000 Downloads Since the first version! I Make this modular modification for Colonization...
  14. Liambane

    Modular Loading

    Hi all. Does Colonization support MODULAR LOADING like BTS? I'm trying to make a Modular Civilization using the old BTS way with no success... The game keep crush always... Any suggestions? Thanks.
  15. Liambane

    King's Warships

    Does you guy think that the king has too many warships (or that the warships cost to much to be build\buy???) Don't you think this should be REBALANCED??? I always lose cause not enough warships to defeat the king's fleet... :mad::mad::mad:
  16. Liambane

    Unable To Move ships coming back from europe

    Hi all. I find a bug when you have a ship coming back from europe. The ship rest always on the "RED TERRITORY" where it returned. Click on other destinations is unuseful... The ship rest there. Anyone had this annoing problem?
  17. Liambane

    How To MOD The Indian Training?

    Hi guys. I'm the creator of the mod Earth 40 civs for BTS. I want to create a mod for COLONIZATION but i still don't understand WICH FILE i need to EDIT for change the TRAINING that the INDIANS can teach to your unit. I mean, i...
  18. Liambane

    [BTS 3.19] Earth 35 Civilizations MOD

    Earth 35 Civilizations MOD (v2.5) For Beyond The Sword 3.19 NEW WORKING DOWNLOAD LINK 2023 Earth 35 Civilizations MOD (v2.5) 262 MB - BTS v3.19 Over 50.000 Downloads Since the first version! Last Update December 23 2011. Please post feedback and bugs to help me improve the mod. ANY RATING...
  19. Liambane

    More than 32 Leadernames RUNTIME ERROR

    THERE IS A BUG when using (more or less) more than 32 leadernames in the game. It crush in a RUNTIME C++ Error cause no more room in leadernames strings! I mean that there is a LIMIT to the numer of LETTERS used for Leadernames and that NUMBER should be INCREASED!!! If you have 34 civs...
  20. Liambane

    Earth 30 civs and 3 new resources BTS

    Hello everybody! THIS MAP IS OBSOLETE. MY NEW FORUM WITH NEW MAP IS I finished to make a simple MOD that you will like: Earth map with 31 starting civs, 3 new resources, 6 new units, 7 new techs, 6 new buildings!!! Here is what I include...
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